Martin Lewis says households earning under £40k should check Universal Credit eligibility

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People earning under £40,000 a year should check if they are eligible for Universal Credit, Martin Lewis has said.

While giving evidence to the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) sub-committee on Online Harms and Disinformation, the Money Saving Expert founder clarified that while not everyone earning under that amount would get the payments, it was worth using a benefits calculator to double check.

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He’s the richest man on Good Morning Britain. And that’s saying something!


seems odd when UC for someone out of work is only 400 quid a month?


Politicains could learn a lot from Martin. When I worked I got £15000 a year, rarely got a rise! But then, people who use their hands, rarely get WELL paid, unlike white collar workers.


I've solved my heating problems. When at home and sitting in front of the TV, the heating goes off and out comes my 30 x 50cm - 100w heat pad for the rest of the evening (approx 4hrs). Thus, making huge saving on the gas central heating bill... And I didn't need Lewis to tell me about this money saving idea, as I've been doing this for years and long before he was on TV.


This guy is a tory to the bone. He's completely unable to to lay the blame for the terrible inequality and poverty in the UK at the feet of 12 years of uninterrupted conservative rule. They are the party of the rich, selfish and greedy.


You should allow senior women to live with family without deducting income, instead of claiming it’s one household.

Senators or MP’s have great pensions, without deductions if they live with adult children, when they retire.

This idea would help solve a large portion of the housing crisis among senior grandmothers, instead of spending trillions for retirement homes, plus keep families together, who would like that:)


There are only China and aunts as usual.


This chap is no one's friend. He's the sales rep for all the big companies. He shares their best offers which is exactly what all good sales reps do. He doesn't protect anyone from the system, rather, he sucks people into it, again, just like any good sales rep.


This is almost completely rubbish and typical of Lewis who is all about making headlines for himself and his rather-more-than-£40K self promoting welfare advice. You could dig for gold coins in the local park too (illegal of course, but about the same odds)


People only claim because needs to
Claiming benefits is like HitlerMariaAntoinette life matters


No government is ever going to make me poor. That's my rule.
