🎹Learn to Play Piano | Why Should I Use the Web Piano Teacher Method | Piano Lesson Tutorial🔥

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I'm Shawn Cheek of Web Piano Teacher and I'm here to help you learn to play piano. I have over 35 years of teaching experience - not just online teaching experience, but one on one, in person, experience. It's different. By sitting with students, I've seen all the pitfalls of frustration and roadblocks they encounter. Since I believe music is for everyone, if the traditional method of learning music is failing the student, then you find a work-around. That's what the Web Piano Teacher Method is - a workaround for those who need a different way to learn.

Yes, there is a lot of free content out there, but with my lessons and my sheets you'll get an accurate transcription that is downloadable or printable partnered with my experienced teaching in video form. These are not my own words, but the words of long-time Web Piano Teacher members; many of which have been active members of the site for 15 years. You don't stick around for 15 years without learning to play the piano like a true musician.

Everything you would get from traditional piano lessons, you will get from my lessons. Theory, technique, and style are all sprinkled into each lesson. How about learning arpeggios through your favorite Elton John songs or rolling chord patters through Billy Joel's accompaniment. Instead of taking a boring theory corse then applying it, we learn the theory through application. I've seen far more success in my students who learn chord patterns through a Beatles song than doing worksheets from a theory book. In all honestly, there's room for both! Learn to play piano through traditional methods - Awesome! Learn to play piano through alternative methods - ALSO awesome!

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There is no substitute for a good living human teaching another good living human. Eat fruit and prosper.
