Ted Cruz Splits GOP Over Defunding Obamacare

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"During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) laid out a plan for forcing the Democratically-controlled Senate to pass a House-backed resolution that would keep the government open until Dec. 15, but defund parts of the Affordable Care Act. The comments come after the Texas senator elicited anger from House Republicans for conceding earlier this week that any continuing resolution that includes Obamacare defunding would fail in the Senate. Cruz's strategy involves a complex parliamentary procedure in which all 46 Republicans in the Senate filibuster the resolution to pressure Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to change the rules and establish a 60-vote threshold for any amendment, thus denying Democrats the votes to add Obamacare funding back into the bill...".* John Iadarola (host of TYT University, Common Room) breaks it down on The Young Turks.

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TYT needs to give John Iadarola a raise. I see the future of TYT, and it is John Iadarola.


Dear TYT, thank you so much for what you guys do. You and Jon Stewart are the only newsmen/women that keeps the chaos of American politics in check. Really. If I wasn't an athirst, I'd say you're all doing gods work.


How are these reckless people called conservative?


Can't let them destroy the country as they do.


The problem is that it's being forced on us.


Defubd Obama Care or Shut down the Government? Hmm! Shut her down. I just was told that my health insurance furnished by my company is going to double. My neighbor down the street was just told he will be cut back from full time to part time. Way to go bam bam and the democrats. You just made it harder for for me to make ends meet and drove my neighbor straight into a possible bankruptcy and becoming a welfare receipent. You should be so proud!!!!


Just you wait, we're going to try to put a Canadian in the White House. Do not understand the depths of ignorance the American public is capable of.


The Affordable Care Act is like a band aid on a broken arm. The system is broken. We need total reform. We need SINGLE PAYER. MEDICARE PART E FOR EVERYONE!


The Republican party was already a joke before Ted Cruz arrived


Going to look like fools? They already do look like fools.


You're confused. Taxes and spending are two separate things. Bush kept spending high, because it was politically popular (and because he wanted to play at war, without actually paying for it). But he cut taxes, especially for the rich, because that was politically popular, too (especially with his wealthy supporters).

Remember when tax cuts for the rich were going to "pay for themselves"? Remember when war was going to "pay for itself"? Faith-based people find it easy to lie to themselves.


John Iadarola has grown from just an intern to a very good journalist. I look forward to seeing more of him and his growth of mustache.


Single payer means the government, and ONLY the government, manages healthcare costs right? A Public option is fine, but why do you demand that people not be able seek healthcare outside of government? That goes beyond compassion and moves into the territory of control.


To you I only have one response. Time will tell. When it all goes south, i'm sure Barry will blame Bush. Btw: the unemployment rate is reflecting the fact that fewer individuals are looking for work. They have given up in favor of reaping entitlements. Socialism is great, until you run out of other people's money.


Just pay us enough to be able to buy it on our own, this is one thing we don't need the governments hand in.


Obama care is going to be a failure. Once again if its such a great plan why is the IRS, Congress, and congress staffers exempt from such a great plan?


Sarah Palin's wigs are getting less and less believable.


How can Sarah Palin's dad be a science teacher and not be able to teach her a single scientific fact?


As to Bush, he NEVER lowered taxes.

According to you, lowering of taxes is lowering of rates.

According to me, lowering of taxes requires lowering of SPENDING.

If you keep (or grow) spending (and Bush GREW spending) but lower the rates, you do NOT lower taxes, you are just shifting the current tax burden onto the credit card, but this does NOT lower taxes, it adds interest to the taxes actually.

The people who understand it end up running away from such an economy, I moved my business out.


Population size is irrelevant for most nations, it's a matter of per capita costs. Is it not the responsibility of governments to enact legislation that benefits the majority of it's population?
Who really suffers from Obamacare? Employers will absorb the costs & still make money. But the deperate & the unlucky will live
Liberatians would let those people die or just suffer
How can you earn the right not to get injured or to get sick?
