7 Things I Hate About Bullet Journaling 💜

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I hate these things about bullet journal 😝 Hate is a strong word, really it's probably more "dislike about bullet journaling" but still 😂 Today we're looking at 7 of the things I don't like about bullet journaling. While there's lots of love about the system, we're taking some time to feel our feelings and be a little salty 🧂

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💜 Timestamps
0:00 – Intro
10:29 – The first thing
1:10 – And other
1:54 – Oh and this
3:20 – Yeah that’s the worst
4:38 – Heck to the no
5:09 – Maybe just me
5:47 – But also!
6:59 – Grrrr
7:20 – Be salty with me

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Assorted tracks by Chris Haugen

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"Literally taking the items you would have put on scraps of paper, and putting them in a book ..." "You can be both productive and creative ..."! Amen! You Go Girl! Great comments!


I'm living for the ✨s a s s ✨. Wholly agree with the correlation between creativity vs. productivity. Like it's not a f*in inverse relationship. More decoration doesn't mean less productivity and the other way around!! HNnnhhghh


Made a rule for my bujo: No rulers, no white out and if i make a mistake i write lol and more on. It really forced me to get over my perfectionism./ I think Ryder Carroll adjusted the way he did weeklys after the popularity of the bujo community so even the creator adapts over time./ I think ppl say its flexible to ppl who are struggling to change their set ups bc they arent being flexible/adaptable./

I don't like how alot of the creative bullet journalers on youtube dont say more about the ryder carroll method which i think leads to ton of ppl trying bujo then leaving saying things like "I dont have the time"

Also i used to say buju lol... for some reason my phone cant autocorrecting to that.


Salty Jess is hilarious🤣 I'm right there with you when people talk about the Bournal Jullet community. Ok I haven't seen it that bad yet but sometimes it looks like we're heading there. lol


ANOTHER THING is that saying you don't have time or creativity for the bullet journal can feed into gatekeeping of minimal journals not being a "real" bujo. Like do they think that every bullet journaller needs to spend three hours on a single spread, and repeat that every day with all of them being objectively amazing!? Especially from the start!


I like the purple hair. 💜 All your points are pretty spot on though! Especially about art theft!


I hate there aren't enough people doing "darks" bujo art. I'm tired to see flowers, pink, etc. Make it gothic, make different, make it ubique


I get upset when people state that the journals are too fancy to use. Ultimately, it's all just paper after all. Paper you bought and own so use it as you wish.


"We don't get to decide what productivity looks like for other people"...couldn't agree more. Your bullet journal is your personal space. Whether you share your journal or not, it's for you to decide how the system works for you and what you choose to include, omit or change. Even Ryder Carroll has adapted his monthly log and changed its use from his original conception. Really liked the points you raised. I'm still in my first year of bullet journaling (not a fan of the term 'bujo' 😁) but love how much I've learned about myself throughout the process and love the spirit of the bullet journal community. 💜


It takes time and a few books to find what works for you. I've tried various trackers, headers, block style versus free-flow, stickers, washi tape, mildliners, and don't even get me started on brush lettering! After looking through my old books, I've come to terms with the BuJo: Do whatever the fuck you want. Theme, free-flow, rigid blocks, colourful or B&W, all in the same week if you like. Who cares, it's YOUR journal., Trash it up, muck around, washi to your hearts content, colour, draw, leave blank, use headers one week, dot-markers the next. Diary, journal secrets, password collections, to-do lists, school, work, home life, whatever the hell you want. You can BuJo in a field notes notebook, a scribbler, or spend some UNGODLY amount of money on a fancy hardcover notebook. Most of all: Have fun with it!


"As long as you are using it for the function that you have outlined for it to fill, awesome!" Yes. This was key for me. Great video 💜


Drives me batty when people assume that a dot grid is what makes it a bullet journal! And that the name derives from that. It's like, do you not see the bullet points you are using as signifiers? Do you think they might be relevant to the process and the name somehow???
Awesome vid as ever :D


Love the salt and sass. One of the things I don't like is when people say if you aren't using your bujo for everything, you are doing it wrong. Excuse me....it's my damn bujo. If I only want to keep track of a few things and use an ECLP for other things, then why the hell not. One of my bujo's helps me keep track of goals, habits and my work schedule. My other bujo is my reading journal. Each has its own purpose and serves me well.


These are great! I agree with so many of the things you mentioned. I said Boju a few times and then I reminded myself it rhymes with Cujo. 😆 I personally dislike completely blank dot grid pages. My first journal had a slightly darker dot at the halfway marks on the edges and in the center. It make planning out spreads so much easier. I have my grid spacing guide so I make due, but I got spoiled. Have great day! 💜


Confession time. I hate the word bujo. I think it sounds yucky. I can type it out but I will always say bullet journal or just journal. I can't bring myself to say bujo without cringing. Hearing you explain it and sounding out "boo-llet" gave me the giggles though!

I also have an issue when people say they don't have the time for journaling. I'm fine with it if it's not someone's vibe but if they say it like it's a time waste then I get mad. It's a form of self-care I think so I make time for it. Not to mention that bullet journaling helps me with task and time management so I kinda have to make the time if I want to be productive 😅

This was a fun video! I love occasional sass 😂


OMG, that was so funny! Love your sarcasm! I sat there giggling hysterically. 🤣

What I don't like is close to your No. 4 (the "BuJo police") - "you're not bullet journalling if you use a BuJo and a planner". Like, what?! Isn't writing appointments in a planner just a different form of Future Log? I'd forget most of my appointments if I didn't have a weekly overview - like, I simply forgot to look at any previous Future Logs I set up. It's a matter of what serves you best, after all. Besides, bullet journalling is a method, first and foremost, not a physical object...


Jess, love the fact that you are so passionate about BUJO ing...🤣🤣My number one is the fact that I can't use it until it's aesthetically set up to my standards...which may cause me to redo and redo and redo....🤷


I love that so many people have fun and enjoy their creative design with art, drawing, stickers, coloring, etc... I am also satisfied with my own BuJo because it is my place to create a notebook that works for my individual needs without an implicit structure like a Franklin Covey planner. I try not to stress out too much with imperfections like misspellings of words or a line out of place. A good reminder that I'm not a robot. LoL.


I hate the seemingly endless quest for the "perfect" notebook. There's always something: the dots don't line up, the paper isn't white enough or ghosts too much, there's no pen loop, the cover color options are black or black, there's too much margin...and so on.

Also, there's never an even number of dots for both dimensions, so I can't perfectly divide the page. Ugh.


Feel like I need vinegar and chips with the saltiness lol Have to agree with all your points, the dots not lining up is a particular hatred of mine. I know my aesthetic and it's torn paper, typewriter font alphabet stamps (that I never get straight) and black or gray pens with the odd splash of dark washi tape - I play to my strengths, i'm not a colourful arty person so I don't go that way but I'd never dream of saying "I can't do this as I'm not artistic" they're my spreads for my eyes and I love them! Think I kinda went off topic there lol Great video as always Jess. Jxx
