9 Signs She's Flirting At Work - Crush On Coworker? This Is How You Know She Likes You

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Flirting signs! Does your coworker like you? In today's video we're going to be discussing 9 signs she's flirting at work. If you happen to have a crush on a female coworker and want to know is she likes you then this is the place to be!

We'll be covering various topics from her body language, the way she talks and texts with you and even some of the psychology behind why she does what she does around you. By following our video in full you'll be able to have a better understanding of is she's into you and flirting with you or if she's just being nice.

Trying to figure out if someone likes you whilst they are a work colleague makes things a lot more difficult than it should be. Well obviously they're going to try and hide the fact they have a crush on you because they want to maintain a professional persona. By the end of this video you are going to definitely know if she is flirting with you. Now this video applies if you are doing a physical job or maybe you are working from home right now. No matter what your job opportunity is you are going to definitely know for sure if she is flirting with you.

#Joyanima #Flirting #Doesshelikeme #atwork

**'Contents of video**

0:00 Intro
0:49 She is more attractive than usual
1:33 She is always around you
2:16 She shows extra interest in what you are doing
3:31 She always replies to your chats & emails
3:59 She always asks you to help her
5:12 You always meet eyes with her
5:52 She copies how you sit
6:56 She finds a reason to touch you
7:45 She private messages you

How did you find today's video on female flirting at work? Do you know of any other flirty female traits to be on the look out for? Comment below and let me know! I try my best to respond to as many comments as possible!

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Рекомендации по теме

Imagine you're at work, you think she likes you. She's showing the signs. Then BOOM! Mid conversation Ad pops up. 🤣


This is an HR trap waiting to happen haha😂


Work place relationship is vey dangerous. If it doesn’t work out. It’s like having a ex-girlfriend never leaving your house. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣


A couple more from my experience. 1. She is super nice toward you. 2. She enjoy helping/assisting you. 3. She is extra apologetic (even for no reason). 4. She waving you when see you. 5. She ask you for your name. 6. She bumping into you. Nice hairstyle anyway.


This is so me! I will play dumb just to have my love interest overwhelm me with his masculinity 😆


There's this girl I'm crushing on at work. She always seems to know where I am while on shift and takes little moments to say hello to me which really makes my entire day better. Problem is I can't tell whether this person is showing signs of genuine interest or if I'm nothing more than a proximity infatuation to her. I get that all women like to be noticed but there is also this feeling I get that says to me to not think into it too much, because more than likely she is getting her attention fix from a number of other guys in which case I am just one being added to the list.


You’re very talented and easy to watch and learn from.


I live in Australia. I just never bother with female colleagues. I've seen guys get hauled upstairs for inappropriate behaviour (companies view, not mine). If uncertain, just don't go keep your job.


Omg these signs are so true, i do these things at work with my crush


I liked Your advise videos a lot. Thanks.


Thanks. You are a very talented presenter and easy to watch.


I’m friendly and joking with everyone at work but I’m horrible about paying attention to signs or details from others ! But when I realize a women is flirting with me, I run for the hills and I avoid her until those feelings are crushed then I come back like nothing happened !


My one wants to just speak endlessly once started but was shy to look at me for almost a year . Told me she was getting nails done .. and got them the exact colour i thought of . Told her and she liked that haha . Being careful though !


Thanks for the insight into the female perspective on this 🙂


omg I did over half of these to someone who is already involved with someone. I didn't even think about it.


As Kay Hymowitz pointed out- policies have made it all but impossible to meet a compatible man of similar back ground education etc at the two place you're most likely to do so- college or work. A recent survey found that only 25% of college males said that asking a woman out isn't sexual harassment. Men aren't trying to figure out if you like them, they have already been figured out that it's way too risky.


Thanks! Was hoping you would add more work related crush videos! would love one on older work crushes! Thanks! :)


She is a supervisor and been wearing red, blue and green clothing for attraction too.

She began by buying pizza for everyone, but asked me about it on lunch. This has been going on for weeks. Up to three coworkers told me about her about a week in advance, but they won't let me know her name, so I had to figure out myself, and so she began flirting with me for another two weeks.

I believe she is expecting me to ask her out.
She began with eye contact, then five different signs in one day a week later.
She adjusts her clothing and top, approaches me, walks by me, and brushes me in front of other coworkers.
I want to ask her, but I don't want to jeopardize my job, and I'd rather keep personal and work business separate.
So I figured I should try to ask her to get to know me better since I've seen signs of flirting from her, but I don't want to lose my job by dating a coworker at work. I think shes too much of a higher standard than me and she has a higher class car and an apple watch so maybe i shouldn't waste my time on her or just give her a chance to have some sort of a relationship regardless.


I admitted to my coworker back in January that I have feelings for her but she told me that she wasn't interested in having a boyfriend at the time. It's now April and she's been giving me mixed signals lately by greeting me every time she sees me (hey whenever I clock in for work and bye whenever I leave work), laughing at every time I make a joke whether it's a funny joke or corny/lame joke, offering to help me out around the store, playfully poking me in my arm, and offering to wear my hat (which she looked really cute wearing). Are these possible signs that she may be starting to like me or am I accidentally reading too much into these actions and have the wrong idea and she's just being friendly?


This was another great video. Still confused about my personal situation: Maybe some insight from the comments?
First off: Rule Zero... She does have a boyfriend. So, it makes me think she is just being co-worker friendly. You should never try to get involved with someone in a relationship.
As for the flirting... Well, there is a lot of frequent eye contact, no physical touch at all. (We both work as cleaners and are very covid safe per our job) and we both tend to be in each others areas most times. We are both hard workers and do talk about any work issues before our boss even comes close to calling us. For example, if an employee has taken the day off, we have both figured out how to cover the missing work so nothing is missed etc. We both work the same hours, tend to arrive at the same time and walk/talk on our way from the parking lot to the building. At the end of the night, we also walk to our cars together, other employees are with us, but we tend to be more beside each other and talking. This is why I am confused.... Is she just being friendly because we get along well? (That is cool with me) or is she secretly interested but in no position to say anything? As she shouldn't because she has a boyfriend, and we are coworkers.
From watching these videos I am thinking she might have a slight interest? But I am unsure.
