Companion Plants in the Garden + My Favorite Annuals

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I'm often asked if I use companion plants in the garden. In a way I do, but not in the way you might think. My tactic more closely resembles what I like to call interplanting and crop confusion. In this video I share the benefits of mixing it up in the vegetable garden- whether you call it companion planting or interplanting-- as well as some of my all time favorite annual flowers & flowering herbs.

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00:00 Do I Use Companion Plants in the Vegetable Garden?
01:15 Some of the Benefits of Companion Plants or Interplanting
04:19 My Favorite Companion Plants- Annual Flowers & Flowering Herbs (plus benefits)
11:07 Enjoying a Shaker & Spoon Cocktail

This video was sponsored by Shaker & Spoon
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This year I grew naturtiums, calendula, marigold and cosmos in my vegetable garden. While I can't prove it scientifically, I notices that the insect pressure on brassicas and summer squash was lower than I had experienced prior to intercropping these flowers. Also the number of native bees these flowers attract was phenomenal . The flowers add to the visual appeal and I love walking through the garden amid the colorful blooms and seeing all the pollinators hard at work.


I love having a cocktail and a stroll in the garden! 🙌❤️🍹
Soothes my soul 😌


Truly the best gardening show on the tube. Production is very high and I even enjoyed the commercial. 😀


I just love watching you. This is my first year starting to garden. Thank you for all the information and for showing us all your beautiful garden and all your hard work is paying off.🌸💕


Did anyone spot the bunny scurrying away at about the 5:12 mark


Your gardening channel is delightful, thank you!


Cutting the stems from my 24 bell peppers and no doubt passed 300 bells.
I mulch heavy in fall 3 inches and added 2 compose in spring at seedlings plant time and you said hold back until weather man saw nothing below 50 s in forecast and I listened thanks for that.
Also your worm casting and micorizomes the best of your seedlings mixture gave myself and the people I gifted with seedlings the best season ever yes 3 of them said I'm the Master Gardener.
I'm glad you are training me and others
Thanks Lady.
Don't over do that drinking ( Yeah you don't seem to overindulge with it)


I would save those bottles that you got in the drink mix box. You could use those bottles for making herb tinctures and oils.


My desert garden seems overwhelming to me. Thank you for your ideas ! Im planting this week! Thank you!


I like to have lots and lots of flowers over flowers over the allotment.


I’m going to have to watch this one a few times, and keep a notebook handy.
I absolutely LOVE your videos. Can’t help but share them with gardening gun family and friends.


Ive put in a lot of effort this year to add flowers to my garden. I love to plant alyssum under my eggplants and peppers and marigolds with the tomatoes of course. But I’m also growing ageratum and celosia and strawflower just for fun and color


No Shaker &Spoon for me, thank you. Been sober and smoke free over 4 years now and never going back. Cheers!


Those flowers in the back are so beautiful 😍❤


I love flowers in my garden too. I really enjoyed seeing your list of must-haves. Last year I had brassicas growing in 2 different beds. In one of them I interplanted marigolds. I had a lot more cabbage moth damage in the bed without the marigolds. The bed with the marigolds had less bug pressure.


We are planting a lot of native perennial wildflowers. Pollinators love them and you can help the Monarch butterflies if you plant milkweed species. Thanks for a great list of annuals! I'll include some of those as well.


Your way of planting veggies, herbs, and flowers. I like at Idea and this year I had box gardens made out old barn wood. The are from a barn built in the 1940. Grandpa barn fell down but there was much of it that could be reused. I look forward to see more about your garden as time goes on.


My best companion plants are fennel and allysum from seeds, of course. I grow every type of companion plants. Dill, marigolds, sunflower, nasturtium, Borage, agastache, chives, cilantro, etc. All from seeds.


Just came in from bringing in my luffas, 21 to be exact, will try several different methods to cure green luffas.
I completely agree with companion planting. The 1st year (3years ago) I had a tomato bed, potato bed, celery bed and onion bed with very little planted in between, it was so boring. I really changed it up last year and this year, my have gone overboard, a little too much shading for my strawberries.
One thing that worked extremely well in my opinion is starting perennial cover crops of thyme and oregano. Did not have to mulch those beds and so far have not found the asian jumping worms in them.
Planted some butterfly bush I started from seed last winter and the are tremendous for bringing in not only butterflies, but the hummers enjoy them as well.
As always, enjoy your videos.


Great video-thanks! Loved the bunny that scurried out when you walked toward the dill😊 🐇
