How to Fix Volume Automatically Goes up and Down in Windows 10 [Tutorial]

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How to Fix Volume Automatically Goes up and Down in Windows 10 [Tutorial]

Some users have been reporting that their volume automatically goes up or down over time without any manual adjustment. Some affected users report that the issue only occurs when they have more than one windows/tab that produces sound. Other users report that the volume randomly jumps to 100% with no apparent trigger. In most cases, the values of the volume mixer are not changing even if the volume of the sound has clearly been modified. The vast majority of reports are confirmed to occur on Windows 10.

Have you been experiencing this issue where your PC volume automatically goes up/down in Windows 10 till it gets mute? Well, this is an error that has been troubling many users off-late. Many users have been reporting that whenever they are listening to music or have more than one tab/windows open that produces sound, the volume gets adjusted automatically, without any manual intervention. It can also go upto 100% automatically.

What is causing the ‘automatic volume adjustment’ issue on Windows 10?
We investigated this particular issue by looking at various user reports and the repair strategies that have been successfully used to resolve this problem. Based on our investigations, there are several common culprits that are known to trigger this odd behavior on Windows 10:

Sound Effects or Immediate Mode are causing this – Realtek audio drivers do include a few features that might cause this particular behavior. Most of the time. Realtek’s Immediate Mode and a few other sound effects can cause automatic volume adjustment to some degree. Several users in similar situations have reported that the issue was fixed after they disabled any additional sound effects.

While issues with sound are very common with systems, most of them are usually lower than expected sound or distortion with sound. Another known issue is while using the VLC media players when users try to push the volume beyond 100% and it spoils the speakers.

Issue is being caused by Windows Communications feature – There’s one Windows feature that ends up creating this particular issue for a lot of users. Although it’s designed to automatically adjust the volume when the PC is used for communication purposes, it can sometimes pick up false-positive which will end up reducing the volume when it’s not the case. In this case, changing the default behavior to ‘Do nothing’ will resolve the issue.

Windows audio driver is causing the issue – As a lot of users have reported, the default Realtek driver will get updated over time, which will end up causing this particular issue on some machines. If this scenario is applicable, downloading to a generic Windows driver should resolve the issue.

Dolby Digital Plus is adjusting the volume – One of the few 3-rd party audio drivers that are known to cause this issue is Dolby Digital Plus. This happens due to an audio feature called Volume Leveler. Unfortunately, disabling it will still preserver the same behavior, so you’ll need to disable Dolby Digital Plus altogether to resolve the issue.

A physical trigger is lowering/raising the volume – Stucked volume keys on your keyboard or a mouse USB dongle that is acting up are all potential causes that might lead to this particular problem. Unplugging the connected devices or getting the stuck keys unstuck will resolve the issue in this case.

If you’re looking for ways to prevent your Windows volume for getting automatically adjusted, this tutorial will provide you with several troubleshooting steps. Down below, you’ll discover a collection of methods that other users in a similar situation have successfully used to prevent this behavior from occurring.

This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba,Lenovo, and Samsung).
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You might also want to check out microphone settings. In my case, disabling the laptop's mic stopped it from adjusting the volume all the time. After switching that microphone off, it no longer adjusted any sound settings, no matter the program.


Asus Armory crate can also change the volume if u accidentally created a profile as it also saves the sound volume btw.


I had this problem for quite some time and I did try to disable the enhancement before too but couldn't because I did not find the enhancement tab under speaker properties. Watched your video and tried the update driver method and it let me change the audio driver from Realtek high definition sound to high definition audio device. I got the enhancement tab under the properties and I disabled all the enhancement. I'm hoping it would have solved the issue, cause I haven't tested it yet. Video certainly helped so Thanks.


thank you so much, ive been having this problem for so long and i was tired of it, i clicked on your video and it helped around the 3rd step


Hasn't fixed the issue for me (not complaining - just in case anyone else can help!)
Windows 10 - Audio device is Nvidia HD from 3060TI.
Seems to be Chrome specific. Switching to Chrome will take the volume down to 20%. Switching back out will revert the audio to wherever I actually set it.
Tried all the obvious and recommended options so far (including deleting Realtek audio driver)


device manager step worked well and i thank you so much!


tysm it worked when i was also watching this video THE VOLUME UP DOWN AND THE VIDEO GETTING PAUSED TYY


I’ve tried all of these but the problem hasn’t been solved, I’ve had this problem for a while and tried everything u said already except the third one where u said to update the audio driver manually, so I did that and I had Realtek HD audio installed and my other option was to install the HD audio device so I did that and the problem still isn’t solved I’ve tried almost everything I could idk if you can help me but if u have any other solutions please tell me. I’m using a dell laptop running Win10 idk what year I got this laptop but it must be over 5 years ago idk if this info helps but its all I got, thanks


None of this worked. I'm trying to use Windows Dictation but it always DRASTICALLY lowers the volume of all other apps, so far no one knows how to stop this. Thanks for trying to help though.


OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! My volume has been stuck at 100 at refuses to go down, and when I updated my drivers, it fixed it, tysm!


Im so done with this pc bro i really i get a new problem literally everyday and i watch videos upon videos upon videos and not a single thing works to resolve any of my problems yet it works with everyone else like, i just feel so hopeless and unlucky and i just can't take this stress anymore man. Instead of playing games and having fun im searching and searching and searching and can never fix the problems that i get man


tried everything and it didn't work, realized i was changing my discord voice settings before this problem happened; and it was the attenuation on discord settings!


problem was i had cookie crumbs in my keyboards "change sound thingy" but thanks for the help even tho it wast the problem


this worked on windows11 home thank you


I have a different problem where after my Win10 laptop wakes up from a sleep the sound no longer works until I reboot. I’ve tried everything and wish Microsoft had a patch for this problem.


Thanks a lot! The third way worked for me. ^^


The last song at the end is so amazing - how is it called?


NOTHING WORKS.... When i play a game and the audio is not that loud it turns it off... Then if i do something with a lot of sound it turns back on for a few seconds and then goes away slowly again...


when i pause the video and resume it the audio automatically goes down and Once I hit my volume down key on my keyboard the volume returns to the level it should be at.


my problem is that whenever i scroll for example up with my mouse it makes the volume go up
