Demo: Configuring Complex Maximo and GIS Integrations

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0:00 Introduction
4:16 Demonstration

This month we will be demonstrating Geonexus’ out-of-the-box integration connectors for IBM Maximo and Esri ArcGIS. Geonexus is packed with features that make integration setup and management easy including drag-and-drop configuration and built-in discrepancy and error reporting.

Learn how the no-code approach of the Geonexus Integration Platform can help your organization improve asset management, cut cost on integration projects, and drive operational efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

--See the Geonexus Integration Platform in action with 2 different use cases:
1. Transformer Asset Swap between Maximo – GIS
2. Creation of Work Order in GIS to Maximo

--Learn about Geonexus and our library of pre-packaged integration connectors

--See a demonstration of the Geonexus Integration Platform for IBM Maximo and Esri ArcGIS
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