Doctor explains the science of warts

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I’m Dr. Dana Brems, also known as Foot Doc Dana. As a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), I treat everything from trauma including broken bones, other sports injuries, foot wounds, calluses, thick or ingrown nails; you name it! Being a #doctor is a serious job, but we can have a lighthearted side too. That's why I created this channel- to make medical themed #shorts videos for fun, while also helping to answer your questions.

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→ Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.
→ The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional.

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Several years ago I had a wart on my thumb. I tried the different OTC treatments for it, but it still kept coming back. Going to a dermatologist about it didn’t even cross my mind. One night I just got totes pissed off st it so I just started clawing and digging at it. I found this sort of knot down inside and dug that out too. When I was done, I had a big gash in my thumb, but with a bit of constant disinfectant, a few dozen bandaids, and a few weeks, it was healed and no wart. I by no means recommend this approach, but hey, I was a tired of the wart.


So true! I had 12, 9 on my left and 3 on my right hand. It literally does live like that, you have to keep suffocating it, because it gets oxygen from the blood to build if it’s just frozen or burned. Which I had!

Best treatment is nail Polish, simply coat a few layers on the affected area. Re apply after 10 to 12 days. Then, after 4 treatments the wart should fall off with the mail Polish.

Trust me, it works!


I peeled my foot warts off and they never came back😅 it took like 2 hours but it worked!


I had a wart on my right pointer finger as a kid in elementary school, and I was relentlessly bullied by some kids cause of it. I had the nickname 'Wart Girl', no one let me near them cause they thought I would give them my wart cooties if I touched them. So eventually when people continued to tease me I got annoyed enough one day, where I would intentionally shove my finger in their face and say "I'll give you my warts if you don't shut up" they would start screaming and trying to run away from me LOL. Anyways I eventually saw a doctor cause it was starting to interfere with the use of my hand cause anything touching it would hurt. The doctor froze the wart and eventually I able to cut it off with scissors like it was just an extra piece of skin not attached to anything so it didn't hurt. Anywho it didn't come back so I'm glad I got it removed.


Warts need air. Keep duck tape on it for a few weeks. This works to rid them without discomfort.


I had a wart like 3 times. One time it annoyed me so much, I scratched it out. Probably not a good idea but I was like 8, don't judge me.

The second time I went and got a small can with liquid nitrogen specifically designed for at home use (at the pharmacy, no prescription needed). It didn't work. My next try was using an acid based liquid thing (from the pharmacy as well) that I put on the wart twice a day for like 2 weeks. It burned the wart out, worked miracles. Third time I got it, I tried the acid med again and it worked again!


I had one for seven years and it took a few sessions of my cutting it down and doing OTC freezing to get it off. Once I switched to an Xacto knife, I think that made all the difference for success.


My hands were covered in these very uncomfortable warts most of my childhood. No freezing, cutting, medicine etc. Would get rid of them, until I got the HPV vaccine. A few months later and POOF, wart-free! Not had another one for 20 years, but I can still remember the anxeity of having to hold hands for street crossings or assembly and feeling so anxious that someone would be grossed out 😭


As a child my hands and feet had numerous warts. Then for some reason, they just all disappeared. So glad I didn't have to go through any of these rough looking treatments.


This is the business side of medicine. For unexplainable reasons, I started to develop warts on my hands . It started on the tip of my thumb from my left hand, then spread down the fingers until finally reaching my right hand. I never went into a doctors office. Mind you, at its peak of infection, it was the 1st quarter of 2020. Before I could decide to get treatment from a doctors clinic, I ended up contracting SARS Cov-2 in May of that same year. It was bad, I've never gotten sick like that before, or have I ever had warts before. After I recovered from the fever, chills, body aches, I participated in the quarantine process. Little did I know at the same time my warts started to diminish and shrink in size. I didn't realize until the most troublesome wart, the one on the tip of my left thumb, shrank to the size of a crumb of bread, until they finally vanished by the end of 2020. 5 years later, it has never returned or had to deal with them again


Just use garlic slices taped overnight on the warts, for 7-14 days. Worked for me and recommended by a dermatologist. Cheap and easy and no pain.


I've heard from multiple sources growing up that warts can come from sweaty hands in general. My grandma who wore gloves all day at work would get warts and a kid I knew who had naturally sweaty hands always had warts too


I cut mine off with scissors but I’m ok now lol


when i was a kid, i had plenty of warts on both me knees the left was leass severe but the right side was worse . we did medical surgery on my skin and used topicals as well, but it didn't go away. that is why i have a huge scar on my right knee that has a shape like an eye. i remember, the doc told my father that all he has to do was to surgically remove the "mother wart" all the way to the roots. once it's gone, the littles ones will die on it's own related to th supply of the blood.

few months after, we went to Olongapo City for vacation and someone told my father to use fresh cashew nuts when he sees my knees (literally cashew nuts). the guy grilled the cashew nuts to release the fluids and applied it on my warts and it burns the skin . after more or less 2 weeks, my warts healed and didn't re-occured.


i had warts and i used bandaids that had medicine on them. after a week i was able to peel it right off no problem. the skin healed well and they haven’t come back. this is probably cuz when peeling it off you take out the “seed” and it’s all removed.


I personally have a deep hatred and history with warts, so much so that if I see anything on my skin that looks remotely warty, I will self destruct until I got a good chunk of skin missing LMAOO


Had a wart on my knuckle. His name was fred. For just a little bit of my life, i had my own fidget cube with me at all times. Didnt have to worry about forgetting it. Was able to pay attention in class. Did good at work. Rip fred. Gone but not forgotten.


I used to have a few warts on my hands and one on my thigh. My doctor told me to put tapes over the ones on my hands to ‘suffocate’ them (I honestly have no idea what the tape was doing but hey they fell off so im not complaining) and i believe they did the freezing thing on my thigh. Luckily it didnt come back but i still have a scar there


i too cut and chewed out the wart area. it bled and healed. i was happy for few days of wart free life. i grew back on the same place.

visited dermatologist. he gave local anesthesia on that wart infected region. surgically removed it and make an incision in my biceps region, planted the wart inside, exposing it to blood. cant believe it. it made all the wart in my body disappear. im fucking grateful for that genius doc.


I got a knife from my kitchen put it on the stove and took about 4 off my right hand. After paying to get them removed and then not being able to get them all. Yea it definitely hurts less if you do it yourself
