Unboxing Expo SDK 50 and Expo Router V3

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Discover the latest advancements in app development as we unpack Expo SDK 50 and Expo Router V3! This video is a comprehensive guide to exploring the new features, performance improvements and powerful tools that these updates bring to the React Native ecosystem. Join us as we analyze each update, understand their impact on your development process and explore practical implementations in real world apps!

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📚 This video will include:
- Overview of Expo SDK 50 and Expo Router V3
- What's New in Expo SDK 50
- Improved Debugging
- Offline First App Improvements
- Expo Go Enhancements
- Deep Dive into Expo Dev Tools Plugins
- Understanding First Class Sentry Support
- Updates on Expo Libraries and Tools
- expo-sqlite
- expo-camera
- The Future of Expo Go and Development Builds
- Introducing Expo Router V3
- Stability and Performance Improvements
- Enhanced Web Support
- Introduction to API Routes
- EAS Updates and New Features
- EAS Build and Supported Technologies
- expo-updates and New Update Management Features

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0:00 Intro
2:40 Overview of Expo SDK 50 and Expo Router V3
4:15 Introducing Expo Dev Tools Plugins
7:09 First-class Expo support in Sentry
13:16 New and Improved SQLite and Camera APIs
18:47 Introducing @expo/fingerprint
22:11 Expo Go Updates: Dropped Support for SDK 47 and 48
31:01 EAS Build News
34:18 EAS Update News
41:08 Basic Expo Modules support for tvOS and macOS
41:47 Other Highlights: expo-font, expo-secure-store, npx expo run
46:14 Notable Breaking Changes
50:30 Expo Router V3 Updates: API routes, web support
1:02:25 The Full Stack Mobile Developer Course
1:04:00 Configurable app directory, Testing Library, Not Found routes
1:04:51 Dynamic routes on web
1:05:28 Improved Tailwind/PostCSS on web
1:06:13 Livestream Questions
1:12:06 Initialising a new Expo project with SDK 50
1:24:00 Project Overview. Expo Dev Tools Plugins hands on
1:39:21 expo-sqlite/next hands on
2:17:06 Ohter features of expo-sqlite
2:23:05 Livestream Questions
2:30:32 Expo Router V3 API routes hands on
2:51:40 Outro

Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #expo #reactnative
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Thanks for putting together this unboxing video for SDK 50! Really great insight in here about how to use the updates.


Currently expo sdk 52 is latest then how do I create expo project with sdk 50 cause I wanna support lower android versions for my app like android 7.0, 8 etc as well, what about be command to create expo proj then, thanks pls reply ❤


I really appreciate for help in catching up with these expo updates very informative 👍
Well done, thanks alot bro
You're the best🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Первое видео которое я нашел по Expo SDK 50 and Expo Router V3. Спасибо вам большое


Hi, I don't get it, if the routes are on the client, you still need a separate backend server, so how is adding the routes making it a full stack application? We have always been able to make api requests from the FE. I must have misunderstood, so I hope I will be corrected. Thanks


I am working on expo router trying to develop android application. During development I Observe that if I am creating any new file it is showing in menu, like if I am using tab navigation using expo router and created a new file which is showing as menu in bottom tab. Similarly in drawer menu also.

Can anyone help me how I can fix that issue ?

However maybe it is default behaviour of expo router but I don't want to show each file in menu.


I hope you end up adding chapters to this video!! Otherwise, this is great!


How r u?, what a superb masterpiece, later! ✋


if you could do the time stamp the video that would be great


Since Expo supports Bun officially now, we shouldn't be welcomed as "Node.js" developers anymore. :D


Vadim why can’t we download this video? Can you please let people download it.
