Ex-Stripper Reveals the Uncomfortable Truth About Homosexuality

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Former gay stripper, Samuel Perez, shared his journey to homosexuality and explained how it led him to a very dark place. He exposes the contrasted realities of gay and Christian cultures, and how society's relationship with sexuality is all upside down.

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0:00 - Trailer
1:08 - Being a Boy With Feminine Traits
8:41 - Coming Out As Gay
15:41 - Conversion Therapy
21:50 - Identity Crisis
29:32 - Becoming a Gay Stripper
34:40 - Getting Saved by Jesus
51:44 - Life Lessons

Almost False is a podcast dedicated to telling the stories of people who might not have the platform to do so. We do our best to ensure that the stories being told on the podcast are true but it is ultimately your responsibility to judge whether or not that is the case. Any views or opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Almost False Podcast. Some of the stories presented might be graphic or contain adult content. Viewers' discretion is advised.
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Hi 👋 I was feminine when I was a boy. I was attracted to other boys at a young age, and I preferred the company of girls at school. Boys didn't like me. I was bullied alot. I identified as a gay man, and went to my first gay bar at 17. To cut a long story short I never connected with any other gay guy. The gay scene is very shallow. Alot of guys using each other. I would be told that I'm nice, but what people were really saying is they don't find me attractive. Today I don't have anything to do with the gay scene. I'm not interested in it. I still have same sex attraction, but I don't want any sexusl contact. I have a faith with the lord. I have been saved from my alcoholism. I have 8 years of sobriety. My life is so much better. Praise the lord.


I met a woman who was attracted to women but fell in love with God and I asked her are you ever going to be with women? She said, I love Jesus, I'm married to Him. And if I have to be single forever so be it.
Wow what bravery and devotion.
I too fell in love with God. I never had a same sex attraction but I have other challenges and I told God that I just want what He wants.
Thank you for your story.


I had a similar journey but as an "over-sexed" heterosexual. Marriage is wonderful but God's called me to serve Him in celibacy ( not even in the clergy). I am never lonely and doing His will as the Lord's Prayer says has been the ever present peace and happiness of my life.


Pornography destroys. It literally destroys. Avoid it. Rebuke it. Excellent interview. God Bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️


Gay or straight. It wouldn’t matter. the night life is empty for all.


I really love his testimony because it is less about sexuality and more about being redeemed and saved by the blood of Jesus. He is our testimony. So being straight or gay or whatever, is ultimately a side issue. We are all dead in our sins unless we give ourselves to Him. Once we surrender to His will, all other things will be added to us and we are complete in Him. Amen. Thank you for sharing. ♥


As a child, I grew up starting normal. My family was a bunch of perverts verbally physically and mentally abusive. A relative groomed me and abused me sexually. I was preyed upon and my mother knew and liked it. She claims she is religious but isn't. She hates God. I grew up confused. I got married and loved my wife. It was a beautiful relationship. Then I was in an accident and became disabled and she couldn't deal with that so she divorced me. Since then I've been not in any relationship or attracted to anyone. I would love to have just one friend. The thought of being touched now makes me feel dirty. I've been on my own since then. It is very lonely and I feel sad. The only people who befriended me were a group of Christians and a few other religions. What they wanted was to control me, shame me, and want something from me. They were wicked people. I tried to reconnect with my family but they were worse and wanted only what I could give them. I forgave my mom and dad. Dad is now. Mother is alive and hates me and wants me to die and she means it. She is now best friends with the person who groomed me sexually and twisted my mind. She helps this person out and she blames me for this person's actions. I wasn't able to see my father before he died or attend the funeral because you see my mother told me she had me because she wanted me to take care of her when she got old. You see I'm no use to her because I'm disabled. My quality of life is getting worse over the years. The only interactions I have is with doctors. I live by myself and would like to have a friend. The good thing is I can understand the Bible now and believe it. Before that day I couldn't understand the Bible now I do. I just gave it one more try and one day it made sense. I don't like being alone and very socially awkward. I am not happy. I just exist. I don't like it and want just one friend who doesn't want something from me.


I've heard his testimony a few years ago. This is a compliment, but he's getting more and more masculine as the years go by. Its kindof interesting.


Jesus is not only our saviour but He is also our Great Deliverer!!!


I've lived my whole life as a lesbian. I prayed for God to send me a man and granted, he didn't send me a good man, he sent me a lesson BUT. I have lost attraction to women and I feel god answered my prayer and then some. I no longer identify with the community I have spent my whole life identifying with. I still haven't "come out" straight. I'm nervous for what the community will say about me.


Jesus is the best example to all humanity. Nobody comes close.


After years of bullying and emotional abuse, I turned to homosexuality because I felt accepted. I was, however, blind and deceived, this is a terrible lifestyle that offends God and will take you to hell.


This is SO IMPORTANT!!! I’m a therapist and a (newer) Christian - sexual development is VERY complex and environment, relationships, trauma - all of these things play a part.


That was absolutely AMAZING. I am on a journey with this whole LGBTQ thing. I'm totally straight but I want to understand the truth about these things. It's such a huge issue in our modern society.

Below this video is an ad for "The Trevor Project" which is an anti-conversion therapy movement using legal, medical, media, whatever and whatever to FIGHT against any directive that would try to turn a gay person straight. That's put there by the Youtube algorithm. It just goes to show how aggressive the enemy's tactics are to keep the LGBTQ thing going. It's ridiculous that you can get "gender affirmation therapy" free at the tax payers expense but "conversion therapy" is absolutely demonized. I went to the Trevor site and they condemn it all as "medically dangerous" to people. To reconnect with your birth gender? Has the world gone completely mad?

I am so glad this guy is doing what he is doing. There is clearly a HUGE need.


Straight or gay we need to be monogamous. Sin is in all of us daily. Being promiscuous or into porn is sinful no matter what sexual preferences


What a good mom wanting her son not go to hell. What a caring individual.


His mother’s response was the best response I’ve ever heard wow


When I'm asked about my opinion on LGBT issues and God my response is... it's none of my business. It's between the individual person and God.
Because when someone truly reaches out to God that is where the answers are found.
I don't have any answers, only God does.


This testimony spoke so much to me and although I am not homosexual, I could really feel the love of God speaking a lot of truth through Samuel. God bless you and everyone ❤


I was delivered from homosexuality in 2020. I totally understand Samuel. I love the Lord but also struggle with ungodly thoughts and my old flesh. I've asked God why hasnt He taken away the same sex attraction. Just like Samuel I got cocky. I was delivered from porn, alcoholism etc, and could judge others. I had a fall but I never kept my heart or eyes closed. GOD is faithful even when we mess up. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful creator. How can I help others if I dont have struggles.
