Russia preparing new wave of missile strikes on Ukraine, warns Zelenskyy

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has warned that Russia is preparing to unleash a new wave of strikes, as utility crews rush to restore power. Millions remain without electricity as a result of relentless shelling on the country's energy infrastructure. Ukraine's armed forces said they expect Russia will start to plug its military losses by redeploying units currently stationed in Belarus. Meanwhile, the Pentagon is considering a Boeing proposal to supply Ukraine with cheap, small precision bombs fitted onto abundantly available rockets.

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Russia: does anything

Zelensky: makes a video


*More sanction on that unrepentant and heartless aggressor*


I think Zelensky is sitting there thinking about if he‘s received enough💰💵 to cover this damage. 😂


Russia➡️ Ukraine
China➡️ Taiwan
North Korea ➡️ South Korea


Erratic Zelenskyy reminds Hitler in 1945. He wants to drive to grave as many people as possible . Half of Ukraine has a blackout and winter hasn't even started. Zelenskyy regime banned marking of soldiers' graves with Ukrainian flags. Endless forests of flags at cemeteries across Ukraine proved to be too demoralizing and scary for those still desperately trying to escape forced conscription (which is tantamount to a certain death warrant).


Another 220 thousand Russian troops on the way in less than a month, also. Keep up the self absorbed ego over negotiating Donbass land concessions Zelensky, see where that gets you and what's left of Ukraine. I mourn the losses on both sides, but have zero pity for Ukrainians in charge being pupeteered by us in the West at the expense of their country being destroyed -🇺🇲🙋‍♂️


Does Zelensky knows that the whole world is only interested in world cup now? I bet Zelensky also have a tv in his room so that he can see world cup to relieve battle stress. To bad Mr President, nobody is interested in Ukraine now. You have to wait till world cup is over.


please u dont make many people be sad and bad life


He should have focused on peace talk and negotiations with Russia. Ukraine is not the first instance of being pawn between great-power competitions in human history. Cuba missile incident 1960s and Vietnam-China war in 1979... I believe Taiwan is smart enough. The recent election shows that...


😊 Hypocrisy of the West 2.0

“The fact that 70% of the country's territory is left without electricity shows that we keep our finger on the switch. We can turn the electricity on and off where we need it and where we want it.”

Whose words do you think these are? One of the Russian military officers? Talk show experts? Or maybe Dmitry Medvedev?

No, friends. These are the words of NATO spokesman Jamie Shea. But they were said not now, but in 1999 during the bombing of Yugoslavia.

In 1999, NATO, with the support of the "world community", carried out airstrikes on power plants in Serbia, which led to a blackout in the whole country for several weeks. This was proudly reported by Western media, including CNN and the Washington Post. They savored the name of each power plant that was disabled and proudly reported on the use of the latest type of ammunition – graphite bombs.

Now the West demands that Russia stop attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure facilities.

But how do our strikes differ from NATO's? We are not destroying the power plants themselves that generate energy. We don't turn entire cities into ashes. Let me remind you that carpet bombing and missile strikes on Serbia lasted 78 days. More than 3, 000 civilians were killed and tens of thousands were injured. Responsibility for these actions is borne by 19 NATO countries that participated in this war crime. We use high-precision missiles, and we choose distribution nodes of the power grid as targets.

The hypocrisy of the West has no boundaries…


He should appear live on every ball match to teach player on how to play such a clown enjoy bein bom?
