Who Is The LOWEST RANKED Player In League of Legends?

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League of Legends as a popular online game, gets many people interested in being the best player they can possibly be. With that, the question of "who is the best" always comes up. But sometimes I do wonder... Who's the worst player? Today we tackle the subject of low ranked players as we dive into Iron 4, the lowest rank in League of Legends.

Links to sources of the videos and data used:

Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.10, lol esports, Riot Games

My social medias:
Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai

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Sorry for abandoning you, my friends.
I wont let this happen again, pinky promise.

I unironically use this everyday lol


Nicolai : *Talk about mental disorders*
Also Nicolai : *Yasuo footages*
What a masterclass video


Riot: Our punishment System works Perfectly
Also Riot: Yeah, afking 200+ times can happen. Unlucky i guess.


Seeing that a some guy intentionaly lost 74 games in a row makes me question his sanity and his life. What normal person has a time to troll for 74 games in a row? Riot should make that if you want to play LoL, you need to pass a psychological test for real.


"Iron 4, 0 LP is the lowest rank in the game!"
Players with -3 LP in Iron 4: My power is beyond your understanding!


That moment that you're so good at being so bad. Oh the IRONy.


When Iron first came out, you still had "clans" and there was legit clan named "Iron". The whole squad was doing exactly what this video talked about. Proposedly trying to lose and it sucked because some of those clan members, I kept running into within that first week of the season. Sometimes they were on my team or the enemy team.


"Never surrender anything is possible."


The fact that there are fewer iron players than masters is truly reminiscent of society.


"You're more likely to be in Master Tier than in Iron 4"
Guess Im a pro player


My younger brother was iron 3 while tryharding his best, i couldnt believe it until i saw his gameplay he really belonged in iron, now he improved alot and is bronze 1, i think most legit iron players are just new players


i feel like this was an excuse to just hate on huni XD


I have actually a learning disability! I'm autistic and league is my favourite game since 2017.In 2021 I made it to gold 1 - I have a 60% win rate with only about 20 games played because ranked games are pretty mentally exhausting for me.

I one trick Anivia because I like my games being the same every time. I chose Anivia because she's rarely picked, banned, and in 11 years she hasn't been majorly reworked like my old mains Ahri and Sol were so I figured she'd hold out on me for a while. I can play a couple other champs, I also have a lot of mastery points on Yuumi, Ahri and Lillia, but Anivia will always be my true love.


Dude there's literally a person I know that is in the lowest rank from season 1-9 and when iron rank is introduced. He's there. Rather than blaming his teammates for being bad. He blames the enemy for reasons such as ganking then calling the enemy laner "coward" for getting a gank and even for enemies flashing away so that they won't be killed by him. He's so toxic and bad. When he's being dived by 4 enemies. He legit blame the enemy rather than his teammates for not helping.


"only 2% of the league player are iron"
me and the boy : guess we are 1% of the league player


You might've mixed up a few numbers in the rank section. Don't worry, we still love you.


The whole reason there even is so many trolls trying to lose because an iron 4 account goes for like 50+$ when the next season starts they sell it to a player who usually wants to go on a 35+ win streak all the way to gold just to stream it


master: iron is more special than us
iron: always has been


Yeah, you can troll like 70 games, or force you team go for remake and intentionally waste their time. But you will never get banned. Thats what we love about League. :) Its not only low elo thing. There is tons of wintraders, trolls even in Master tier elo. For example my last game (I am currently Master), average elo of the game was Grandmaster. My toplaner decided to go AP Volibear, went 0/11 then went into my jungle and trolled me, by following me a trying to steal everything from me. When i tried to help him in lane, he was internationally ignoring my gank and spamming emotes. I really enjoyed this game and i would like to thank RIOT for not banning this players. :) Game is really exciting and fun, definitelly not cancer and tilting. <3


"played the game for years and still can't escape the lowest ranks"

in this youtube video and i don't like it"
