John Deere D105 Problem Automatic Transmission CVT Review

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I had a problem with shifting my new John Deere D105 Lawn Tractor Automatic Transmission. The easy way that I fixed it.
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This fixed my E100! THANKS, I had just paid $700 for transmission work, and was not going to pay again!


Thank you very much, your advice worked without having to tear the transaxle apart as others said.


My JD E100 mower of 4 years just did this last week. I did the same as you. Saw there was room to move the plastic casing around the lever and back to moving.


wow! didn't know you had this CH. nice fix!


Even the smallest amount of research before buying reveals that this model has the cheapo General Transmissions plastic CVT transaxle designed in France and made in Mexico.  Other than to have pretty green paint, why would anyone waste money on this total entry model?


Hope yours is still running. Four months after the warranty for the transmission expired and as I was merrily cutting the grass I coasted to a stop and couldn't depress the gas pedal. Took it to the dealer where they were glad to charge $192 to reinstall the spring, washer and screw on top of the transmission. The service manager said that he'd never seen nor heard of this happening before and that possibly "they" didn't use enough loc-tite on the screw during assembly. Of course since the warranty was out it was just my tough luck. So fast forward 45 days, cutting merrily along one more time, same thing. Went back to the dealer where now it's said I need a new transmission. For Sale, D-105 with less than 110 hours.


Yeah, I have always seemed to be running around with "A dust pan and brush" cleaning up after you buy something. I bought a new cheapie snow blower in 1992 and was looking it over and observed a wire dangling loose. Turned out it was an ignition ground wire shut off, meaning when you pulled the plastic key out, that wire shut down the unit/ignition. Without it. the unit would not shut off after startup. I fixed it but it pisses you off!!! Where is the quality control? If a woman bought it, , there be panic I'm sure or for anyone else who is not a mechanic. I still use the same snowblower, it is very reliable.


Dealer who set it up was lazy and didn't check it. My John Deere was OK overall, but the cut wasn't even, the dealer didn't level the mower deck, I had to spend a few minutes leveling the deck. Most other brands are assembled by the place where you buy it, most big box stores that's some kid in the back, so don't expect much, any new mower should be gone over and checked when you get it.


I got one of these used. I'm the third owner and this tractor has 40 hours. The forward peddle requires about 45 pounds of pressure to hold the mower at full speed. I have about an hours worth of mowing to do when I use it. My knee and foot is stiff the next day. CAN THE TENSION ON THAT PEDDLE BE ADJUSTED?


The d105 is Deere johns dark secret plastic trans inferior part quality and recall after re .
If you have it still and it’s fine you are one of the lucky 🍀.


my deere d105 barely moves forward or reverse. at times it will start off slow then get up to speed after a few seconds then is slow again. the transmission is quiet and doesnt make any strange sounds.. i thought i had a loose belt but that wasnt the issue. would you have any suggestions? ty


I work on this stuff for a living. If your about to go out and buy a new lawn tractor do yourself a favor, look under the back end. If you see a black plastic transmission on the thing, walk away, don't buy it, don't waste your money. That simple. Get one that outleast has the cast aluminum trans. Those plastic transmissions from general transmission are nothing but problems. Even when working properly, they shift poorly and are stiff, feel tight. No good.


how do you put it in neutral so that you can push it a
round if you need to...


Just know that this particular model is going to crap out on you at some point, more specifically the transmission. The transmissions are made entirely of plastic and it is going to fail. I had a D105; John deere did a recall on the transmissions because they knew that they were flawed by design. My local Deere dealer replaced the transmission with a new one and it failed right at 8 hours of use. The tractor had less than 20 hours on it. John Deere refused to fix it; a new transmission costs nearly $500. I sold it at a loss of about $800. The "D" and "E" series of lawn tractors are garbage and John Deere knows it. They sell them to compete with other low-end mowers on the market primarily at Lowes and Home Depot, and Deere will not take care of or support this demographic of customers. I was told this by my local John Deere dealer, and I know from my own experience dealing with John Deere.


How can I remove the part where the strap goes, which is the plastic part where the gears go, thanks in advance for your help


Pull the gas peddle forward with your foot. This causes something to unlock not sure what!! Now you can shift from reverse to forward or forward to reverse


Did you find out about the plastic transmission yet?


Plastic transmission, wow hope it holds up.


After studying the reviews on this mower I would say avoid at all costs, the gearbox housing is plastic and some of the gears are composite ie plastic, the tuff torq t46 was bad enough in the previous model, but this is inexcusable, and still costs $1000.00 to replace if it makes it out of warranty.The MTD cvt transmission gives no trouble at all, why didn't JD use that?
I know this is made to a certain price point but come on.
A friend of mine has a d115 and drives it like an old woman, his hydro blew out of warranty and it cost $1100.00 to replace.
I'll be looking elsewhere for a new mower.


I have the same John Deere in the Spring broke why I was mowing John Deere d105 Sucks and why would you put a plastic transmission in the lawnmower that’s why I bought a bad boy
