My Toxic Trait!!😑

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Are you looking to join a genuine platform of available singles who are looking for marriage? Check out the Courtship Network Today!
Another great way to signal to people that you are SINGLE is by wearing the Pear ring. You can get yours here:
For all of my ladies who want tomaster their feminine skills, get a copy of the book "Divinely Feminine" now!
You can get my NEW follow-up book, "DO WELL! A Feminine Woman's Guide To Relationship Success" on Amazon right now!
You can order your copy of my first book "CHOOSE WELL!: A Simple Formula To Determine The Best Man For You" on Amazon right now!
Want to support the platform?
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Venmo: @Anita-Stoudmire
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Please give this video a great BIG thumbs UP!! Subscribe to the channel so that you can be alerted when new content comes out. Thank you for the Love and Support.
This video and the information in it is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This video is not a substitute for mental health advice by a licensed provider in your state. Although I am a licensed professional counselor, I am not YOUR counselor. Watching this video does not constitute any kind of patient/client relationship with Anita P. Stoudmire or Better Love Movement. The information and advice presented in this video is intended for your own personal, spiritual and emotional growth and in the event, you use any of the information in this video for yourself, the creator assumes no responsibility for your actions.
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Are you looking to join a genuine platform of available singles who are looking for marriage? Check out the Courtship Network Today!
Another great way to signal to people that you are SINGLE is by wearing the Pear ring. You can get yours here:
For all of my ladies who want tomaster their feminine skills, get a copy of the book "Divinely Feminine" now!
You can get my NEW follow-up book, "DO WELL! A Feminine Woman's Guide To Relationship Success" on Amazon right now!
You can order your copy of my first book "CHOOSE WELL!: A Simple Formula To Determine The Best Man For You" on Amazon right now!
Want to support the platform?
CashApp: $anitastoudmire
Venmo: @Anita-Stoudmire
Consider leaving a tip by clicking the three dots to the right of the video and hit the "Thanks" button!
Please give this video a great BIG thumbs UP!! Subscribe to the channel so that you can be alerted when new content comes out. Thank you for the Love and Support.
This video and the information in it is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This video is not a substitute for mental health advice by a licensed provider in your state. Although I am a licensed professional counselor, I am not YOUR counselor. Watching this video does not constitute any kind of patient/client relationship with Anita P. Stoudmire or Better Love Movement. The information and advice presented in this video is intended for your own personal, spiritual and emotional growth and in the event, you use any of the information in this video for yourself, the creator assumes no responsibility for your actions.
#datingadviceforwomen #godlydating #datingwithapurpose #datinggoals #datingexpert #relationshipexpert #relationship101 #relationshiptips #relationshipcoachforwomen #divinefeminine #femininepowermastery #femininity #bethefeminine #bethegirl #relationshipsuccess #femininepower #nofreesex #femininityexpert #highvaluewoman #nofreewife #betterlovemovementpodcast #highstandards #highvaluewoman #classywomen #happymarriage #levelingup