Rupert Spira on being aware vs awareness of being

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An excerpt from a 5-week course with Bernardo Kastrup & Rupert Spira, Nov 2022

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As I experience the present moment that awareness feels formless. It is around me. Yet it is of me. That is, it has a feeling. A vibrational presence.


Most answer “of what?” to the question “are you aware?”

In such cases, it can be fruitful to suggest “aware of being aware?”, because it points to “that” which is aware rather than what one is aware “of”. In a sense it draws attention to the subject that knows rather than the object being known.

Of course, Awareness (or Being) isn’t really a “subject” separate from and observing “objects”. Awareness is this whole appearance, whether it is conceptualising and feeling itself to be a subject-object reality or not.

I find the terms “being awareness” or “aware being” to be powerful pointers to this fact.


Being aware focuses more on the experience; awareness of being is more on the awareness. It's the difference between there is seeing and seeing being known by the awareness; the difference between being aware of the observed and being aware of the observer.


what is your experience of what u re talking about .thx


Could it be that things DO reside outside of awareness or are embedded in awareness in such a way as to remain non-experiences?
Could it be the ‘potential of everything’ sits hidden in infinite awareness as a non-experience and is called forth from ‘nothingness’ where it then becomes something (an experience)?
Maybe every possible experience is ‘in waiting’(hidden in awareness) and we pull it out of or allow it or encourage it or permit the non-experienced potential to become an experience that is known.
I agree that all experience is known. I also intuit that all non- experiences are available to us. Perhaps the 7 billion localizations and their respective experiences that are preceded by awareness are representations of the non- experienced potentiality of the infinite?


Merry awareness and Being
Belfast Ireland 🇮🇪


Thx! That split between Awareness and Being indeed confused me some times…

Awareness of Being even sounds more related to an objective experience instead of the pure Awareness.

Meanwhile I almost prefer Awakeness. 🍀


Rupert Spira 🙏

Awareness and beingness are not separate entities, instead both are 'one' simultaneously & timelessly.

Awareness is also the beingness of all sorts of perceptions by the body & mind. It is aware of all things by its infinite wisdom capacity.

Awareness is the 'all things of life' that gives rise to the aliveness of being.

It is the most fundamental underlying 'force or energy' that gives rise to life & in all living sentient beings.

Awareness is like empty space -pervasive, is not shaped by anything that passes thru' it, and remains untouched - whole & free. 😊🙏🙇‍♂️🌷


I much prefer : Just experience the present moment.


Being aware of being aware is not an experience to be something conscious of to then recall to give it some thought at a later date for a resolution. The only thing you realise by Being aware of being aware is that you have placed yourself in a revolving door of being aware of being aware. It serves no purpose except for a so called teacher seeming to look like he knows something you dont. More so to say " awareness of being", is just a statement thats inferred using being. Which is to say that awareness came first, not Being.
This teacher is talking mumbo jumbo to bamboozle the unsuspected as though something intelligent was said.
