5 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Better At Dancing (Easy Fixes) | STEEZY.CO

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Feel stuck in your dance journey? Like you've tried everything and yet, you JUST aren’t getting any better??

Peep these five potential reasons why👇

1. Your positioning is off
2. You quit before building
3. You put too much on your plate
4. You don't solicit info from experts & peers
5. You don't play a character

If you resonate with any of these reasons, watch the full video to catch some simple tips that’ll help you continue your progress! 💪

And if you found this video helpful, share it with any friends who might also be feeling stuck! Oh, and be sure to leave a like and comment on what video you want us to make next. 👀 

Wanna see more videos like this one? Don’t forget to subscribe to STEEZY's channel and hit that notification bell so you don't miss any new uploads.

Thanks for watching and see you next week!!

With Love, 

0:00 - Introduction
0:39 - Reason #1: Your Positioning Is Off
1:39 - Reason #2: You Quit Before Building
2:52 - Reason #3: You Put Too Much On Your Plate
3:45 - Reason #4: You Don't Solicit Info From Experts & Peers
5:04 - Reason #5: You Don't Play A Character
5:54 - Outro
6:20 - Bloopers


Get started on your dance journey today with STEEZY Studio. Learn dance fundamentals, workouts, and choreography anywhere, anytime from the best teachers in the world.

#STEEZYStudio #Dancing #DanceTips #DanceAdvice #Dancers #DanceLife #GetBetterAtDancing
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First of all: I'm in love with Jessie's hair


jessie looks like she's about to perform alcohol-free


these two are so comforting to watch lmao. like they could talk about literally anything and id be like, yes ✨


Ok not to sound dramatic but my life was so much different before i knew about this channel. I was trying to dance at home FOR YEARS without any knowledge of how to actually dance even though I really wanted to be a good dancer, I did not make almost any progress at all. It's crazy how much better my dancing is now that I have binge watched your dance tip videos, I feel so much better about myself now because before this I didn't really have any talents, nothing I was good at. Now I can say I'm a good dancer even though I still have SO MUCH room to improve. Anyway that makes me really really happy so yeah, thank you so much. I feel like the outro of this video finally motivated me to write this comment because you guys really deserve all the love and support you get, you've helped so many people.😌💖


"because we're gonna give u five things, right now, that'll make u unstuck" thx, step bro


"Leave a like to help this young man" Thats why I love steezy. They teach, they also have fun. This type of teachers are rare


Not me here considering leaving dancing cause I couldnt improve anymore, thank you so much steezy for this video and all your effort💜🇦🇷


"not that i really have to perform " yes queen 😭❤


I just found your channel and am currently downloading the Steezy app. I went from an athlete in high school, to belly dancing when i was in my 20's to 30's. I damaged my ACL twice in my 30's and physically fell apart, taking my mental health right along with it. In the last 5-6 years i have been obsessed with K Pop. I'm facing a lot of health problems if i don't do something about it, so I turn back to dance. I guess this was the long way to say thanks for your diversity, your attention to the basics, details, and creating this innovative movement! It is about time.


Do you have a flexibility class on steezy? One that can ACTUALLY help me do the splits 😭😭 I've been wanting to become more flexible for fears.


can i just whoever edits your videos needs a raise


I had some really good dance teachers back when I tried dancing, and I was taught
"When you hit a ceiling, go back to your fundamentals and strengthen your basics"

and sure enough, every time I seemed to max out, I could raise that ceiling up by becoming more knowledgable/practiced in the basics. Don't underestimate the depth and value in the fundamentals. You'll grab new insights and new progress if you revisit those concepts and training as an intermediate/advanced dancer that you couldn't see or attain as a beginner.


One of the things I noticed that makes me look bad while dancing, is not bending my knees enough (mostly talking about styles like hiphop, bollywood, shuffling etc)
I have noticed that the best dancers almost never have straight knees. They are always down on their knees and have a groove in their body which makes them look smooth, powerful and contolled at the same time.

Not bending my knees made it seem like I am not putting much effort into the dance and just doing some awkward movement while standing.

That was my mistake and I am still learning to improve it. I have seen a tiny bit of change, but I still have a long way to go.😅😊


Thank you guys. We all are so grateful for every advice you give us to become better dancers ♡


Thank you! Seriously starting my dancing journey so stoked to find yall's videos!!!


Nobody belives that I can learn a little bit of dancing by myself. Thanks to you I belive that I can. I will try my best and I won't give up. Thank you so much for your support and tips. I feel it ♥️♥️♥️


I remember 10 years ago when the Dance community used to be really competitive, and most dancers were really stuck up and so offering to give advice and help like this was very rare. I’m so glad that things have evened out over time and now dancers are a lot more kind and friendly. The dance community is now a welcoming place.


Jessie does a good job of selling steezy she has such a fun personality


y'all's vids have given me so much motivation tysm


I love how at ease you guys are, it’s contagious. Like you make me feel at ease, when I try these things, I don’t feel awkward or behind because the way you explain it makes me feel very validated and I’m never bored watching your videos you’re just so funny and confident with yourselves 😂
