SkyTrak Plus vs. Mevo Plus - Ultimate Home Golf Simulator Showdown

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SkyTrak plus versus the Flightscope MEVO Plus. Which launch monitor is best for your golf game? Mevo plus, with its small form factor and club data, is a powerful launch monitor, whereas the SkyTrak plus, with its classy look and home simulator-focused software, could be the right choice for your indoor golf home simulator. Who makes the best launch monitor for the price?

Save some cash with these discount codes:

For the best price on Flightscope MEVO Plus, use Code: MARK10

For the best price on the SkyTrak Plus launch monitor, use code: MARKCROSSFIELD

SkyTrak vs Mevo Plus: A comparison of two titans in the golf launch monitor world. Get ready to find out which one will revolutionize your indoor golf experience!

Meet the Challengers: Introducing the SkyTrak and the Mevo Plus. We'll break down their key features before diving into this golf simulator battle royale of the SkyTrak vs Mevo Plus.

Setting Up – Ease and Flexibility. First Impressions: We compare the setup process for both the SkyTrak and Mevo Plus. Discover how friendly each home launch monitor is home golf simulator setup. Who will win in the SkyTrak vs Mevo Plus?

Accuracy and Performance. Numbers Don't Lie: We put the accuracy of these golf launch monitors to the test. Watch as we compare their performance. Who wins in the SkyTrak vs Mevo Plus?

Software and Simulation Quality. Virtual Golf at Its Best: How do the SkyTrak Plus and Mevo Plus enhance your indoor golf simulator experience? We delve into their software capabilities and the realism they bring to your home golf simulator experience.

Portability and Versatility. Not all golf simulators are created equal. We evaluate the portability of the SkyTrak Plus and Mevo Plus.

Value for Money. Breaking Down the Costs: Is the new SkyTrak launch monitor or Mevo Plus a better investment for your golf simulator for home? We compare their pricing, features, and long-term value.

User Experience and Feedback. Learn how a home launch monitor can help golfers practice better, improve their game, and have tons of fun.

Final Verdict. The Winner Is...: We weigh all factors - from accuracy to fun factor - to declare the ultimate home golf launch monitor. Will it be the SkyTrak Plus or the Mevo Plus? Tune in to find out!"

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this deep dive into the world of golf simulators, smash that like button, and subscribe for more golf gear reviews. Remember, whether it's the SkyTrak Plus or the Mevo Plus, every day is a great day for golf!

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After a lot of investigation and weighing up pros and cons I bought the Mevo+ with Pro Package and Face Impact during the November sale. I wanted a unit that I could use indoors and at the range. Practice and 'self coaching' was much more important to me than playing simulated courses. The final deciding factor was subscriptions and the Mevo+ being a one and done purchase. I love it, setting up is easier than some had said; max 5 minutes. The amount of information it provides is mind blowing. I've used GC3 in the past and the Mevo+ gives me more.


Failed to mention.. Mevo plus no yearly fees for data. One and done. Skytrack plus is ongoing and could raise yearly fees when ever they want


Mevo+ is great the no annual fees, the amount of features such as face impact location, speed and acceleration profile the multicam, the unit is on another level


Ive had a mevo+ for 2 years. And have bought a skytrak+, purely for the indoor use. The mevo does some strange things regarding gear effect in my experience.

will still use it outdoor on the range, the rangeball mode is actually pretty good at getting the numbers to line up with a regular ball.


Great review Mark! These are the two LMs that I’ve been considering for months. I’ve owned a regular Mevo and used a Garmin R10. Great units for the price, small and portable, but I want something with more and better data. In particular, I want club face angle and club path. I’m moving toward the ST+ because of space and ease of setup. What I find interesting is that the ST+ (supposedly) uses its dual Doppler radar for club data, and the camera system collects the ball data. That’s almost opposite the Mevo+. Decisions! Either way I go I’ll use your code - thanks!


I just bought the Mevo +. I probably would have went with the SkyTrak, but I have a lefty in my house so that left me with only a couple of options. Luckily, space is not a concern with my sim set up.


Golf Tec uses Skytrak + in all their teaching centers now. Granted, they now own Skytrak but having used it in a lesson environment, it's fantastic so much that I bought one.


Really good video mark I have a mevo plus which if set up properly and you have the space is a great unit I’m nearly 60 now the youngsters today are so lucky today to have launch monitors they are brilliant fun you can play all the best courses in the world on the sim. I’ve got gspro which paired up with flightscope is brilliant


Mevo Plus has speed training function and the fs skills app sky track doesn’t have the speed training capability.
Mevo Plus also comes with 6 FREE e6 courses NO annual subscription with Mevo plus where there is with sky track so in the long run it’s going to cost more to have a sky track. Mevo plus also gives way more information standard deviation and shaft speed and acceleration profiles.
2 great reviews of both products I just wanted to add this to help people make the decision.


Be interesting to see you review the GolfZon Wave.


Just ordered my SkyTrak+ this morning, thanks for the code!! By the way, what hitting turf are you using in your videos Mark?


thanks Mark, great information, just a thought if you had multi hand users left/ right/ mevo would be better also


I think the biggest problem for Skytrak+ is that much of the additional package features are annual subscriptions rather than a one off fee and Mevo+ is more of an one off fee. Probably best to do a total cost of ownership over 8-10 years between Mevo+ with pro package and ST+ (and with similar courses). I have a suspicion that ST+ will turn out to be noticeably more expensive - and that is before you factor in risk of annual subscriptions increasing in price over time versus a one off fee.

The other issue which would be relevant for me is how accurate is the club path and face to path data from both (assuming Mevo+ has pro package). From other reviews the Mevo+ seems close to professional levels whereas the ST+ is a bit more variable. Of course over time ST+ may get software updates which improve that.

If you have the room and are using it for home simulator use, especially with friends, I would definitely edge towards the Mevo+ with Pro package. As Mark says the set up can be more fiddly but most of that will be a one off experience and then you leave it - plus no need to change anything if your friend is a lefty. And you get some benefit of it being easier to use outdoors


Thanks Mark. Great timing as I like both of these. Question for everyone: my wife is a lefty, I am a righty. I think mevo must be best for us as it is behind. But how does it manage the club data if we alternate shots?


Based on research, I'm getting a Mevo+ because I can go one and done pay and have 12 E6 courses, and then pay later for TGC 2019 or a subscription software later if I do truly get tired of playing those 12 courses (which include some bangers, St. Andrews, Pebble Beach, Bay Hill, and other great courses) and using it for basic practice. Then again, maybe at that point I'm looking to upgrade the hardware to GCQ or a Trackman or something.


I would like one that you sit opposite the ball, not behind, for inside use. Now cost is another story! Thanks Mark


This is the exact video I was looking for and confirmed what I was leaning towards in the skytrak+. The hardest thing is which offers better course options to play and at what price point. Did you find it necessary to use face stickers or rtc balls with either machine?


Hi Mark thanks for taking the time to review, one thing I would like to know please. How accurate are these at picking up fades/ slices, draws/ hooks can they pick them up and are the numbers realistic, is one better than the other. Cheers


People also forget about the right and left handed aspect of you have one of each in your friend group or household the mevo accommodates that while skytrack needs to be moved every time


Am I missing something here in terms of pricing? You said that skytrak + wins if you are keeping your sim indoor only. A Skytrak+ will cost you 3k, you would then need to buy a software package of your choice and you would need to buy the skytrak subscrition package too. (you can obviously go down the GSpro route but its not officially supported) If you were only using the device for an indoor simulator only then surely you could just purchase the New 2023 Mevo + on its own (currently on sale for £1, 795) and you get 10 free E6 courses for life. Not to mention you could also purchase GSPro which is supported. This is substantially cheaper than the skytrak. Making the Mevo a clear winner for indoor sim use.... if you have the space surely??
