Mathematical ‘physicists’ can’t explain Physics

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The worldly wisdom that has come down to us from the so-called 17th Century Scientific Revolution is that both Math and experiment are integral components of the Scientific Method. Physics has evolved to be equated with science and, thus, Mathematics has through tradition become the language of Physics.
Yet, numbers and equations have no ability to EXPLAIN anything. Math can only be used to DESCRIBE. Today we find no rational explanations for gravity and electromagnetism emanating from the ‘scientific’/‘mathphysics’ community. The reason is clear: We have the wrong people answering the qualitative, mechanistic types of questions laymen want answered. The mathematicians are not only the wrong individuals to research and work on these problems, but they are willing to believe the most ridiculous and irrational theories ever devised by Man. They do so solely on the basis of authority.
#bgaede #ropehypothesis #physicstheory #rationalscience #quantumparticles
#relativitytheory #theoryofrelativity #relativisticquantummechanics #theoreticalphysics
#quantummechanics #specialrelativity #stringtheory #quantumphysics
#einsteintheory #einstein #stephenhawking #hawking #briangreene
#neiltyson #neildegrassetyson #michiokaku #michio #spacetime
#blackholesexplained #blackholeshorts #entanglement #light
#transverse #atom #atomicstructure #magnet #magnetism
#electromagnetism #electricity #dimensions #bigbang #god
#gravity #gravitytheory #gravitationalwaves #exist #existence
Yet, numbers and equations have no ability to EXPLAIN anything. Math can only be used to DESCRIBE. Today we find no rational explanations for gravity and electromagnetism emanating from the ‘scientific’/‘mathphysics’ community. The reason is clear: We have the wrong people answering the qualitative, mechanistic types of questions laymen want answered. The mathematicians are not only the wrong individuals to research and work on these problems, but they are willing to believe the most ridiculous and irrational theories ever devised by Man. They do so solely on the basis of authority.
#bgaede #ropehypothesis #physicstheory #rationalscience #quantumparticles
#relativitytheory #theoryofrelativity #relativisticquantummechanics #theoreticalphysics
#quantummechanics #specialrelativity #stringtheory #quantumphysics
#einsteintheory #einstein #stephenhawking #hawking #briangreene
#neiltyson #neildegrassetyson #michiokaku #michio #spacetime
#blackholesexplained #blackholeshorts #entanglement #light
#transverse #atom #atomicstructure #magnet #magnetism
#electromagnetism #electricity #dimensions #bigbang #god
#gravity #gravitytheory #gravitationalwaves #exist #existence