Hot Take: Meta Decks RUINED Clash Royale

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In this video, Billybob discusses the take that meta decks have ruined Clash Royale. In the upcoming Clash Royale update, there has been a ton of discussing over how level 15 and evolutions are going to ruin Clash Royale, but some players say that meta decks in general have destroyed Clash Royale. This take is ridiculous in the first place because all a meta deck is is one of the best decks in Clash Roayle. It does not mean anything special, it just means that it is a good deck. Most players that make ridiculous comments like this are players that just spam mega knight and the hog rider and want to complain. Eventually, the Clash Royale evolutions will be the entire Clash Royale meta, so this won't even be a discussion.

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The thing is, someone made the meta deck so technically they are playing the game as intended and they’re doing it well.


"clowns that play giant graveyard" is said while he's playing giant graveyard lol


I was also thinking that there is pretty much always going to be a best deck in any game like this, where you can customize what you use.


“Those clowns that play giant graveyard”
The gameplay: 💀


The thing is, deck building is a skill in itself, and it's endpoint is making a meta deck or realizing that a meta deck works the way it is because of X reasons (synergy, OP card they made for some reason, etc.)

The thing about deck building though is that you can't really gatekeep a deck, Since it will be something that's visible to people.

I guess it would be more accurate to call deck building as knowledge rather than a skill since building decks is more of information rather than mechanical skill.


Hot take: if ice wizard left a trail of ice behind him that acted like a slowness effect he would be good. 🥶


I never complain about meta decks, only ever a certain meta card. Ex: e giant or goblin hut when they were broken. Having these meta cards is sometimes annoying when they make your custom deck invalidated. Also no, I do not have a mega nut e giant hog rider deck. My current deck uses wall breakers as it's only win condition (and I also cycle fire spirit onto my opponents towers frequently) and has one mini tank, that being a mini pekka.


Faaacts bro
midladder players just want to hold on to the hope that one day they’ll make it to top ladder with their own homemade deck. Unfortunately the sad reality is 99% of the time it won’t work, there is nothing wrong with choosing to use a meta deck.


I need to tell this story, cuz it still makes me smirk.

One day, I was browsing the subreddit in a "hot takes thread" of sorts. Saw one guy say meta decks are the reason the game is being ruined (This is pre-Phoenix era btw). Then when he got pressed, said that he uses an RG and 3M deck. His excuse? "I don't care, I play what I want".

So yeah, I can see your logic


There are so many meta decks that to create a new archetype is impossible. Creating your own deck is really just taking a meta deck and changing 1 or 2 cards at most


"You're missing the enormous elephant in the room on what's ruining clash royale"
Yeah, we all know you not rating your shower like another viewer requested is ruining clash royale


Same people who say this got that 5.0 wizard witch Mega knight combo


The people who say this use megaknight, wizard, horde, hog rider decks


I build my decks to counter meta decks and also be able to be one good deck by itself(being non-toxic and winning), or make other stupider decks because I just wanna have fun


Hot take : most players in cr community choose fun and being cringe over skill and being good at game....That is the reason great players are always underrated whereas clowns have thousands of subscribers


Seeing how the games direction is going to destroy F2P because of the recent and upcoming updates (like swapping the gem rewards for gold in the card masteries) would you still cover CR on your channel?


"Also most of the time that someone says something like this, you ask them to show their own deck, and they almost always show some generic Mega Knight or Hog Rider cycle bullcrap"

I'm shivering and sweating intensely hearing that.


I don't hate meta decks. I just hate that everyone uses MK. I use some random shenanigans I made one day. Skarmy, guards, firecracker, sparky, zappies, miner, skelly balloon, and e-wiz


I actually somewhat agree with the commenter here. I think this game would be much more enjoyable if there are less meta decks and more home made decks. Of course, you can’t stop a meta from forming, but since shifts only happen every once in a while, home made decks will provide more variety to the game. Since supercell adds less and less cards over time, it’s good to have more variety in the form of decks. Imo supercell actually did a good job by adding the deck builder, allowing for easier home made decks.
Also, as a person who uses off-meta decks, I want to be rewarded for building my own deck, not punished because the meta just so happened to be better against my deck. Of course I know what I’m getting into by making my own deck instead of using a popular pre-existing one, but I simply enjoy using some cards more than others, and I wish to use them.


It just makes the game boring, everybody just copy-pastes the best deck so you keep facing the same decks all the time
