The Real Great Escape – Codename Tom, Dick & Harry

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Archaeologists and veterans hunt for the tunnel the Germans never found, and reveal the epic scale of the POWs underground exploits.

On the 24th March 1944 the most famous prisoner of war escape in history took place. It was immortalised in the classic film The Great Escape, yet the real story of the mass breakout from Stalag Luft III is stranger than fiction, it was an incredible operation involving hundreds of Allied prisoners digging three huge tunnels right under the noses of their German guards. But what started off as an adventure would end in tragedy, and the rules of the game would be changed forever.

This is the story of The Real Great Escape.

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My stepfather was a sock boy there. He moved a lot of sand. He was a B-17 pilot. Shot down over Austria. He was 23 on his 23rd mission. The only one to get out. His plane exploded. 6 months in a German Red Cross camp. He didn’t talk about it much. He’s at rest at Arlington National cemetery. John “Jack” Thomas Farrington.


My father was a prisoner there for 18 months. He said he was as surprised as the Germans when he heard of the escape. The fact that the tunneling was kept a secret, with so many prisoners involved, was pretty amazing.


To hear the history from the lips of the men who made it, is a priceless moment, a gift and should be treasured as such.


Had the privilege of meeting two survivors. Most amazing men.


Wow the fact that it was 30ft deep and in sand was incredible. The disposing of the sand was so cleverly done. What an amazing generation they all were in.


The sheer genius of the prisoners is amazing. Although it didn't end well for most, working feverishly
to plan and work towards an escape gave the prisoners a purpose and hope under the constant threat of death.
They are now forever in the pages of history. This documentary is historic. Thank you for posting.


On the anniversary of my dad's passing I saw this video on my feed. The Great Escape was the last movie I saw with my dad. Thank you for posting this video. It meant a lot to me to watch. I miss & love you always Pop!


I’ve been fortunate enough to visit many of these places including this one. The English veteran in this program is Bertram, Arthur, James aka Jimmy James. What’s even more incredible than even this story is afterwards he escaped from the Concentration he was sent to by digging a tunnel from under his bed using a spoon !
A man who should have been Knighted if ever there was one. Ironically he probably wouldn’t have accepted it because to him it just seemed the right thing to do and not a big deal !


Can remember making a report on this in school about 1972.

Totalitarianism must never be practiced again, but i am afraid we are forgetting the horror and are in danger to repeat it.


I've been a history buff since about age 20 and although I did enjoy the film, the book (By Brickhill) was far more compelling because it was real. Those men showed such incredible determination, ingenuity and bravery that it defies the modern world. And for those acts 50 good men were murdered. We must never lose sight of the good fight, those who recognize and treasure freedom staying vigilant against those who would take it away. And that fight is as important today as it was in 1943. Freedom is far more precious, rare and fragile than most people realize!


What a grand bunch of men... seems like we never learn the high cost of war. Rest in Peace


An older gentleman who I was close to was also here. An American airman, his B17 was shot down. He was in a medical section because of injuries he sustained. He had the utmost respect for these men and absolute horror at what the gestapo did.


Few may know this but Davy Jones was also portrayed in the movie "30-Seconds Over Tokyo". He piloted one of the B-25s and was Doolittle's second in command of the mission off the Hornet. And he was a true gentleman and wonderful all-around character. I was honored to have known him.


I've watched the Great Escape Movies and numerous great Escape documentaries. This is one of the best. The three men that participated in the Great Escape were astonished of the items found while digging. What a truly amazing story with a tragic ending. Most of hitler's hired murderers were brought to justice. Hopefully, that gave the family of those lost some closure. This is a great, great story and I thank you for producing it. On a side note, my Father and three Uncles were WWII Veterans. The oldest, Uncle Paul, was killed a few months after D-Day in France. They found him in his foxhole clutching his prayer book. I am a Gulf War Veteran.


All those involved in the production of this production. I congratulate for their preservation of this event in World War II. To have the former pows as part of the production was also extraordinary.


Just a single tunnel would have been an amazing feat but 3 of them ? Incredible


What an incredible story !!! 30’ underground, I don’t think I could handle the constant thought of collapse. My hat is off to every single one of these men. My grandfather was a submariner in WW2 but he didn’t talk about it. He always had lots of other cool stories to tell around the camp fire though. He was an awesome man and we miss him dearly.


My high school calculus teacher talked about being shot down as a WW2 pilot. He talked about being captured and put into this camp. As an American, he was in a different section of the camp. I am fuzzy about his details but I remember the amazing story he told.


My uncles friend was in this camp. He said they brought the bodies of the escaped prisoners back, laid them out and made all the prisoners walk past them. They got the message that this would be their end if they tried to escape. We should also realize that more than 95% of U.S. and British POWs survived the POW camp. Less than 5% of the Soviets did. In fact, they starved to death between 2, 000, 000 and 3, 000, 000 of them.

We cannot ever let this happen again. NEVER AGAIN, yet I see similar things happening today.


Wow!!! Just incredible. What a bunch of very talented and determined individuals. You couldn’t make this stuff up. Fantastic
