Should You Buy A 1 Person Tent For Backpacking?!

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1 Person tents for backpacking. The pros, cons and use cases for why you would or would not choose a 1 person tent for your backpacking.

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When it comes to cold weather or 4th season camping your tent has never been designed to keep you warm. The items that keep you warm are sleeping bags, insulating pads, clothes and warm food. It is advisable to warm up by doing exercises before you snuggle up. A tent has one job only and that is keeping elements like rain, snow and wind chill away from you as good as possible. If a tent keeps you warm your probably fighting with condensation


Got to admit, that hail storm was AWESOME in the video. Really showed something important to me. Wind resistance. Too many tents fail when wind / water hits and it sucks. That was just so awesome in a video to see it with those 3 tents next to each other. Never thought about 1P being a bonus of smaller area needed. Kinda just was naturally a fact so didnt think of that. Good point you made about that. Also, had NO CLUE about moosejaw rentals. That is rad. Great vid brother, A7C = niceeee!


Love my Hornet OSMO 1P. I'm 5' 10" and it has all the space I need, and not having loads of room makes me really think about what I pack.


I went with the Marmot tungsten ul 1p, that I purchased in fall of 2021. My first real backpacking and ul tent. Its somewhere around 2.5lbs. Im a smaller guy and its plenty big enough for me. With my 72x25" pad, theres an extra 6in. Or so in width in the tent and a good 16inches in length that i use for gear storage. I'll probably never go with a 2p, as most of my adventures are solo and im a firm believer in the UL approach.
When researching tents, i found trekking pole tents to be finnicky to get a good pitch and that they require alot of guy lines that can be a hazard when visibility is low like at night. I like freestanding type tents...hook open the door, pick it up and shake out any unwanted dirt/debri.
With that said, six moon designs, durston x mid pro and gg the one all have caught my attention, but its 1p all the way for me!
Great video!


My fav is technically not a tent, but a OneWind hammock with built in bug net, an ultralight solution with a lightweight air pad, blanket and pillow.


5’10” and I love my Rainbow Li. The vestibule is pretty small, but I can fit everything inside with me other than my shoes.


My favourite 1p tent would be the Lightwave Sigma S 10 for it is a tank in rough weather and wind conditions, extremely easy and fast to pitch, tiny footprint and pack size/weight.I’m testing it right now but I’m more interested to get hands on a blackdiamond highlight 2p for alpine use


I used to use an ultralight bivy + tarp for solo camping, which has some advantages, the main one being that it's insanely easy to find places to camp in almost any terrain. The down side of course is that without trees it's more challenging to set up.

Once I got a crazy light tent though I just switched to using that. I would still be using the Duplex I had were it more stormproof, but the high walls make it very breezy. That is great in summer when I'm using it primarily for debugging rather than for keeping rain or snow off of me and my gear, but not so great for inclement weather, so now I have an X-Mid 2 Pro.

Since I usually solo camp I use the extra space for my gear so that I have my vestibules open in case I need the sheltered space for cooking, as well as because putting my gear inside the tent is convenient. :)


Nice overview of some great 1p option tents! When I think about 1p tents these days more space matters. Feeling less claustrophobic goes a long way. I almost always take my GG1 over my Lanshan 1 for that reason!


Double rainbow Li with clip in Liner is the best Tent I ever owned . I love this thing so much


I tried to like the x-mid 1p, but it's just too confined for me. I am not a through hiker, and spend days in one place while working on trails. I have to empty my pack, and use it daily for work, so I need room for all my stuff in the tent (where there is a floor), and the x-mid didn't have it. The Six Moons Design Lunar Solo, and even the Lanshan 1 pro gave me far more interior room that I could use (not at the head and feet like the x-mid), though nowhere nearly as much vestibule space as the x-mid. My situation may seem unique, but it's the same as folks who backpack into an area, then day hike out to explore it for a few days.


Got to love it when nature gives you some great b-roll unexpectedly 😂. Great review and great advice on picking the right tent for the job. Another issue for me, as a bigger hiker, is that often I’m unable to fit well into some one person tents. So I’m usually finding myself using two person tents as my one me tent. Sorry, I don’t yet have a favorite because I don’t fit into most of them, haha. Great vid!


I love my one-person tents. Small footprint and free standing are the two things that I need when remote camping in the northeast. My MSR Hubba is by far my favorite and most used tent. :-)


I have a Durston 1p original version. I really like it, and use it more than any other tent I own.

The big vestibules make it feel a lot larger than it is, and provide plenty of dry gear storage. It’s super easy to set up once you do it a few tomes. My only minor complaint is that I wish the inner was a little wider. (The tweaks they’ve made to the current version address that, plus a couple other minor upgrades that would be nice to have.)

That said, I’m fortunate to be able to own a few different tents. If I could have only one, a 2 person tent is much more versatile for all but some very specific uses, for not much extra weight and bulk.


I’ve only ever used the Six Moon Designs Lunar Solo. Price, weight, and space as a tall guy were a big deal when I was shopping for one. It gave the best balance of everything at the time. Now Durston and OV seem to have comparable models that I think would work great as well.


Good video. I'm just now looking to replace my 20-year old 2p tent. If I was planning to buy only one tent it would probably be a 2p. I'd need to be able to camp with my wife, but still have it be light enough for solo trips. If I can swing buying two tents I'll buy a 3p for the extra room and comfort with another person, and a 1p for solo trips for the big weight savings over a 3p.


It’s cool seeing my two tents in your collection of 3. Durstin 1P and Fortius 2P.


I just got a Kazoo 1-person backpacking tent for $80 off Amazon. It’s 3.3 lbs and freestanding. Used it a few weekends ago and it was just fine. I’m sure I’ll upgrade eventually but for now this one works just fine.


I would the the X-Mid pro 1 would be my favourite 1 person tent. I am currently using the Tarptent Dipole 2 LI which is amazing.


I was so happy when you mentioned the MooseJaw rental program, because I'm debating between a few pieces of gear and would love to actually compare them in use - but I just checked it out and it says they're discontinuing it!! :'(
