PHOTOGRAPHY CHALLENGE | Sell Your Photos on Adobe Stock

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How to upload images to adobe stock from Adobe Lightroom CC
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I've sold a few images. They don't pay much for them. And your money just sits there until you hit their limit.


@Jared Polin, I actually did a few days after your initial Paris video sign up to try and sell some photos. So far I have uploaded about 30 photos and had 9 rejected for various reasons and some are still being revied. I am yet to sell anything so it is certainly not a quick thing too.
Looking at the photos you are uploading now I would be surprised if any are actually accepted as their standards are hight and are very picky. I am not at all saying that your photos are bad but that what they are looking for may not be what you produce normally. They seem to automatically reject all black and white photography (in my experience) as well as anything that is too processed and especially has too high contrast as the photos are meant to look natural and allow the buyer to edit your photo how they want. I am not sure that either of the photos with the buildings in them will get past too as you don't have a property release for them as I have had photos of front gates of houses rejected that I thought were even less recognisable. The first photo "car" may also show too much motion blur and the sky might be too blown out. I am pointing all this out as this is my experience so far and don't want people to get the wrong idea as many photos great photos will be rejected for one reason or another.
I look forward to seeing what the final results are and if you do actually sell any as I do see the value as you point out but they may not be the easiest stock option to get accepted photos etc.


I started doing that a couple of weeks ago. Haven't made anything, but it's awesome to have the options.


I sold a photo on Adobe Stock and made a whole 81¢


7:32 ... I’m totally a dog person, but damn, that cat is a cool dude..


Thanks, Jared. Nice "how to" video! I will definately have to give it a go. I remember reading somewhere that microstock was one way someone improved their composition skills through the accept/reject process. I do not know how Adobe Stock is in that regard but it's another reason to do it.


look great... but where do you setup the price ?

It's definitely a learning process but its rewarding. It took a few months for me to start making money but I found a niche and have made a couple hundred dollars selling pictures 25 cents to $20 a piece. Find a niche or upload thousands of pictures. Quality or quantity, you choose. It's a nice additional residual income.


The golden age of stock photography is OVER for the contributors, because the agencies are saturated with images, hence the ridiculous small price for an image, under 30 cents...if your image is chose out of +100 000 000 images that is...


So it seems like the stock option isn't a great one. I have some great stock photography. What does everyone think is the best way of going out and making a profit? I have considered selling my own signed prints. I have noticed a ton of restaurants hanging prints from local artists. Maybe opening a shop online would be a better idea and selling at a gallery or at least a festival. Anyone have input?


This is nutts every time you mention something on the daily fro it’s something incredibly relevant to my situation at that time, then today I went out and completely randomly decided to shoot some pics for adobe stock, then this video comes up lol


Would be interested to hear from someone who has used adobe stock on the amount of sales from using the service


Isn't it a good 10-15 years too late for stock photography lol


Almost made it to the end this time before getting "mooned" by the cat!


Well that sux.... you couldn't use a photo of the Eiffel Tower unless you had a release, or anything else recognizable. So I'm in Chicago, there goes shooting any buildings.


Stock photos had so many issues with all kind of releases that at the end of the day it is only a loose of time.


the recognizable property part is hard. Let's say I took a photo of a colored basketball court. only the locals would know the photos are of that park. Is it therefore recognizable or no because its such a small biche group who would recognize it? how big does something need to be to become "recognizable". PS im talking about le terrain duperre


That cat "Just Shut up and pet me!"


Does anyone worries about the personal data we asked to submit to the stock agencies? Why do they need my passport or ID? Why do they need the whole photo of it and not just the name and date published? What if any of the small agencies closes? Who manages my personal I information? Personal I have tried it for 2 months and I have earned 22 dollars out of 1500 well captured photos and many many of hours to edit, titled, add keywords and submit. Just not worth it for me..


Nice video Jared, thank you.  Do you know if Adobe Stock allow you to select your own thumb nail for the clip?
