React Is A Backend Framework Now

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The future of React is scary, but it's starting to click for me. Thank you Dan for getting me excited about React again 🙏

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A lot of y'all seem to think the SQL example runs on the client? It doesn't. The ENTIRE point of this is that React Server Components ONLY run on the server. That's the cool part!!!


Welcome to PHP! and congratulations on a decade long journey around tech universe


Never thought PHP would make such a comeback, nice!


2003: Writing SQL inside PHP.. this is a 💩

2023: Writing SQL inside React.. is a new era of development!



Well done JavaScript guys. You are like on 90% progress to discover that weird server side thing called PHP.


after "HTML in JS" and "CSS in JS", React now presents you: "SQL in JS"!


I swear these tech stacks evolve so fast by the time you install a package it’s legacy


PHP kind of already has this pattern with Livewire. Typically the server renders the big moving parts and the client handles the real time stuff.

Stuff like drop downs and disclosures are server rendered because the data isn’t needed until the user clicks. But something like a counter shouldn’t trigger a network request on every click. So it’s usually debounced or deferred until a form submission.

Works pretty well but can quickly evolve into a pile of spaghetti when you don't account for network requests and large quantities of data.

For big teams it’s probably better to stick with traditional REST to clearly separate out server from client.

To each their own.


You still need an API for multiple consumers or frontends and you still need an Application layer if you want consistency.


In some ways, this feels like a return to early ASPNET.


"We might not need APIs anymore", this words come only from a person who don't know why we build APIs, mostly a frontend developer who don't know backend but try to build backend, all these shortcuts that people talk about having backend code in frontend library or through your APIs and Relational Database and use firebase instead for everything, they are just shortcuts to build small things and they will never scale well with you, all these technologies exists to be part of your architecture and take benefits from them when they make sense, not to totally replace your architecture


I think the ability to fetch data from anywhere with Server Components is cool, but that also seems to present some challenges when it comes to code clarity and optimization. The paradigm used by Remix and Next of fetching data at the route level means that it’s much easier to track down slow requests and duplicate calls. If you can make requests in any component and have multiple developers working on a project without a standard convention, things get messy - it just becomes the same problem we had with CSR. Also, side note, the more I see examples of Server Components the more I feel they create a sort of Russion Doll effect for our components, One might have Post for the actual component, but need PostWrapper for loading data, PostSuspense for adding a loading state to any client side rerequests, etc. Feels like the Container Presenter model but worse.


Software development is cyclical. This approach was hated when SPAs were the coolest thing. Now that react does server components, SPAs are actually not cool anymore 😂


Rendering UI server side is something I did back in the 90s using PHP.
React uber fans have took us back to the 90s.


Awesome video 🔥 definitely exciting times to be a react/next developer. I agree with you, once it all clicks in your brain it’s so much fun!


I remember hating Adobe Cold Fusion because there was no separation between the backend and front end.

It seems like we have returned to that point lol.


The more I watch this channel the more I tend to think that Theo is just a pro at making good looking complicated react tutorials that only work for basic stuff / non sensitive apps.


Until there is a non-proprietary version of RSC that you can build in vite, webpack, parcel, it remains "some interesting ideas". I think the team is hyperfocused on telling the right story around the tech which is important, but getting it to people to experiment with (WITHOUT feeling like you're being tied into Vercel's stack) is just as significant.


I'm glad I made my way to your videos!


I think server components are great, but I'm skeptical of using them this way. I think there is still enormous value in a layered architecture where there is a separate of view and data. I've found that using components as the service/data layer often confuses developers and results in spaghetti code (at least with client-side components). Hooks were vital in separating these layers because they replaced the HOC (which was a view/data Frankenstein) and we should continue this way with clear separations to avoid confusion. Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should.
