Complete Beginner's Guide to Companion Planting

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Complete Beginner's Guide to Companion Planting
In this video, we provide a background to companion planting where we discuss the history of companion planting, the science of companion planting, the research that proves companion planting works, and examples of good companion plants.
This video is packed with valuable information. In our pursuit to grow more food each season, we have spent a good deal of time researching methods to be more self-sufficient, and we believe that companion planting has the potential to help us out with this.
In this video we discuss aspects of companion planting like: Trap crops, Nurse crops, The Three Sisters, Guild Planting, Polyculture, and so much more.
Some of the research for this video comes from the following sources:
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#CompanionPlanting #BestCompanionPlanting #SelfSufficiency
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gardening lessons
companion planting made easy! how to guide
companion planting basics and garden planning
In this video, we provide a background to companion planting where we discuss the history of companion planting, the science of companion planting, the research that proves companion planting works, and examples of good companion plants.
This video is packed with valuable information. In our pursuit to grow more food each season, we have spent a good deal of time researching methods to be more self-sufficient, and we believe that companion planting has the potential to help us out with this.
In this video we discuss aspects of companion planting like: Trap crops, Nurse crops, The Three Sisters, Guild Planting, Polyculture, and so much more.
Some of the research for this video comes from the following sources:
Thank you so much for watching!
#CompanionPlanting #BestCompanionPlanting #SelfSufficiency
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DISCLAIMER: This description may contain links from our affiliates, sponsors, and partners. If you use these products, we will get compensated (and there is no additional cost to you).
gardening lessons
companion planting made easy! how to guide
companion planting basics and garden planning