Abstract Algebra - 9.2 Factor Groups

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Closely related to our study on normal subgroups, we now look at factor groups (aka quotient groups). These are groups created by partitioning a group according to a subgroup. We essentially divide the group by the subgroup, thus the name!
Video Chapters:
Intro 0:00
Recall a Normal Subgroup 0:04
What is a Factor Group 0:46
Factor Groups and the Group Axioms 3:52
Practice 5:37
What Is Our Practice Group Isomorphic To? 9:44
Cauchy's Theorem for Abelian Groups 15:08
Up Next 16:52
This playlist follows Gallian text, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 9e.
Video Chapters:
Intro 0:00
Recall a Normal Subgroup 0:04
What is a Factor Group 0:46
Factor Groups and the Group Axioms 3:52
Practice 5:37
What Is Our Practice Group Isomorphic To? 9:44
Cauchy's Theorem for Abelian Groups 15:08
Up Next 16:52
This playlist follows Gallian text, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 9e.