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DJI Mini 4 Pro Range TEST - How far can it fly? This is the CE version.

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Good test. However don't be fooled by the "max distance" you can reach. I lost my Mini 4 PRO in the mountain within about 1500 m distance. The signal was blocked by the mountain "shadow". I went down on the other side and, instead of returning home automatically, the GPS signal was apparently lost as well (deep valley). Then the drone stopped, hovered for a few seconds and started to descent for landing. Fortunately the 360 obstacle avoidance worked and the drone landed without hitting trees or branches a stream (it was a cleared area). Fortunately as well, the last GPS position was recorded and I used the find my drone feature to find it....after a serious hike. DJI analyzed the records and did not find the reason why the RTH did not work. So they replaced it under warranty (drone and battery were dead after staying in the water for about 24 hours). If you wish to fly longer distance, used the FCC version from Drone tweaks but buy as well a PLUS battery (at Drone nerds in the USA) in order to take benefit of the extended signal strenght of the FCC version.


Thanks very much for producing this video Darren. Not boring one little bit! A real confidence builder IMV...and great to see all the RC 2 screen indications as the Mini 4 Pro flys further away from the controller. The sophistication of these DJI drones never ceases to amaze me.


The reason many of us want to know the range is because many things are too far to reach by car or on foot. During my travels, I've come across remote islands, caves high up in mountains, etc. It's nice to get footage of places you can't reach on foot.

I've also used it for exploring. During a jet ski trip, I was island hopping. I used the drone to travel to and around the next island north. It was incredible to be able to travel there, get videos, and return. I was able to see shallow waters, rocks, obstructions, etc.

Anyway great footage. I'm looking to buy one of my own.


Thanks for making this video. I’ve only flown a few times now and am reluctant to go too far yet but starting to see it’s possible to do. It’s also cold weather so I have to think about battery life. I’m playing it safe while I learn.


Mini 3 Pro range test
6200m CE (came back because of signal)
8000m FCC (came back because of battery)


I’ve reached 6km distance with the mini 4 pro, with the plus battery. Battery gave out before signal did. RTH no problem. Keep your drone high 100m or more and make sure your in the open preferable on a hill or higher and a clear and I do mean clear clear day


My Mini 4 Pro clipped a small tree branch and fell about 4m into a water fountain stream. It was half submerged in the water for about 15 mins, it had sustained a broken, or cracked left front arm.
When I got it home I blew out the water with an air hose, the battery was ok, It wouldn't start up on its own, only if its connected by the USB cable to initially charge it then I could disconnect the cable . I took it out to test it and everything was good apart from a gimble error message, but since then Its been fine. I'm now a bit less confidant flying over water at least if its near trees.


You sir, have provided us with very valuable Information on many levels.
Therefore i thank you


Hi Darren where did you film that ? should have done same test with the mini 3 Pro


In spite of the different environments, it's obvious that there is significantly better signal attenuation and strength there. Wait... this is CE mode? Im watching as I write. THAT is impressive as hell! Another reson to stay in standard mode is speed. DJI calculates the most efficient speeds for longest flight times, which translates to distance. On signal-rich environments, i get roughly 50% more distance from me, measured in a huge circle around me of 12 mile circumference - and the diameter is about 3.8 miles.


Ok, I must be missing something. I got near 10, 000 meters on my Mini3 pro over the ocean and might have made it to 10, 000 or a little over had I not had become paranoid about return battery power on the longer battery plus.
The Mini4 pro specs say it has a range of 20, 000 meters. Just needs someone to invent bigger battery to make the round trip.
I guess that maybe you don't get as much range over land.


Good piece of mind for any DJI product, most people never need or want to fly this far away. They're an amazing drone.


I think it has little to do with the remote control type or the drone but more with the environment and the place where you are flying. I flew my DJI mini 4K to a distance of 3, 1 km and an altitude of 325 meters and had between 5 and 4 bars the whole flight.


My mini 3 stock battery
Did a testing on my battery that is 11 months old I went 24000 feet and made it back with 13% battery left and the battery had 45 charges on it
The mini 4 pro can do 30, 000 feet and back safely
Good video thanks for sharing


thats ive got 3.5 km on my mini 3 (not pro version ) before i returned due to chickening out.... it would have gone more, and i took off from my work ( industrial zone) and flew to my house before i returned....


@DMProductions Darren, thanks again for yet another great video!! I've seen these long distance test videos over the past year, mainly for the Mini 3 Pro, but this one is great for the Mini 4 Pro. I think there's one out for here in the U.S. for Mini 4, by the same content creator. My take is, yeah, they may be boring, but I think the first one I watched I was excited to see that the drone was able to make it back. The creator made it kind of interesting, a little dramatic, although I later tried to figure out how it could be. Maybe his voice, narration, approach or whatever, but it was interesting to me anyway. Yours was nice


Go higher up man! I mostly fly at 500 Meters and go Easley 5 Km away from me than. So 10 Km when RTH again, I have a Mini 3 and a Mini 2SE. Anyway, thanks.for.your info and video. Sincerely, SkyLab.


Interesting to see Darren, however something i would never dream of doing. 👍


Why would you not make a video about the range. To me it's very important in if I decided to buy or not. Great video


Incrediable video and my god the signal is great just like your videos well done!
