The 12 Principles - Animating with Spine #2

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Welcome to the second video of our Animating with Spine tutorial series! We'll teach you the 12 basic animation principles and how to apply those concepts in Spine. Follow along and use the provided Spine project to hone your skills by animating four different balls through an obstacle course.

As we dive deeper into animating in future videos, everything else will be built on top of these basic principles.

Happy animating!

Project files for the obstacle course exercise:

Spine User Guide:

Spine forum discussion:
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0:38 1~2. Squah & Stretch (찌그러짐과 늘어남)
1:11 3. Aniticipation (사전 대기 자세)
1:42 4. Staging (연출)
3:22 5~6. Follow Through & Overlapping (끌려오기 - 주 동작 끝난 후에도 관성에 의해 계속 움직임 & 겹치기 - 신체가 동시에 움직이지 않고, 차례대로 연결되는 것)
4:08 7. Slow In Slow Out (가속 & 감속)
4:32 8. Arcs (곡선 운동)
4:55 9. Secondary Action (부차적인 움직임)
5:45 10. Timing (타이밍 [시간 - 프레임 수] or 스페이싱[ 공간 - 위치 차이])
6:36 11. Exaggeration (과장)
+ 12. Appeal (호소력)


Thank you for an amazing tutorial! Looking awesome as always!


Great video. Looked like a ton of work to put together. Thanks for posting this.


the rabbit character is so vivid that I really want to see the story behind it


For some reason the URL to download the project file doesn't work. It opens up then closes immediately not allowing me to download it. I can't copy the full URL because it doesn't let me @t I had the same problem with the project file for the Weight and Mass - Animating with Spine #1 but the full URL was linked in one of the comments and I was able to download it. Could you please link the full URL for this project file. I would also like the full URL for Timing and Spacing - Animating with Spine #3 project file as well, I'd really appreciated it. Thank you in advance. =D


can you use this software to animate video animations. I don't know anything about making games. I make cartoon vids and need an animation program. Right now I do frame by frame and it sucks. thanks in advance.
