TOP 20 Baby Boomer Life Skills That Today Are Useless

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TOP 20 Baby Boomer Life Skills That Today Are Useless

In this video, we delve into the TOP 20 Baby Boomer Life Skills that are now considered useless in today's fast-paced world. Join us as we uncover the reasons behind the shift and explore the implications of these outdated skills. Watch now to stay informed and adapt to the changing times!

#BabyBoomer #LifeSkills #ObsoleteSkills
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What’s your thoughts 💭 on these obsolete baby boomer skills? Are some of them still there?


We did not wear something for half a day, then chuck it in the wash. We wore natural fibres which were far more comfortable than horrible sweaty synthetics, even if they did need ironing. We didn't own roomfuls of clothes and chuck them out when we got tired of them. And some of us still enjoy proper cooking, prefer real food where we know exactly what has gone into it, and only use the microwave for reheating. Some of us still enjoy traditional crafts such as sewing and knitting, but the stupid thing is, the materials are such a ridiculous price, that it is actually MORE expensive to make a garment than to buy one. And most of us HATE modern


What.. ?
Ironing clothes continues …!
Cooking from scratch do it everyday make bread weekly I love it …
Sewing = soothing therapy…
I’m a complete antique
Thank God …!


What’s your thoughts 💭 on these obsolete baby boomer skills? Are some of them still there?


Don’t know any boomers who actually hand washed clothes! At worst, their Mom had an old style wringer type washer. Clothes were hung out to dry. Ironing isn’t done as much, or people use clothes of non-wrinkle fabric. I still iron my “Sunday best” and items made of 100% cotton. The older boomer’s mothers did home cooking, the younger used more processed foods. Sewing? I don’t anyone who throws out clothing because it needed mending! Socks, yes. Back then we darned them. Fewer people sew, in general. No more Home Ec. in schools, but it needs to come back! That and woodshop, home and auto maintenance. Everyone should know basic skills. Bring back cursive! Our Constitution was written in it, so how do today’s students plan to read the original documents. I do calligraphy and make invitations, place setting cards, etc. as a side gig. Everyone should learn how to write a letter, friendly, formal, business. Even if sent digitally, it’s a form of clear, concise communication. I still have a manual typewriter, a 1958 Remington, beautifully restored and maintained. Yes, I can use a card catalog, the Dewey Decimal System, use an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas, microfilm, microfiche, micro card. I use proper form and grammar for business online. It’s clear, effective communication. When my boss texts, I don’t reply with, “hu dis.” I still balance my accounts by hand. Having a detailed record of my finances. I have a landline because it’s free, installed long ago, and still works for a straightforward call, direct call, direct receive, but useless for menus, AI, etc. Telephone books I keep for sentimental reasons. Change my own oil, or now, I get my nephew to do it in the yard. I can also fix a flat, do a once over safety inspection. I prefer a standard. On rough roads you have more control over your vehicle. Old style photography is now an art. I know how to use a compass and take one with a map on camping trips. I prefer a map to digital. I’m 73, always single, not in the market, but I’d never date someone I didn’t actually know first in person. Meeting online is fine to start, but first, come friends.


I never had a problem with the iron. It was always with the board. Mine hated me. It wouldn't come up all the way so I had it sit to iron or it wouldn't fold back up. It would be left out quite a bit and often became a table


Land lines aren't dead, especially for older (baby boomer) people like myself.

For example, in our house everyone owns a cell phone, but we still pay around $20/month to keep a "land line" for our house (and we are glad to have this extra communication "life line"). Now we do have a "wireless phone" setup on that line, so we can pick up a handset and wander around the home while talking (vs having to talk on a fixed unmovable phone). Also, a few years ago we ported our (long standing) land line number to the local cable TV company, as they could provide the same "land line" service for around 1/2 the cost the official telco was charging us for that line. But the point is, we like having the extra communication options (while home) that having a "land line" gives us.


Im 63 yrs old and to this day i iron all my clothes, idk whats happened to this world?


Advice to Gen X and younger: Don't ever dismiss these boomer skills. If we ever lose our ability to use AI due to a power outage or event happening in the skies, we're gonna be right back a few decades. Then, the baby boomers would be only too happy to coach you on the old-fashioned skills like sewing one's own clothes and cooking one's meals from scratch over an open fire pit. And don't throw grandma's old rotary phone in the garbage or discard any of those old-fashioned manual kitchen tools.


From the looks at our country, I think we need to revive these wonderful talents.❤️


Baby boomers and “The greatest generation “ had washing machines but dryers were not always available so they used clothes lines.
It was my grandmother who ( born in 1901) who hand washed clothes.


Having joined the West Midlands Police Force in 1975, I possess many now. useless skills regarding law enforcement. One such skill that comes to mind is taking fingerprints. Today every police station has scanners that can take full scans of both hands almost instantly and send them at the speed of light to a central computer base where they checked in seconds against millions others nationally sending a result back in minutes.
In my day, the process was much harder and more skilful. First getting the prisoner to wash and dry their hands, then standing with their arm under your armpit, inking their fingers and making rolled impressions of fingers individually on a "ten card, "(a large white card with individual boxes for each digit.
The cards were taken by car to the local headquarters who forwarded them to a central fingerprint office where, firstly, they were checked by expertly trained fingerprint officers who are also now a thing of the past.


Hi no skill you learn is useless.ok.i am proud to be a baby boomer and when the power goes out.what are you going to do i know panic. Because you have no skills to help yourself with a electricity. And this generation needs to wake up and smell the roses. Get a grip and learn some skills.


Grandma's old rotary phone actually has descendants as numerous as the sands of the sea. They're actually hybrids of that phone, the old-fashioned calculator, the old-fashioned polaroid camera and what have you. Machines have parts and they know how to go forth and multiply; and I'm not referring to the calculators that some of them come with. So, if it seems your home is gathering more and more stuff, you're not imagining things. How many generations of stuff do you have in your home right now? 🤣


I'll be writing everything in cursive for now on lol.


Compass? Almost never used one (74 here). But men (usually) have an inborn sense of direction and can use sun, moon, moss growth, etc to determine directions - especially those who grew up in an area of gridded streets set proper E-W-N-S. Men also read maps. That's why they rarely ask for directions if lost in unfamiliar areas or in places where rds are uniformly askew of cardinal directions..


Im two days away from 63. I grew up on a small farm and i learned how to 'hand wash' clothes in the sink, and use a rickety old wringer washer plus hung clothes out on the line, even in winter. We had a combo gas/and wood burning stove to cook and also for heat.( my guess is that kind of stove would probably be illegal these days) ya work with what ya have. We were taught how to write in cursive. Never did know how to use the card catalogue or type. I kinda learned to drive a 'standard' aka manual car with the shift on the steering column(don't ask me how now) and i dont know how to change oil. Younger people wouldn't have suvived back then.


Don't piss off the bady bommer, if you know what good for you 😉


I also remember glass thermometers having mercury in them.


🤔 Question 🙋 and these were the good old days ?. Not for the working classes that's for sure !...
