9 Weeks Pregnant: What You Need To Know - Channel Mum

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You are 9 weeks pregnant! In this video, Charlotte talks you through what you can expect when you are nine weeks pregnant. She talks about pregnancy signs and symptoms - from headaches and tiredness to pregnancy acne and discusses what is happening to your embryo this week. Listen to other mums at the same stage of pregnancy as you and hear them talk about the way they're feeling about being at week 9 of pregnancy. How are you feeling at 9 weeks pregnant? Let us know in the comments below.

## Your Pregnancy Checklist: Week 9:

- Schedule in a pregnancy-safe spa treatment. Time to look after yourself!

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This video and all videos in this series have been viewed and approved by a qualified midwife in April 2017. Always consult your midwife or GP if you have any concerns.

Channel Mum is the UK's first YouTube community for mums. We bring together the best of YouTube mum talent to reveal the honest face of parenting.

Channel Mum partners with talented creators and vloggers who make fresh, relevant and honest video content and help mums to find and grow their vlogging voice on YouTube.

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My wife will be 9 weeks from tmrw and Im more pregnant than her. In last 8 weeks I have made so much research on pregnancy that I have the same knowledge of a gynecologist now.🤣🤣🤣 . At the same time I became full time nanny of my wife and a full time cook. I love her so much. ❤❤❤❤

Today is April 18th, 2022: I never thought I would get so much love and response on my comment here.
Me and my wife went through so much. We have lost our baby but with the help of the almighty lord, my wife became pregnant again and she is in her 36th week now. We are expecting our first child on the 18th of May. Losing a baby is so tough for us but we kept our faith and right now waiting for the big day which is exactly 30 days from now. I love my wife more than anything and can't wait to see her happy with a baby in her lap. 💗


9 weeks pregnant with my first baby. ❤️❤️❤️ let's pray for all future mommys.🙏🙏🙏


My ex is 9 weeks today, unfortunately she wanted to end our relationship. I have to watch these video so I can see what she’s going through and try to understand everything. I pray every night for her safety and my baby’s safety. I can’t wait to meet my first child! I do really hope my ex and myself can work things out


Bless the lady who mentioned shortness of breath, especially after eating. Was getting worried!


I'm doing this pregnancy alone, separated from my spouse. This video was delivered beautifully and made me feel positive. Thank you!


Also 9 weeks now. Loving these videos. It's like when you become pregnant all you want to do is sleep, eat, wee and watch pregnancy videos. Lol. And that is in order of importance...


my mom had a misscariage in January she’s now 9 weeks pregnant i’m praying that her pregnancy goes well for both my mom and the baby🙏


vomiting alot, uncomfortable most times and cant eat certain foods, jeans cant fit anymore, they are really uncomfortable now, i feel sick, never really have any appetite, never know what i wanna eat.


My wife is 9weeks pregnant. She shared this video with me and I'm very happy she did. It's really helpful being educated about how my wife is feeling. These videos are a blessing.


My pregnancy is a high risk one. Fingers crossed for my twins to arrive at 38 weeks.


I'm 9 weeks pregnant and this video made me cry a lot


I’m 9 weeks pregnant, very tired all the time and work long days on my feet it’s killer! Having to pee twice in the night, constant hunger and sore breasts are also my main symptoms! Apart from that I’ve been staying strong 💪


Just sore boobs and it took us 6 years to concieve. Praying everythung is okay with my bean ❤🤞


I'm 9 weeks and still have no morning sickness. Just peeing alot and not sleeping great.


I was 6 weeks pregnant and I heard my baby’s heartbeat. Wish I could hear it every week and see how big the baby is. I’m just excited.


I’m 9 weeks and I don’t really have morning sickness, just nausea and HUNGER! I eat 24/7, I feel bloated and tired I just wanna watch Netflix all day 😂


I'm almost 9 weeks and it's a big secret. We had been trying for 6 and a half years. Had miscarriages, had fibroids, and time was ticking.
Just when I decided to give up on the idea of having another child, I fell pregnant 2 weeks later!
We haven't told anyone yet and it feels nice to have this secret. Once we get the 12 week scan and reassurance that everything is ok, then we will break the news to our families and close friends.
I feel sick all day, tired and emotional and I am so grateful everyday for these symptoms, it makes me feel positive that this baby is here to stay.
My daughter will be 7 soon and I am so grateful she will have a sibling.
All the best to all you mums and dads. This isn't easy but we'll get through it.
I love these videos and how genuine this woman is ❤


9 weeks and definitely feeling it. The music in this video made me cry, the food cravings are ridiculous, the nausea, bloating and fatigue are all exhausting. Thank you for posting this. It helps remind me that I’m not just making excuses for myself.


I'm 9weeks pregnant and very very hungry... all the time.. 🤣


9 weeks pregnant! Peeing a lot, eating a little and hungry almost every one hour but picky with food, can't sit too long - the lungs seem to be pressed that makes me short breathe, still with nausea especially with some smells and changing weather!

Loves this experience!
