Conan Exiles: 3 Great Desert Base Locations!

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Have you ever struggled to find a good base location? No longer! Today I'll be showing you three top-tier base locations in the desert of the exiled lands, designed for PvE or PvE-C! This guide should help you set up your new base in the perfect spot. Enjoy!

Music in this video:
Study And Relax by Kevin MacLeod

Colonizing Conan Mod Collection:
Check out the music I use in my videos here:

Robert Russell:

00:00 - Intro
00:56 - Location 1
02:33 - Location 2
04:27 - Location 3
06:47 - Outro
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Hope you guys enjoyed this video! Whether you're new or experienced, sometimes a fresh base location can spice up your life in The Exiled Lands, I hope you all find this useful!

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More of these videos please! I often find myself building in the same spots and I wanna change things up. Especially since all the “perfect” spots are taken up by clans that wall up almost an entire map square. Locations like these are different enough while sticking to the LARP rule (gonna be using this from now on), but subtle enough that no one would think about it.


I actualy never considered that cave before :o I will now! Cool video dude! Would love vids like this for all biomes ^^


On that first location, right underneath the hand of the maker is where i usually make my first base. There's small bits of iron around, npc camps, and the obelisk at arena is just a short jaunt away. It is also one of the few places along the river to be able to put a fish trap. Its also easy to grab a t3 alchemist from the summoning plc or at the exiles cave. Water, food, iron and coal with lots of choices for thralls.


Thank you, you have several great ideas, was struggling with where to build after 1st noob base, this helps a lot.
Thanks !


South of the second location, inside the south lake of the two that make up the oasis is where I built my first t3 base. It is good for all the reasons mentioned here, and also for farming the unnamed city. Also, building a single bridge into your water base and defending it with thralls and spikes is maybe the safest you can be in Conan (PVE).


this is great, it helps that You were thinking of available resources as the bases this one has built are usually not well placed lol but now this one has some better options! are You going to make similar videos for bases in the jungle and the north?


I typically build on the outcrop east of the den as a bridge or lift across the span north gives easy access to the iron and coal on the ridge or even to the highlands.


Is it possible to see a video of the best base locations for early-to-mid game on the Isle dlc? As always love the content bro.


Could you make build guides for those homes and keeps in n1 and n2? Simple as they might be, they look great, the houses are cosy and the keeps seem that they can be build without grinding too much


I put a base up in the Crown's Grove, it's a nice spot if you don't mind occasionally smacking rhinos who wander too close to your base...


since playing the new update its now more important to live right next to thralls


i use a mod that lets me build next to the npc city. its between the city and the oasis, the large raised area with a non farmable tree(i would guess most know it).

best part is its one way up, if you block it off with a gatehouse/keep its amazingly well defendable and also has plenty of room for an rp build.


1st 2, yes. 3rd one no.
For me the 2 biggest resources is to be super close to thralls and an obelisk.
So annoying to not really needing a wheel at your base. Purges only or a really long drag is a drag for Wheel use. Sucker sits empty a lot. And peeps want wheel use. One of the best parts of the game.
It is also smack center of the longest obelisk distances. That's simply annoying. I have a base 2 grids to the left of the cave just north of the wall. Those 2 elements are the only and biggest gripes. Everything else is great.
Life is always full of tradeoffs.
Great vid


The Nemedian castle shown at the second location in the video (just south of "The Den") looked pretty amazing, any chance of getting a build video for that?


Legend says I am still looking for the perfect spot 🤣🤣🤣

Yooo, wanna do a build guide/tour of the builds in this video?


Would love to see where you would recommend to build in the jungle. About to start a new playthrough and my wife wants to build there and I have never gotten around to building in that area.


I know this is an old video but did you ever do a follow up with places for bases in the Highlands?


I always like to build on the weeping ruins.


On single player base 2 continually despawns the den no matter how careful i am, not sure what's up with that? Moved my entire base over to giant empty sand area to the sw only to find weaver's hollow no longer spawns as I'm directly above it!
