SDFF 2020 | What design means to me and how I became a designer (18 September 2020)

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This event was part of Service Design Fringe Festival 2020: EQUITY: Catalysing Change

The service design industry is too homogeneous. Currently, the people who work in service design do not represent the plethora of understanding and experiences needed in order to design for an equitable society. We are clearer in defining what service design is, and the tools and approaches needed, but we’re still very far from having an industry that is representative of society. To change this we need to craft new pathways in, so that everyone can design.

Each of our panelists represent a different way into the industry with unique experiences. The aim of this discussion is to exemplify these pathways to inspire others and break down long-held ideas of who can become a designer.

Beverly Benjamin: Design researcher at COMUZI
Mia Peters: Digital Service Design Manager for the London Borough of Southwark
Daniel Tuitt: Senior Service and Business Designer
Adah Parris: Future, Activist, Artist and Systems Thinker

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