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With my updated EMBER Build for the ENHANCED Edition, your Ember will easily STUNLOCK and CC entire packs of enemies with but one cast of high DC Enchantment spells!
Then move in to the kill with your party and her high powered, max damage HELLFIRE RAYS!
Don't forget amazing support & debuffs from Witch Hexes too.
Timestamps down below:

00:00 Build Overview: DC55 CC, HEXES, & HIGH SINGLE Target Spell Damage!
01:00 Level 4: Skill Points & First Hex
02:35 How to Play Early Game
03:16 Level 5-6
05:20 Level 7-8
07:00 Level 9-10
09:06 Level 11-12
11:20 Level 13-14
12:54 Level 15-16
15:02 Level 17-20
17:46 Mythic Progression 1-5
19:02 Mythic 6-10
21:09 Ember GEAR
24:14 Weapons & Quickslots

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Ember Written Guide
CC:Stunlock+Hellfire Spammer+Buffs and Debuffs.

Skills: Persuasion, Knowledge World, UMD

Level 4 Witch- CHA+1 (always from now on), Evil Eye/Protective Luck (unfair). Spells:Glitterdust
Level 5 Witch- Metamagic Heighten Spell, Spells: Enlarge person, False Life
Level 6 Witch- Evil Eye/Cackle Hex, Spells: Heroism/Stinking Cloud (for human enemies)
Level 7 Witch- Spell Pen, Spells:Unbreakable Heart (removes Confusion), Pernicious Poison, Vampiric Touch
Level 8 Witch- CHA+1, Fortune Hex, Spells: Phantasmal Killer (+Evil Eye for saves)
Level 9 Witch Skill Focus Knowledge World (Prereq for Loremaster) Spells: Cure Moderate Wounds, Remove Curse, Enervation/Greater False Life
Level 10 LOREMASTER- Secret--->Cleric: Greater Command (Halt variant, this is a powerful stunlock spell). Spells: Mind Fog
Level 11 Witch- Greater Spell Pen, Hex: Beasts Gift. Spells: Find Traps, Cure Serious Wounds, Enervation/Greater False Life, Feeblemind
Level 12 Witch- Spells: Gtr Heroism/Greater Dispel Magic (start Heightening Greater Command!)
Level 13 Witch - Spell Focus: Enchantment- Hex: Protective Luck. Spells: Death Ward/Dimension Door, Baleful Polymorph, Raise Dead
Level 14 Loremaster- Spells - Heal/Legend Prop
Level 15 Loremaster- Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment. Secret--->Combat Feat: Shatter Defenses(to be used with Hellfire Ray) Spells: Stone to Flesh, Ice Body
Level 16 WITCH- Spells: Mind Blank, ...(still to this point Heightened Greater Command is better than ANY lvl 6-8 Spells)
Level 17 Loremaster- Improved Crit---> Ray, Spells: Greater Bestow, Stormbolts
Level 18 Loremaster- Secret--->Cleric Spell: Overwhelming Presence (substitute for Greater Command Halt) Spells: Mind Blank Communal
Level 19 Loremaster- Metamagic Bolster (for Hellfire Ray), Spells: Cure Serious Wounds, Foresight
Level 20 Loremaster- a) Rogue Secret--->Combat Trick: Improved Initiative or b)Wizard Spell-->Witch: Sense Vitals/Weird Spells: Heroic Invocation


1) Abundant Casting
2) Mythic Spell Pen
3) Improved Abundant Casting
4) Sorcerous Reflex
5) Greater Abundant Casting
6) Mythic Spell Focus: Enchantment
7) Beneficial Curse: Powerless Prophecy
8) Improved Critical (Mythic):Ray
9) Favorite Metamagic Bolstered
10) Improved Initiative (Mythic)


Amulet: /Amulet of Blackened Mirror Glass, Amulet of Clarity
Armor: Haramakis, Deadly Rays
Robe: Robe of Inevitability, Robe of Seven Sins, Robe of Mephistopheles
Belt: Dex belts then Physical Perfection+6
Gloves: Twisted Temptation (Best In Slot)
Boots: Ronnecks´ Sacrifice, Boots of Freest Rein
Helmet:Headbands to Increase Charisma, Darkness Caress
Goggles: Goggles of Mind Control, Goggles of Piercing Gaze
Cloak: Cloak of Resistance
Rings: Red Salamander, Ring of Chaotic Fascination
Bracers: Bracers of Mind Break
Weapon: BIS: Quarterstaff of the War Mage
Quick Slots: Greater Quicken Metamagic Rod (Overwhelming Presence/Greater Command), Grandmaster Rod (Helfire Ray), Devouring Lust, Extend Metamagic Rod (for Buffs), Signet of House Vespertilio


For anyone curious, a patch made it to where you can't get greater command at level 10 for loremaster, so just swap level 10 and 11


[Written Version]

Stigmitzied Witch Ember

Skills: Use Magic Device // Knowledge (World) // Persuasion

04: Witch, +CHA (Hard and Below) Hex:Evil Eye // (Unfair) Hex:Protective Luck
05: Witch, Feat: MetaMagic Heighten Spell
06: Witch, Hex:Cackle
07: Witch, Spell Penetration
08: Witch, +CHA Hex:Fortune
09: Witch, Feat:Skill Focus Knowledge(World)
10: LoreMaster, Spellbook Witch, Cleric Spell:Greater Command(halt)
11: Witch, Greater Spell Pen, Hex:Beast's Gift,
12: Witch, +CHA
13: Witch, Spell Focus:Enchantment, Hex:Protective Luck
14: LoreMaster,
15: LoreMaster, Greater Spell Focus:Enchantment, Combat Feat:Shatter Defences
16: Witch, +CHA
17: LoreMaster, Imprived Critical:Ray
18: LoreMaster, Cleric/wizard Spell: Overwhelming Presence
19: Lore master, Feat:MetaMagic Bolster Spell.
20: Lore Master, +CHA, Secret:Imprived Initiative


01: Abundant Casting
02: Mythic Spell Pen
03: Imprived Abundant Casting
04: Sorcerous reflex
05: Greater Abundant Casting
06: Mythic Spell Focus Enchantment
07: Benificial Cure: Powerless Prophecy
08: Mythic Critical Ray
09: Favoed MetaMagic Bolster
10: Mythic Improved Initiative

Recommended Spells:
Lv, 1 Enlarge Person, Unbreakable Heart
Lv2, GlitterDust, Flase Life, Pernicious Poison, Cure Moderate Wounds, Find Traps
Lv3, Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch, Remove Curse, Cure Serious Wounds
Lv4, Phantasmal Killer, Enervation, Greater Flase Life, Dimension Door
Lv5, Mind Fog, FeebleMind, Baleful Polymorph, Summon Monster
Lv6, Greater heroism/Greater Dispel Magic, Raise Dead, Stone To flesh
Lv7, Heal, Ice Body, Greater Bestow Curse,
Lv8, Mind Blank, Storm Bolts, Heal
Lv9, Mind Blank Communal, ForeSight, heroic Invocation


Neck: Glass Amulet of Clarity
Chest: Deadly Rays
Shirt: Robe of the seven sins/Robe of Mephistopheles
Belt: Belt of Physical Perfection
Gloves: Twisted Temptaion
Boots: Ronnecks sacrifice/ freest Rein
Helmet: Darkness Caress
Goggles: Goggles of Mind Control/ Piercing Gaze
Cloak: Resistance+6
Ring 1: Red Salamander
Ring 2: Ring of Chaotic Fascination
Bracer: Bracers of Mind Break

Weapon - Quaterstaff of the War Mage

Quick Slot:
1. Greater Quicken Metamagic
2. Grandmaster's Rod
3. Devouring Lust
4. Extend Metamagic Rod
5. Old Grimoir/Signet of house vespertillio


Thanks for another fun and creative build! It's amazing seeing what someone can do with such encyclopaedic knowledge of this game, I am *only* 450 hours in and yet I still find this channel to be such a treasure trove of information.


I can't seem to find the original written guide comment anymore, so here's what I had saved. Thank you @Haristoteles

Ember Written Guide
CC:Stunlock+Hellfire Spammer+Buffs and Debuffs.

Skills: Persuasion, Knowledge World, UMD

Level 4 Witch- CHA+1 (always from now on), Evil Eye/Protective Luck (unfair). Spells:Glitterdust
Level 5 Witch- Metamagic Heighten Spell, Spells: Enlarge person, False Life
Level 6 Witch- Evil Eye/Cackle Hex, Spells: Heroism/Stinking Cloud (for human enemies)
Level 7 Witch- Spell Pen, Spells:Unbreakable Heart (removes Confusion), Pernicious Poison, Vampiric Touch
Level 8 Witch- CHA+1, Fortune Hex, Spells: Phantasmal Killer (+Evil Eye for saves)
Level 9 Witch Skill Focus Knowledge World (Prereq for Loremaster) Spells: Cure Moderate Wounds, Remove Curse, Enervation/Greater False Life
Level 10 LOREMASTER- Secret--->Cleric: Greater Command (Halt variant, this is a powerful stunlock spell). Spells: Mind Fog
Level 11 Witch- Greater Spell Pen, Hex: Beasts Gift. Spells: Find Traps, Cure Serious Wounds, Enervation/Greater False Life, Feeblemind
Level 12 Witch- Spells: Gtr Heroism/Greater Dispel Magic (start Heightening Greater Command!)
Level 13 Witch - Spell Focus: Enchantment- Hex: Protective Luck. Spells: Death Ward/Dimension Door, Baleful Polymorph, Raise Dead
Level 14 Loremaster- Spells - Heal/Legend Prop
Level 15 Loremaster- Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment. Secret--->Combat Feat: Shatter Defenses(to be used with Hellfire Ray) Spells: Stone to Flesh, Ice Body
Level 16 WITCH- Spells: Mind Blank, ...(still to this point Heightened Greater Command is better than ANY lvl 6-8 Spells)
Level 17 Loremaster- Improved Crit---> Ray, Spells: Greater Bestow, Stormbolts
Level 18 Loremaster- Secret--->Cleric Spell: Overwhelming Presence (substitute for Greater Command Halt) Spells: Mind Blank Communal
Level 19 Loremaster- Metamagic Bolster (for Hellfire Ray), Spells: Cure Serious Wounds, Foresight
Level 20 Loremaster- a) Rogue Secret--->Combat Trick: Improved Initiative or b)Wizard Spell-->Witch: Sense Vitals/Weird Spells: Heroic Invocation


1) Abundant Casting
2) Mythic Spell Pen
3) Improved Abundant Casting
4) Sorcerous Reflex
5) Greater Abundant Casting
6) Mythic Spell Focus: Enchantment
7) Beneficial Curse: Powerless Prophecy
8) Improved Critical (Mythic):Ray
9) Favorite Metamagic Bolstered
10) Improved Initiative (Mythic)


Amulet: /Amulet of Blackened Mirror Glass, Amulet of Clarity
Armor: Haramakis, Deadly Rays
Robe: Robe of Inevitability, Robe of Seven Sins, Robe of Mephistopheles
Belt: Dex belts then Physical Perfection+6
Gloves: Twisted Temptation (Best In Slot)
Boots: Ronnecks´ Sacrifice, Boots of Freest Rein
Helmet:Headbands to Increase Charisma, Darkness Caress
Goggles: Goggles of Mind Control, Goggles of Piercing Gaze
Cloak: Cloak of Resistance
Rings: Red Salamander, Ring of Chaotic Fascination
Bracers: Bracers of Mind Break
Weapon: BIS: Quarterstaff of the War Mage
Quick Slots: Greater Quicken Metamagic Rod (Overwhelming Presence/Greater Command), Grandmaster Rod (Helfire Ray), Devouring Lust, Extend Metamagic Rod (for Buffs), Signet of House Vespertilio


I was watching it for DC 55, but the most important thing I have learned today is that mind blank protects against true seeing :) Thanks for the guide! BTW I went for a similar build before and I choose Insect swarm as lvl 7 druid secret that helps some specific unfair encounters a lot.


If anyone is wondering why the "most replayed" part of this video is what it is, it's because so many people would have tried to figure out what the heck happened between editing cuts in order for "Greater Command" to actually appear on the screen.

By either bug or deliberate change, you now have to have unlocked that spell's level before you can use Loremaster to get it, which means you cannot get Greater Command at lvl 10.


this is the 4th video i watch ty dude I finished wotr and kingmaker twice and was looking for something like your explainations.


I tried this build out and largely love it.
I just found myself basically never using Greater Command and ended up swapping it for Selective Winters Grasp and Selective Sirocco
Sirocco was landing knockdowns even late game
But I also found myself using persistent fire AOEs in general.
Gave me a great template to start with and had a lot of fun with it!


Haha. I love the part with the sermon making everyone listen to her. ^^
GJ man. : D


Easily the best builds channel for WotR on the internet :) Btw this Ember idea would work great with my transmutation focus primal druid, who is also a lore master. I steal wizzard spell slow and trust me it is really fun to go with selective dif terrain thorns spell (you open with that) and then you cast slow which is also transmutation spell and enemies are almost non-moving at all, making your trigger happy Arueshalae truly happy. Now throw in that Ember there and it will be a massacre 😅😅


Hey i just wanted to say u have the best in depth Pathfinder videos out there. I was looking for a Warpriest class breakdown and ur video is by far the best.


Hey, a grand video as always! And what an unusual way to build Ember with a focus on crowd control with "Enchantment" spells! Thanks for what you are doing, man, your guides are the best source of inspiration for my builds as well!
I had sort of a similar build for Daeran in my first walkthrough, seemed a bit more accurate lore-wise (and Daeran has natural access to both "Greater Command" and "Overwhelming Presence" as an Oracle).
Also, just for the record, the Skald class gets access to "Overwhelming Presence" and "Euphoric Tranquility" as level 6 spells as early as on 16th level, in addition to "Cacophnous Call, Mass" as level 5 spell already on 13th level, which is mechanically similar to the "Greater Command" spell, but those affected cannot evade the nauseated effect with a repeated Will save each round.


For rings there is a Ring of Pyromania that you've missed and for belts there is a Mallander's Insult belt, both of these are very easily accessible and make Scorching Ray into a very powerful ability until you reach the Hellfire-Ray-Oneshot state as both of these items trigger additional damage to all rays in a spell independently, so 3 rays = 3 procs of each item, which makes every Scorching Ray from 4d6 to 4d6+3d6 and this is very useful through early and mid game. And usually this additional damage is a big deal even in mid game when you fire two fireballs(1 swift 1 normal) and oneshot all the mediocre enemies in one turn


so i have to change level 10 with 11 huh?

Find traps, Heroism(Because the spell level of "cure serial wounds" went up from 3 to 4, couldn't choose it for now)
Cure serial wounds OR greater False life, Feeble mind


really great build, prob the best Ember one i have ever seen


Thanks for all the guides mate, learned a lot about the game just by watching your content. Any chance we're still getting the updated Ember guide? Would love to see how you change them. Best of luck!


Can't wait for the other companions builds. Thanks!!


Your videos about pathfinder WOTR are priceless! Too bad that there si no similar content creator for kingmaker also. What I really love about your videos is principles about what party need to have so if someone what to change something but follow them he will be fine.


There's a bug in the game that makes it so you can't select level 5 spells for your secret at level 10. You can just swap level 10/11 progression around.
