The white slave trade & the British crusade against slavery | Uncomfortable truths about slavery

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Here we explore some uncomfortable facts about slavery to bring more nuance into the discussion. These include the Barbary pirate slave trade that enslaved over a million Europeans, the Arab Slave trade that some argue may have been more brutal than the transatlantic, and the British Crusade against slavery.

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Important that this knowledge gets spread more widely. An issue that isn't mentioned in the video is that male slaves were generally castrated by Arab slave traders; an extreme form of torture. This barbarism is why we do not see a distinct group of African slave descendants in the Middle East. Despite all of this, nobody blames the Ottoman Empire for slavery, but everyone speaks about the British Empire.


As a white man, I am so grateful that you as a black man have spoken up about this. The powers that be have been trying to pit colour against colour for hundreds of years, only because they want to control us. Conversations like this one are the path to finally beating the racists.

Much love, brother.


You speak so well, this should be shown in all schools.


Personally I think all of these uncomfortable truths need to be talked about more.


I was called a conspiracy theorist for telling a woke white liberal about the Arab & Barbary slave trade.


"Am I not a man and a brother?"

wow.. powerful words!


About time we began to tell the truth about slavery instead of allowing selfish people to exploit their ancestor's suffering for their own ends.


To some of us these are not uncomfortable truths. We have known about this history from childhood but have been shouted down by those who had an agenda to tell a different narrative.


A further point not only did Britain basically force nations to drop slavery but we only finished paying the debt that created in the last 20ish years.


As a child in the 60s, we actually did learn this in school. I guess it was in the mid-70s that they stopped talking about history in schools, and began giving "narratives" instead of historic facts.


When Britain abolished it's slave trade about half a dozen African kingdoms complained! King Gezo of the Dahomey was on record saying he'd do anything the British asked but give up slavery.
Britain signed about 50 anti slaving treatise with West African kingdoms and any that refused to stop got bombarded into stopping. The slave port of Lagos, Nigeria was one such location bombarded to stop slaving in 1851. Lagos renamed it's independence square after a local slave trader. You can see a statue of her there today.
When the transatlantic slave trade had largely stopped, they diverted ships to East Africa to stop the Arab slave trade. They stopped patrolling East Africa in the 1970's.
Look up the photos from the HMS Sphinx that captured Arab slavers in Oman and the sailors breaking off the chains of the African slaves in 1907?


This video needs to be mandatory in all US and UK schools Thank you for telling they entire truth


A point touched on but not particularly highlighted was that the victims of the Atlantic slave trade were not swept up and captured by white European raiding parties (as, for example, Alex Haley portrayed in 'Roots') but rather bought from the existing African slave markets. European traders who were, let us not forget, employed in a purely economic venture and had neither the resources nor the desire to launch armed invasions into Africa. Although often overlooked, western Africa had well developed civilisations which, although quite different from those in Europe, were quite capable of defending themselves against lightly armed raiders.

The Atlantic slave trade depended on African traders for its inventory; no African slavers = no African slaves beyond the tiny number that might be picked up at random from coastal raids--which would have not been adequate to establish an economic basis for the huge logistical effort needed to carry unskilled labour halfway around the world.

As even Alex Haley himself admitted, 'Roots' was fiction and did not reflect historical truth but was rather a conscious effort to create an 'origin myth' for black Americans. This was, of course, long after he had enjoyed the royalties for the book sales and the resulting television mini-series that cemented the false narrative in the public consciousness...


For those interested . England had no slaves as in definition ownership of humans was ended in England by William the Conqueror in 1069 .
The Royal navy single headedly stamped out the slave trade on the seas of the world plus England paid out 20 million in compensation to free slaves . This was the first time in the history of humanity any attempt had been made to end slave trading . Britain ended the slave trade 50 years before USA and they didn't need a civil war to do it . Racism in Britain present day is more of an import from USA . During the war Brits were shocked how Americans treated black solders in their army and even more shocked they were segregated .


Educators will fight tooth and nail not to have this taught in schools, great video brother


Thanks for talking about this. It was heartbreaking watching monuments to various figures directly and indirectly involved in the abolition of slavery during the 2020/2021 period by people who were terribly misled about the history of Britain.


Something I knew already as I am British, and it always alarmed me when the lies were taught as history, especially in the USA, and it was done for base political purposes there. More than one American slave ship captain was hanged at the yardarm by the British Navy before the trade finally was stopped in the Western world. It still goes on in the Arab and African world though.... hundreds of thousands of slaves are still held there.


Just shows that learning history doesn't stop when you leave the classroom.


I was born in 1955 and ALL of the information in this video was taught to us in school. History lessons. It would seem that ten current crop of far-left activists who masquerade as teachers are rather neglecting their duties if this is no longer being taught.
