Crust of Rust: std::collections

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In this video we go over the various collection types in the Rust
standard library (effectively `std::collections`), and discuss a bit
about how they work, when you might use each one, and what their
respective trade-offs are.
0:00:00 Introduction
0:03:57 Vec
0:29:57 VecDeque
0:49:54 LinkedList
0:59:21 *Set types
1:07:51 HashMap
1:43:42 BTreeMap
2:10:22 BinaryHeap
2:30:31 Option and Result maybe(?)
2:37:35 Is () a collection?
standard library (effectively `std::collections`), and discuss a bit
about how they work, when you might use each one, and what their
respective trade-offs are.
0:00:00 Introduction
0:03:57 Vec
0:29:57 VecDeque
0:49:54 LinkedList
0:59:21 *Set types
1:07:51 HashMap
1:43:42 BTreeMap
2:10:22 BinaryHeap
2:30:31 Option and Result maybe(?)
2:37:35 Is () a collection?
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