The Deadliest enemy in Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Самый смертоносный враг

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Lets find out the most deadly enemy in Kingdom Rush Frontiers - The saurian Deathcoils

Давайте узнаем самого смертоносного врага в Kingdom Rush Frontiers — ящерообразных цепей смерти.

#kingdomrush #kingdomrushfrontiers #kingdomrushorigins #kingdomrushvengeance #towerdefence #tdmgameplay #towerdefense #towerdefensegames #towerdefensegame #iceage #yeti #terminator #lordoftherings #judgementday #gollum #thering #slenderman #penguin #avengers #guardiansofthegalaxy #avengers #captainamerica #creator #muppets #plantsvszombies #zombiesurvival #towerdefence #towerdefensegame #strategy #strategygames
*I am a big fan of kingdom Rush series.
*I have never bought a hero or used extra items from the shop to win the game.
*I believe the developers did a pretty good job with these games, that you can always figure out a way to win them without the extras.
*I have finished all the 4 parts in Veteran or Impossible mode
*I have finished all the Iron and Heroic challenges in Hard mode (Except 2 levels in the first part and I don't think I will ever able to finish them in hard mode)
If you are a kingdom rush fan like me, you can follow my channel as I do different videos on how to play kingdom rush in new ways so that I won't get bored of this great game.
Рекомендации по теме

the entire kingdom rush community agrees in hating _this_ specific enemy


Shatra’s abduction with a well timed reinforcements for blocking the shots meant for Shatra will take care of the issue every 30 seconds.

Kahz can do a similar feat via bullcharging with reinforcements. But it is so much better to let Kahz walk and walk till he can target a deathcoil via Daedalus gate in range of every tower you can get on those haxxor zards.

Bruxa can be micromanaged and collect skulls to flank the deathcoils if you can capitalize on killing the small weak mobs near the deathcoils.


It’s like the sniper bot from tf2 but steroids


Luckily, they are only one map, but sure are a nuisance


Honestly this was one of the more easier levels to beat


Doing a barracks only challenge is impossible, except mabye for assassin spam with their insta like ability


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