Hot Take: Clash Royale Should Change Balance Changes

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In this video, Billy discusses the idea of Clash Royale players voting on balance changes in Clash Royale. Clash royale balance changes are a huge part of the game, but it is much more important that good nerfs happen than good buffs.

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Majority of players are idiots. Letting them vote led to many mistakes *COUGH* magic archer *COUGH*


gob hut gets a buff is the day i invade finland


Hot take: the spawners (except tombstone) should be either removed from the game of reworked into troops. They are literally the most unhealthy cards for the game, turning the huts and the furnace into caravans (a big tank that drops troops and focuses buildings, but does not attack them) is what I think is the best idea for them.


You have two buttons:
"Make Clash Royale Free2Play permanently"
"Make every Card balance without breaking the intention of the card"
If you pick one the other button would be erased from physical reality. You can't click both because then both buttons would be erased and and cancell each other out.


Clone spell rework idea:
Lifetime: infinite to 10 sec
Clone hp: 1 to match troops being cloned
This will effectively make clones much more resistant to spells and will actually create a quick flash push that will go away with a little time


Tower troop Concept!
Name: Slicer
Rarity: Champion
HP: 3137
Damage: 232
Hit Speed: 1 second
DPS: 232
Range: 8
Every 10 hits It spawns a Large goblin

Large goblin stats
HP: 437
Damage: 161
Hit speed: 0.5 Seconds
DPS: 322
Range: 6
AOE: 2 Tiles
Every 5 seconds The large goblin survives it spawns a Elixir collector


I have a balance change idea: Make the mirror spawn each card 1 less elixir instead of 1 more elixir. Even though there will be a 0 elixir card now, you still need to play the spirits before playing the mirror. So in this case you get 2 spirits for 1 elixir. Even Goblin barrel, mirror, clone will work, because then it'll take less elixir to use and you will still have 2 elixir and building up to defend. I know you hate 0 elixir cards, but atleast it's not by itself, so you can play the card before the mirror if you want. I do Acknowledge you though.


Card Idea: Sharpshooter
5 elixir
Epic Card
Can target ground and air
Single target

Stats: (lvl 11)
Damage: 127-520
Range: 7.5
Health: 942
Hit speed: 2.7s
Deals more damage the farther away the enemy is, from 127 when it’s right next to the Sharpshooter and 520 when 7.5 tiles away. Deals 33% damage to crown towers.

Evolution: The base shot does 67 damage to a single enemy, then exploding and dealing 450 damage in an AoE to enemies nearby it.

This card would be pretty much a polar opposite of the hunter, and could be put behind a push to take out any flying cards or mini tanks.
It could also full counter some win conditions.


I think they should split the balance changes to 2 different categories, nerfs and buffs and have different polls for them. Therefore people cannot prioritize nerfs over buffs and both the most wanted buffs and nerfs will be added


New card idea
Goblin Copter

3 elixer card that has 4 spear goblins in it. The card has the health of 4 spear goblins. When the cards take a quarter of its health it lose a spear goblin. It will die to fireball. What also is that each spear goblin will attack the closet troop to that goblin. It will be the speed of about the phoenix.


Giant Skelkton evo concept:
Hear me out. Evo giant skeleton should get an evo kinda like the drill or goblin giant. At 50hp it throws the bomb straight up only difference between the two is when dropped it deals normal death bomb damage but when tossed it comes straight down landing with knock back kinda like the stow ball but still exploding and only dealing half damage. Apart from this when past 50%hp the gunpowder will ignite chipping health away from the giant skeleton working as a countdown until it eventually exploded doing the same damage as a fire ball. This would be 1 cycle for only having the 50% hp explosion and 2 cycles for having the death bomb too.


Mega Minion Evo idea:

2 Cycle cuz it's 3 elixir lol

This might be a crazy and stupid evo idea but this one would have 2 mechanics like Evo Battle Ram, first mechanic is that it would push troops away a bit (1 tile pushback, like The Log) and the 2nd mechanic is that when it connects to a tower, it's an instant tower gone (it does 3052 dmg to tower at level 11), it's still easily distracted and still has low HP, but it will be required to defend and it will be a great defensive card

(I burnt the whole building trying to cook)


Card idea: A card called brain rot which is a spell that can make 1 card against itself so it works for you and if they need a buff they can make it a splash. For a nerf they could make it 1 shot like clone.


Hot take: Supercell intentionally makes new evolutions and new cards broken to change up the meta. When little prince was released, it was one of the most broken cards in the game, but it drastically increases the use of bowler and poison, which before then were not used often. Keep in mind that Supercell does nerf broken cards eventually, but I think they intentionally do this to change up the meta and bring back cards that weren't being used as much.


Card idea: Royal shark
Cost: 3 elixer
Rarity: legendary
Machanic: you play it in the river and only in the river. It can be attacked by ranged attackers and melee troops if their in range. The shark swims in the river and will jump out and attack anything crossing over dealing mini pekka damage and a slow effect it can attack air and ground and has the health of an ice golem. If two are in the river at the same time theyll fight each other instead of anything else


I think the dark prince should get a slite damage buff that its able to kill a princess


Hot Take: Give Dark Prince the shield HP buffs that the guards received. Dark Prince has its place in some decks outside of Double Prince but his use rates always seem to be half what the recently buffed Prince’s rates are. I feel Dark Prince deserved a buff but something too drastic would encourage a Double Prince meta. The shield buff can give him a small boost to his survivability when defending cards such as Goblin Giant, Graveyard, Guards and even himself, as well as a little extra resistance to the currently popular Arrows.

It’s also worth mentioning Dark Prince was indirectly nerfed after being unable to destroy guards’ shields in one uncharged hit. Buffing his damage would be too extreme since it affects more interactions than just guards. One example is killing e-Golemites in one less hit and killing blobs with one hit and a princess shot. Not to mention the charge damage would be scaled accordingly. A shield HP buff gives him some of his guards counter play back without affecting too many other cards.


Hot take: Clash royale should add wild evolutions.
Hear me out it's not something pay to win.
The wild evolution slot would replace the second evolution and it would be a an evolution type for spells.
To get the wild evolution U still need six regular evolution shards and this evolution would be colored mainly with lighter colors like white and gold, not purple.
U need wild cycles to use the evolution in game.
Wild cycles are different than regular ones.
U get a wild cycle each time U place a card while the evolved spell is in your hand. If U play the card when it's not evolved yet you lose the wild cycles.
I think the zap should get 2 or maximally 3 wild cycles and the goblin barrel is the same.
This would force players to use alternatives for spells (like bomber instead of log) in the match, so they can keep the spell in their hand and get the evolution.


Card idea skeleton bat basically it’s a mid moving skeleton that shoots skeletons balls at troops knocking them back and is a legendary 5 Alexer card


Hot take: the goblin machine should be a champion. A buff to it's regular attack damage and a slight buff to it's hp, and make it's rocket attack an ability, with high damage and less startup lag. This could put the goblin machine in a decent spot in the meta if the balancing is done right.
