How to Access the Dark Web Safely

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To whom it may concern: I am not here because I want to shop or be part of the dark web, I am here for educational purposes. Thank you


Some useful notes I took while watching this awesome and educational video:
-Run Tails ONLY on a USB.
-DON'T run Tor on Windows.
-DON'T run Tails on a Virtual Machine
-ALWAYS put the Security Level (Shield) on Safest (you need to do this every single time you boot Tails because it resets)
-NEVER enable Javascript while browsing even if asked to do so.
-If you want do download a file from the web ALWAYS disconnect from the internet before opening it.
-Stretch the Tor browser window (don't fullscreen it)


I am computer science major who was tasked with developing a fundamental understanding of the deep web, and it's use of nodes to anonymize data flow, and user identity. This was very informational. I have no intention to partake in any illegal, law breaking, or otherwise negative actions. I am here solely to deepen my understanding. Thank you.


I would still be too paranoid. It would be like walking through a jungle with millions of sleeping tigers. The slightest mistake and one of them is going to get you.


To whom it may concern. I am here solely for educational purposes, and to feed my cursiosity. I am not here to partake in illegal activities on the dark web. Thank you.


I'm learning more on the internet than I'm learning in school


I love this info you're just dishing out for free. I had a general understanding of the dark web before this, and also a decent understanding of how to use tor and do it properly. I had no idea there was even more! Thank you so much, I think this video especially is extremely important to be an effective tester.


To whom it may concern. I am here solely for educational purposes, and to feed my curiosity. I am not here to partake in illegal activities on the dark web. I'm here as an IT student.
Thank you.


Really great content! I have always been afraid to venture out on the dark web. You highlight key safety information and it makes the venture to the dark side far less daunting for me now. Thank you!


This video is an example that education should always be uncensored, unfiltered & accessible to everyone. The reality is that, today YouTube is more useful than a standard secondary or even tertiary education.


This is extremely informative, I had undergone a cyber security training last year, and my teachers there, had no clue how to use dark web or how to keep ourselves safe, they were the worst teachers tbh.

I have learnt a great amount of information from TCM in the past few months.

Kudos to TCM


Best video I've ever seen on the subject. Many life-saving tips.


Because there may be inexperienced professionals who need privacy for personal safety reasons: Here are a few points NOT mentioned in this video.
1. Users should research just a little about the Development of TOR itself, it's funding and it's Jurisdictional obligations.
2. In most settings the ISP MUST keep records of User sessions. At any given moment, there will be a small number of users accessing any ISP (in encrypted mode) and so it will be trivial to identify users accessing the web Via TOR or indeed running ANY high end encryption. ISP would be forced to disclose. For those who do not understand this means the exact time and location path of the session can be monitored quite easily. ( Applies equally to use of TAILS) - NOTE that if an encrypted session was identified to have run across a Mobile network then it's trivial to extract the SIMM card details: it's number / phone type/ and even where and when it was bought. ALSO the observer can easily monitor for that SIMM card in future.
3 With reference also to point 1 - There is good reason to assume TOR nodes are compromised and user data could be accessed simply by following entry and exit nodes by synchronising data flow. By this method the session could be identified and probably encryption compromised.
4 there are only say 25000 TOR nodes active at any time. It's a village quite easy to police.
5. Always behave well and be legal at all times, be a good citizen, pay your taxes, - You know, be nice 🙂


Man I love how he spoon feeds the info for us rookie PC guys🤘


This is the most clear explanation on the topic I've found so far, great video!


Thank you so much mate! Now I can finally find the answers to my math homework safely 😊


Dear FBI agent, I AM NOT TRYNA BUY A ROCKET LAUNCHER! (For explorative purposes)


Best advice is stay clear from the dark web all together


This is almost 100% security, I never thought i'd be interested in using the dark web but after watching this video i feel like it should be the default way of browsing the internet.


i am researching this for a school project, and it is so interesting. It seems scary and thankfully this video had all the info i needed without having to take this risk myself.
