Who let GenX off the hook

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Born in the 70's, grew up in the 80's, partied in the 90's. Nothing but the best.


Who knew being born before the Internet and cell phones would have been a huge blessing. Common sense is truly a gift these days


I was born being told to prepare for the apocalypses, I was raised to expect a nuclear strike. I never had expectations of growing old or retirement. Gen-x doesn't cancel, it deletes. We do not seek to control chaos, it is in chaos we thrive.


Our generation invented playing video games in the living room with a couple of friends while our parents weren’t home. Grabbing a bunch of movies from blockbuster on Friday nights. We would also ride our BMX bikes back home at night after hanging out with our friends. Those were the f**cking days. Great childhood. 😎


I think the biggest thing about us Gen X'ers is we don't give a flying fig what anyone thinks about us or how we choose to live our lives and that scares the hell out of people because they can't control us. Fist bump to all my fellow peeps that grew up drinking out of the hose and rode bikes without helmets!


Many of our toys were later banned as unsafe, we rode around standing up in the backseat of cars or the beds of pickup trucks, we disappeared for hours on our bikes with no way to contact us or know where we were, we ran into the store to buy our parents beer and cigarettes, we drove lawnmowers and tractors before we were 10YO, we were completely self sufficient for hours at a time while our parents worked or went out. 90% of the things I was allowed to do as a child, would send a parent to prison today. God I miss the the freedom we had.


As a fellow Gen Xer, I applaud you Sir for your rousing speech on our generation. 👏


Vintage 1970 here . Everything that guy said was spot on . Generally left unattended, outside until the street lights came on with no one to know where we were or to contact us. Did not trust anything or anyone other than family and real friends . We were grown-up, operating machinery, cooking for yourself and siblings, home alone with Mom and Dad working and taking care of yourself all by 10 years old .
The most unique time to be alive and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Generation X


"leave me alone" Is a fitting motto for us Xers. We are true generational ninja who have mastered the art of invisibility.


I am a Gen X and couldn’t be more proud about it! Much love and respect to all my fellow Gen X’rs😉👍


Me and my fellow Gen x friends all
agree that our lack of supervision and freedom is what made us so resilient, inventive and adaptable.
We're also thankful that there were no phones around to record our mistakes and no internet to upload them for mass viewing.


"ready to transition to Valhalla" YESSS❤


There was a public service announcement for parents that quite literally asked, "Do you know where your kids are?" because that is how we were raised, forgotten as kids and we'd like to remain forgotten as adults. Thank you very much.


I'm a total GenXer and I truly believe we lived in the greatest time in human history. The 80s and 90s were the most awesome time to be alive. And I think we did quite well.


Gen X
We know the old ways.
We invented the new ways.
We are getting older and grumpier by the day and are less and less concerned about silly things like social credit score or prison time.
Cross us at your peril.

1971 vintage


GEN X- 1965-80 ... often imitated by others but will never be duplicated. We"re a rare and special breed y'all! I love you bastards.


As a Gen X'er, I was given a wrist rocket, a carton of BBs, and left to run in the woods until the lights came on at night. On the weekends, my friends and I would ride our bicycles about 8 miles away from home to go to the arcade. Some of us had wood shop, metal shop, and even home economics.

By the time I was 10, I was learning to hunt animals with a sling shot, riding my bicycle to the mall, learning how to use band saws and welders, and learning how to cook and sew. Then, I had my own key to my house to let myself in and get my homework done before my mother got home. Yeah, we don't have time to hear about how "difficult" your life is.

Oh, and to the other Gen X'ers that learned how to balance a checkbook when they were about 8 yrs old. Keep up the great work!


The greatest privilege of gen x was having the Greatest Generation as grandparents. We learned their old-age lessons/experience while our boomer parents were doing dumb shit


F-ing awesome! Being 52 now, I've had 2 years to embrace being 50+ and telling everyone to get off my lawn, figuratively, and not caring. I did make who I am, what I am, who I will be. Skimming through the comments, I do believe us Gen X can storm the world and own it. Oh, wait, we do :) Love to all Gen X-ers and march on until we all die.


Born in 77, i''m one of the last of the X. and proud to be so. No wireless phones, cassette tapes for music, First PC was an Apple 2, with 5" floppies and a whopping whole 16 kilobytes of ram! Had an Atari then a NES. Spent Untold hours of my days fishing, swimming, riding my dirt bike though places no bike should ever go. Broke at least 5 different bones, went in for stitches several times. and I remember when us kids settled our differences with Fists, not firearms, and then played football in the vacant lot the next day!
