Ubuntu Unity: Officially a New Ubuntu Flavor

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The Ubuntu team voted to accept Ubuntu Unity as an official flavor of the popular Linux distro.
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If you're actually using virtualbox, make sure you enable using host I/O cache on the virtual hard disk that the image is running from, which is in the storage section of settings. All debian-based distros are slow and laggy in virtualbox if you don't do this. It used to be enabled by default in virtualbox, until about a year ago.


This is great to see Ubuntu folks show some love to the desktop side of their distro.


Believe it or not, but the creator of Ubuntu Unity is a 12 years old guy in Bangalore, India, who started Ubuntu Unity about 2 years ago, when he was 10! His name is Rudra Saraswat.


Very nice. Now I can finally update my Ubuntu laptop from 16.04.


Cool. Going to check this out right now.


I'm on ubuntu 22.04 right now. It is slow, especially for first bot after install. Seems to speed up after a few reboots, but not by much. Ive gone through and did some tips that were mentioned elsewhere, and they helped. Still no where near as fast as other debian based distros (MX is fast as hell, for me).
Downloading unity now, to put in a vm.


After testing, I thought I would report my experience. In virtualbox on Xubuntu 22.04 with Cinnamon, the install was laggy and crashed fatally. But I had that same problem trying to install a VM of another distro. So I rebooted to Debian Sid, using the latest virtualbox. It installed successfully, but the install session was very laggy, then failed to reboot at the end. After getting the VM restarted, it was no longer laggy, but memory usage was high during first session, over 1 gig. After restarting, neofetch showed memory usage at about 750 mb on fresh boot, which is not bad. This was also after getting it updated. I noticed that Gnome Software was installed, which is a constant RAM eater. This is redundant on Ubuntu, since the Ubuntu Software Center is also installed, as well as Synaptic. After removing gnome-software and rebooting, memory usage was at a very nice 597 mb. I had also turned off automatic updates, so the update checker wouldn't run on startup. Unity is pretty responsive now, so I'll be playing around with that VM some more. On a side note, I also installed Xubuntu 22.04 in a VM, then changed the repos to Kinetic instead of Jammy, then ran the sudo apt dist-upgrade command. The upgrade to Ubuntu 22.10 Dev went flawlessly, but man it sure is buggy for now. Pretty cool, though. It's running the 5.19 ubuntu kernel. Fun fun.


I tried Ubuntu Unity 20.4.1 in a VM using KVM/Qemu (Virtual Machine Manager GUI). I allocated 2 threads (Core I7 3770K) and 4 GB of RAM. Apps opened just a tad bit quicker than Ubuntu Gnome 22.04 does in KVM/Qemu - not super responsive, but not annoyingly slow either.


No! I'm not going back to Ubuntu again. They're infamous for ditching their own projects. Leaving unity for gnome made me go to Linux mint. Now I'm enjoying manjaro.


Definitely switch anything that uses libvirt or targets KVM. It's a much better experience


Ladies and gentlemen... It's back.


If Ubuntu Unity is stable enough and not laggy then it will be my main os


I would not mind seeing Unity on non Ubuntu based distros just to play around with it, as the ASUS laptop I found earlier this year at the recycle drop off had an earlier version of Ubuntu installed on it with Unity(wipe your data if possible before you e-waste stuff people, as on this system I could have gotten what I think was a grandmother's SS number, and some other sensitive data as it was set to automatically log into the system with a very weak ROOT password, and yes before anyone ask yes there were some naughty pics of granny 🤮), and with only 4GB of RAM and a Hyperthreaded dual core Intel I3 it ran fairly smooth for the little time I played with it.


Imprisonment system notification policy for the #ZIP code free dorm room 🤣😂🤩😄🍎


Been using this for the past few months, there is alot to love about it…no complaints here


The sluggishness dissapears if you use VMWare and the guest-tools instead of VBox. Don't ask me why that is.
This is one of the reasons I stopped using VirtualBox alltogether, it's simply not on par with the alternatives out there.
And yes, I know VMWare is closed source etc. etc., and probably also infested with NSA spyware ...


Wow! That’s fantastic. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, mate.


Why not install it on bare metal and see how it performs there? Maybe the laggy-ness of Ubuntu Unity is due to it not being installed on bare metal?


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion. But I feel like Gnome has improved to the point where Unity isn't needed. If you really want that Unity layout with better resource management, just stick with KDE or Mate.


I've installed the Unity Remix on my laptop and it was slow and buggy. Although I loved the Unity shell, it did not like the way it was implemented and little has changed. I'm sorry, I don't mean to bag it but honest feedback is required for anything to improve and I hope it does. Also, I don't trust Canonical and the quality of Ubuntu has gotten worse rather than better. I really hope all of this changes.
