The easiest and fastest way to improve your reloads?

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In this video I test a new way to make your reloads more accurate. We compare the accuracy (precision) with and without neck lube to see how good the results are.

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I’ve been using the neo lube for some time in my reloading for F-Class competition! It’s great stuff & improved my scores


I ran a test once on my 300 Win Mag along the same lines... I loaded 40 rounds, 10 in each group... Unbrushed, no lube. Unbrushed with lube. Brushed, no lube. Brushed, with lube. The lube was simply Hornady Unique applied to the bearing surface of the projectiles.

I remember seeing a difference in ES/SD... But I don't remember if group size was significantly impacted.

Unfortunately, I lost my notes on the test and can't recall which prep regimen yielded the best results.

Getting ready to load some more ammo. May have to repeat the test.


Really glad to see this. We use this stuff everyday at work. Especially on stainless fasteners. And it works great for that application. I've thought about using it for neck lube more than once.


Just for science I gave this a try on a cheap 308 reload altough I used a little drop of silicon oil on a Q-tip instead of that graphite suspension which is totally unobtainable in this part of the world. Seating felt extremely consistent and chronograph results were stunning, that particular load went from SD 12 and ES 46 on 10 rounds down to SD 7 and ES 23, still on 10 rounds.
I'll probably ditch the silicon oil for the next batch because I don't know what may happen in the barrel on the long run, but at least I'm sold on the idea of lubing the inside of the necks prior to bullet seating.


Looks promising, I may have to try some.


Please do a bit on how the Tubb’s HBN compare!


I have it on order from you links! Great video!


I gave up on chasing sd/es. If I put 5 shots into the same hole at 100 yards I'll take that anyday over sd/es in the single digits. My best groups are with high sd/es. Go figure.


Love your tips. This one I have been doing for nearly 20 years now. But I have been using "Lock-Ease" liquid or plain powdered graphite. My chrono results come out about the same for both.


I tried that and it went from 1/2 moa to looking like I was was shooting buckshot at 100. The groups grew to over 2 inches. Maybe I was doing something wrong idk. It made a difference but the wrong way!


How much difference did you find between the neo, moly and dry neck lube?


I recently used Neolube and noticed some odd oxidation in the neck ID after firing. Checking to see if this is normal, wish I could post a pic to get your opinion.


Are you still using dry lube before mandrel, and then using this after all case prep is done prior to powder?


Is Neolube the same thing as colloidal graphite? I saw Eric Cortina interview someone who used the latter to coat the barrel after cleaning so as to reduce the cold bore shot affect in benchrest if I remember correctly.


Looks great, but not sure why the Redding Imperial dry lube in media wouldn’t do the same thing. (?) I already dunk the neck in that before running a mandrel before bullet seating, so know there’s still a residue inside the case neck. Numbers don’t lie, so I’m sure you’re onto something, but the dry lube might offer the same benefit.

P.S. I see this was addressed further down in the comments. I’ll have to consider how adding the neolube to the dry media inside the necks will work in practice, but it sounds promising.


Can you verify that your using a nylon brush and not a bronze brush to the necks, before neolube is applied? Thanks for the video! 👍


I do like this since about 10 years, but with homemade liquid moly, works extremly well. Seating force are super consistant, sd and es extremely low (but also depends others variables).


I wonder if you rub a little sizing wax on the bullet and then seat it if you would get the same results.


B'laster Industrial Graphite Dry Lubricant - 5.5-Ounces - $6 on amazon. I just ordered some to test.


Posted last month . Compare GRAPHENE with the prep . Its closest to what u use on your cell phone. See if u like it
