AOPA Live This Week - November 18, 2021

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AOPA continues to fight for fair aviation insurance rates. It takes a pickup truck, a harness, and steady hands to get these spectacular flying videos. Why Maine is the floatplane state.
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Boxing the controls is ok but use your eyes to verify the controls are moving in the correct direction, especially after maintenance.


‘Don’t make me use my mom voice!’
Love it! 👍🤣👍


Thank you A Team! Always a thrill to see what’s up.❤️🙏😎


When your a new driver, the insurance on your car is higher. Plus depending on what type of car you drive also depicts your insurance rate. Same probably goes for an aircraft like having an older plane or one that has retracts or a jet over a prop. Is the insurance higher when your a new pilot? This I don't know. But I don't see why it would be any different. So if your a pilot with thousands of hours doesn't make you a better pilot. Like truck drivers, many pilots get stuck in there ways. So, insurance companies are probably looking at the future as the big "what if's" scenario. Getting older sucks and we will all suffer from something one way or another like Hair loss, Cataracts, Refractive Errors, Back and Neck pain, Osteoarthritis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Diabetes, Depression and Dementia. Among many other things and that makes older people more at risk just like when your a new pilot with hardly any hours. When your in the air and something serious happens, you can't just pull over and call 911.


Insurance companies need to hear the Mom voice!


I know this is a dumb thing to comment on, but I love Paul Harrop's glasses. They just shout "I'm a fun guy, you want to hang out with me!" As an introvert, I'd never wear them, but I'd totally hang out with a dude who does.


When I turned 70 last year my insurance went up $200. I called and asked why it had gone up so much. Without hesitation, the guy said, "You turned 70 this year". I asked him if he would like to meet me at Seneca Rocks, West Virginia and climb the main rock face with me. He laughed, and said, "I don't think so". I said, "Oh, come on. I'll only charge you $200".


Warren Morningstar, thanks for the tip on "free and correct" flight controls, but. You showed us "free" but you didn't show "correct." I'd like to pass along a very important tip on how to assure the controls are rigged properly. That the elevators and ailerons are in the proper position, and not rigged backward. When going through the "boxing" motions use your thumb as a pointer. When turning the yoke/stick left your thumb will point to the left elevator which should be in the up position and visa-versa to the right. Hopefully this reminds the pilot to LOOK at the elevators and not just go through the motions of checking. Also, when checking the elevators for position, LOOK instead of racing through the checklist. Accidental reverse rigging does happen. Especially after an annual inspection. Thanks for your Tips and Techniques.


Great as always, and that brief piece on the meowing and Let’s go Brandon on guard was hilarious! Love it! Although I fly jets all over the country almost daily with guard open in the background and it’s not what you would call “jam packed“ with that, I hear a meow or let’s go Brandon maybe once an hour, usually there’s at least 10 to 15 minutes of silence in between any transmissions. Makes me laugh more than anything. I’m very aware of where Let’s go Brandon comes from (aren’t we all? 😄), but does anyone have the story behind the “meow“?


Well, that's another week 'done and dusted"...


Has the insurance companies separated losses from hurricanes and natural disasters versus actual pilot accidents? What happened to age discrimination? Are senior pilots being discriminated due to other industry losses?


Please no more insurance. Planes and insurance don't mix.


It would be great to live in a world with fewer regulations. The problem is when people are jerks. Consumer protection regulations keep regular guys and gals like US more free from jerk companies. Insurance companies raising rates on older pilots without the actuary data to back it up (I think it would be fair IF they had data) leaves older pilots less free to enjoy GA and subsequently makes me as a young guy less free in GA too because there’s less hours being flown, planes out there getting used, etc etc. We need AOPA to push for greater consumer protections for US vs the discrimination of the underwriters.

Side note: Avemco (who are their own underwriters) has decades of their own data to support their own decision to NOT raise rates on aging pilots. Good on them!!


Control check! You forgot the rudder!!!


If you don't have a loan...cancel the policy.


Fly through a state like Tennessee, Mississippi, and Georgia, and you’ll find the immaturity on 121.5 at its highest level. It’s pathetic. Almost laughable that some who would probably brag about their piloting capabilities and their rating, act at such an immature level.


A fatal accident is second to Insurance!?!?!? You editors should be ashamed!
