Ch2 Part 5 Secant Method

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Dr. Abdelrahim S. Mousa
Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Birzeit University
Study Math Online
د. عبد الرحيم موسى
دائرة الرياضيات
جامعة بيرزيت

Numerical Methods - Math330

1.1 Review of Calculus
1.3 Error Analysis and Order of Approximation

2.1 Fixed Point Iteration and Upper Bound of Error
2.2 Bracketing Methods_Bisection Method
2.2 Bracketing Methods_False Position Method
2.4 Newton Raphson Method, Secant Method, Multiplicity of Roots, Speed of Convergence

Ch3 Cost of Solving Linear Systems
Ch3 Cost of Backward Substitutions
Ch3 Cost of Gaussian Elimination
Ch3 Cost of LU Factorization
Ch3 Cost of Cramer's Rule
Ch3 Cost of Gauss Jordan Reduction
Ch3 Cost of Inverse Method
Ch3 Solving Nonlinear Systems Using Newton Raphson Method
Ch3 Solving Nonlinear Systems Using Fixed Point Iteration
Ch3 Solving Nonlinear Systems Using Seidel Iteration

Ch4 Interpolation
Ch4 Lagrange Polynomial
Ch4 Newton Polynomial
Ch4 Error Terms and Error Bound

Ch5 Curve Fitting
Ch5 Least Squares
Ch5 Linearization
Ch5 Spline Functions

Ch6 Numerical Differentiation
Ch6 Difference Formulas
Ch6 Derivation of Difference Formulas
Ch6 Error Analysis and Optimal Step Size

Ch7 Numerical Integration
Ch7 The Degree of Precision
Ch7 Composite Trapezoidal Rule
Ch7 Composite Simpson Rule
Ch7 Gauss Legegendre Integration
Ch7 Gauss Legegendre Translation

Ch9 Numerical Approximation for IVPs
Ch9 Euler Method
Ch9 Taylor Method of Order 2
Ch9 Heun Method
Ch9 Rung Kutta Method of Order 4
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