Our GLUTEN FREE flavor!!! #ediblecookiedough #glutenfree #foodie

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I have a celiac friend who's too sensitive to even have this and will only go to ice cream stores that have the closed tubs of ice cream with space in between them so there's no chance of cross contamination.


Unfortunately for someone who has celiac disease (like myself) gluten free ≠ celiac safe when it comes to restaurant/food places especially when they specialize in something flour based. I'm not saying that nothing is safe, it just gets scary trying to navigate 😢


If it’s right next to the others then there’s a high risk of cross contamination. 1. Do you store the gluten free cookie dough away from the others to prevent this? 2. Are the oats certified gluten free?


As someone with coeliac it is important to note that not every coeliac can handle oats, even if they are “gluten free”. Oats chemically very similar to gluten and can trigger reactions.


You should think about making little icons to put on the labels so you can mark them as nut free or gluten free.


Oats can trigger a reaction for people that are gluten intolerant, not dogging or bashing but just an FYI (unfortunately)

Edit: Stop trying to argue with me in the comments and use google and your brains please lol


Do you guys use a separate scoop for the gluten free dough or is it cross contaminated


Thank you so much for giving other options, my husband’s family has a lot of type two diabetes so they can’t have sugar, my side of the family has a lot of chronic stomach issues so we can’t have most of anything. We love options thank you ❤😂


As long as you use a completely different and clean scoop for scooping the gluten free ice cream!


If it’s in the same space as the others and you’re just rinsing the spoons between scoops, then it’s 100% contaminated. My sister is law cannot have ANY gluten. Everytime a place like this tell us it’s gluten free, it’s always been contaminated.


This is really nice to here! As someone who’s mother is celiac but occasionally gets a sweet tooth or she just feels left out when we get stuff like this, makes me really appreciate your company!❤


for someone who grew up with celiac disease iI was super lucky to get diagnosed early on (like around 4-5yo) and even then as I grew up near middle school I felt less and less alone learning that so many people around me also had celiac or at least knew of it, before I felt so alone it's nice to feel understood even if my friends themselves didn't understand they knew others who did (their friends/family).


Idk if you know this or not but when your getting people gluten free ice cream make sure that you have a clean ice cream scooper because any gluten from other ice creams could spread to that one.


I have not had your ice cream yet but I am ALREADY IN LOVE


Hi so i am a coeliac and have been for the passed 3-4 years and i just want to say that while i thank you for thinking of this oats are actually something we are taught not to eat as coeliacs and gluten free people. it had to do with the fact of where it is planted and grown from which most of the time is in the same fields as wheat ( the main thing we as gluten allergy people cannot eat). Another big thing is the cross contamination you will not believe the amount of effort that goes into a gf persons ordering experience. if i go out for dinner i have to add special notes and talk to the chef myself and explain the needs i have if they say i’m sorry we can’t do that then i don’t order there but if they say it is not going to be guaranteed ( like i have at some places ) it is really up to the person to pick. you know your sensitivity levels and if you get triggered by certain things but i do recommend you do a bit more research into this before you recommend it and maybe think about keeping a fresh tub of cookie dough that is made specifically for gluten intolerances out the back so there is no contamination. remember to speak up about this to all my fellow coeliacs and gluten free/ sensitive people it isn’t bad to say no to the offer ❤


Cookie dough doesn’t have to be made of oats to be gluten free, as well as lots of inserts are gluten free. Usually the concern is cross contaminating.

Either by shared tools, workspace, or materials there’s usually somewhere that didn’t get thought of. Usually for gluten intolerance an entirely different container is needed to be sure there’s no contamination, plus new gloves and freshly cleaned tools. Even something as simple as preparing food in the same room as loose flour can cause a reaction!


Omg i’m so happy to be seeing this bc i have celiac and most places don’t rly have gluten free options and it’s so cool to see people talking abt it and being proud of having gluten free options cuz honestly it makes every person that has any restriction so happy


Why is this the sweetest thing I’ve seen today for no reason ❤😂😊


That’s nice of you, and best part it’s a staff favorite 😊


Hi I am celiac and before I say anything I want to thank you for making something gluten free as someone who gets uninvited to things due to celiac it’s nice to know someone would make something like that. Anyway I suggest maybe naming it something other than oat even though they can be gluten free it would make me personally think that i cannot eat it due to it containing oats, maybe quinoa and chocolate chip. I don’t want to force you to change a name I just wanted to make a suggestion. Have a good day/ night
