What SHOULDN'T Be in Spyro 4...

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There are endless ideas when it comes to Spyro 4; and while im generally a more open minded person when it comes to ideas, there are some that I just don't think are good. Some ideas are either from the series past, or popular fan ideas. However, I also believe in critiquing these ideas and turning them into something that I do think would do well, Let's talk about it!

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Also I got some Spyro inspired 3D printed Merch in the store if you wanna check em out!


As long as i get my gems, il teach Spyro anything


Loading is so fast on modern SSDs, I would really like to have a legitimately seamless Spyro 4. Not an open world, I want distinct levels, but with portals functionally like the original triolgy, except they physically connect directly without loading, from hubworld to actual level and back, like the portals in Portal, you can just walk in them and there's this whole other area that couldn't physically exist *without* the portals. This would mostly seem like an aesthetic change, but it could also lead to some REALLY crazy late game challenges where you have to pickup a supercharge in one level, run through the portal maintaining that charge, go through the portal to a completely different level, to blast open a destructible wall that leads to a whole new section of that level. Almost making it a light metroidvania, in a way that I feel the moneybags powerups in 2 and 3 STARTED to explore by making you revist previous levels, but in a way that is actually interesting and exciting. I want those areas to be knowledge and skill based puzzles to figure out, rather than arbitrary gates that just say "not until you get to the next hub world!". And then for those metroidvania areas to be significant, *effectively* whole new levels within the base level, instead of a small challenge for an aribitrary collectible and a handful of gems you missed on your first run through. Make the backtracking MATTER.


I mean.. instead of waiting right until the end to go back and play every Sparx level why don't you just do them homeworld by homeworld? That's what I've always done my whole life, you go to Midday Gardens and then go back to Sunrise Spring for the Sparx level, then go to Evening Lake and then go back to Midday Gardens for the Sparx level etc.

Probably be more fun for you than waiting to do them in bulk right at the end.

I usually don't like top down shooters either but I love Sparx's levels. Probably literally just because it's Spyro and I'd automatically love things way more if it's Spyro themed.


Am I the only one who thinks this game is never happening?


Ima be honest I hated how hero's tale had no portals because I couldn't ever find my way around the game


It's interesting that all those ideas that you talked about were already implemented in Spyro A Hero's Tail more or less. Take every idea you had, for instance:
The Sparx minigame was now 3D (I know, it was still a shooter, but at least it wasn't 2D anymore);
The idea of dropping enemies and egg thieves during speedways was already a thing on Sgt. Byrd's minigame, in which you had homing missiles and bombs to take down enemies, flying enemies and targets;
The idea of world manipulation (rebuilding bridges and de-poisoning waters) was already implemented, whenever Spyro broke a Dark Gem;
The idea of Moneybags being less than an annoyance and more of help for unlocking Spyro's abilities, ESPECIALLY upgrading Sparx's life as you mentioned, was already implemented in that game, with Moneybags selling elemental bombs, a wider attack range for the horns of Spyro, and more health for Sparx;
The backtracking for exploring new areas (not minor) was already implemented, because there were special doors that you could've unlocked, entering new areas in already explored worlds, if you had enough Light Gems.


TfB can easily reuse many of Reignited's assets thanks to its timeless art style, but as a compromise and overall evolution, I'd like Spyro and the cast to be slightly aged up. It just makes sense


I don't think combat sections in the Speedway/Flight Levels would actually be a good idea. The pacing would just kinda be ruined, as the whole point of Speedways/Flight Stages are to go through obstacles in preferred sequences/optimal routes to get the best times.

THAT SAID, think it would be a good idea to have something like Egg Thieves peppered through the area along the flight paths that maybe hold special hour glasses that can freeze time for a short while or maybe multiply time gain for a short while, allowing players to maybe risk a detour in the idea to maybe get a more optimal time by the end. Players could then plan routes to hit up these Thieves along their flight route, which would at least create a much more free form path.


I really want to see Cynder in Spyro 4. The character has become too iconic to not include.


I have a few takes on how to implement your 5 fixes.

The Flight Only levels could be accounted for by giving Spyro permanent flight like in Gnasty's Hord or in TLoS: Dawn of the Dragon. And just like them, there can be a limit to how high you can fly, and/or a limited amount of energy (with a gauge that can be increased thanks to Moneybags. And in case anyone tries to get curious and fly out of bounds, include a mechanic where if Spyro reaches the edge of the level, an animation will start and Spyro will just be turned around the other way. That can also be a way to substitute for invisible walls.

For the Sparx levels, rather than get rid of the Flight Only levels, make those levels Sparx levels. They can also include the challenges that you suggested for the Spyro Flight Only levels, and for the Sparx levels. And perhaps Sparx can specifically have a rival dragonfly. So the Sparx levels could have 3 variations. The original collectathon levels like in Spyro 1, a challenge to a race by a rival dragonfly (with other dragonflies taking part as well), and then an aireal battle with your rival dragonfly.

About how to implement larger levels, I agree that the Hub world could be large like that. But I think a way to implement larger individual levels is to have certain things unlocked, just like your suggestion for the Hub World. For example, when you progress, one of the things that happens is a bridge being built. But when this happens to open up the Hub World more, it can also apply to certain individual levels, opening up new areas with the bridge. Not all levels will have new bridges, but it can be a way to make larger levels without making it feel larger. So each level will have a main route, and then have secondary routes open up with the progression of the Hub World. And I'd suggest that all side routes be accessible from the main route. I will ad the caveot that the side routes will not be necessary to finish the game. But getting 100% would unlock post-game content like a boss fight, or even a new level entirely.

I don't have much to add about Moneybags. However, because I suggested that the side routes aren't necessary to finish the game, Moneybags could also unlock those side routes. For example, in the Hub World, when you build a bridge, you will gain access to the offer of Moneybags building bridges in the other levels for *ahem* a small fee. So like the power-ups, they would be optional, but necessary for 100% completion. That can even make it so that you can finish the game, and anything Moneybags related can be saved for the post-game.

Minor Backtracking can be accounted for with my point about implementing larger levels by having side routes. They won't just be for a few gems here and there. Each side route will have it's own completion criteria separate from the main route, and have it's own end location. I think this would give each level that much more replayability to by adding sections that feel like a new levels. Perhaps you can have a side route that takes advantage of permaflight with a bridge taking him to a section with floating islands. Or in a grassy level, have a side route that goes into a cave. It can add variety to levels without violating certain level themes.

And as for your concept for Dragon Time (which could be reminiscent of TLoS: The Eternal Night), perhaps that could be a post-game option. Perhaps after you've acquired all of the other power-ups, after you've beaten the boss, he will offer you the Dragon Time ability. Spyro can say something like "I'm getting tired of paying your '*ahem* small fees'." and then Moneybags could say something like "Nonsense! I won't take no for an answer. After all, I'm offering to teach you this free of charge." and of course, Spyro would be like "Who are you, and what have you done with Moneybags?". I like this because it would show character progression for Moneybags.

I also have an idea for New Game Plus content. But that can wait for my thoughts on your Spyro 4 ideas. Unless you want to hear them now that is.


I would have to say that the minor backtracking I faced in Spyro 2 wasn't as annoying to me as the one in 3. I always found it super inconvenient when Hunter is kidnapped in 3 and my completionist brain has to wait for him to be rescued before I can get a world complete. What I would love is some sort of after level completion bonuses to worlds so you have an excuse to return. Whether the world has changed entirely due to resolving the issues there or a bonus challenge has been unlocked, I think a little bit of backtracking actually helps players to experience the world a bit more. I haven't expanded on the thought much more than this, so if anyone has any ideas to add to that I'm open to additions and ideas.


That last one I've been wanting to add to my game for a while now. The main collectible, Golden Toast, is shown to players when they replay levels, but they can't collect it again. I've been meaning to change that for a while now. There's already a data system, so I think it'd be as easy as checking the data for that specific collectible, and if they already collected it, just don't count it again. But, since I didn't have that in mind in the first place, I might need to rewrite some code for the data system.

On the topic of hub worlds, I actually think Spyro mostly does an awesome job. There's stuff to do and things to collect like any other level. Making them bigger can create issue where players don't know where a level is. Most players aren't likely to look things up. I've seen many people leave games after thinking the first, or a few levels, was all the game had to offer. That or dying from something early on. Well, I guess that's in the free-to-play scene though. Spyro 4 would have the advantage over my game because it'd be paid. People who pay for games are far more likely to actually play it I think because, well, they paid for it. Anywho...

I think there can be greater use of gliding and vertical level design. Cosmetics would be cool, one for each world might be too much, but that'd definitely add to things. Multiplayer wouldn't fit I think, but that would give more a reason for cosmetics.

For the Sparks levels, and the other characters, I really think they should stick to Spyro himself. Throw in time trails, platforming challenges like Kao the Kangaroo, and a more accessible/easy flying missions.


I’m happy to have Moneybags in a similar role. I like him teaching skills and upgrades a lot or even having a “badge” system like paper mario where you could switch talismans out to give certain buffs


For the first one (Sparx levels), honestly... His gamemodes literally can be an unlockable sidegame when you think about it, kinda like a prize pretty much to add in additional content to play. It was done in Season of Flame for an arcade game prize for 100 percenting the game, but if for Spyro 4 to be something more worth it, how about unlockable levels of a Sparx game with in-game rewards from getting certain achievements, even if only aesthetic and such? Heck, you could even make those said levels collectibles like like the Classic Kingdom minigames in KH3, or even ones you have to play once you collect them in order to add them to the list like in the Pac Man World games.

And as for that last suggestion you got, that's actually a great idea to have the level re-accessible after completing it, but what could even be better is including new challenge modes for that said mode as an additional option for replaying them, like having a time attack to finish the level by collecting certain things or defeating certain enemies that appear. In fact, depending on the level and it's design, as well as how big it is post completing it on the first visit, there's a lot that could be done with it.


Great video as always! For the Moneybags point, I have an idea: maybe he could function similar to Spyro 2 and 3, but instead of Gems, you have to pay him something you can find in the respective level, and then he gives you a simple reward (like a dragon egg), opens up a new part of the level or gives you an ability (in a homeworld). Like the Badlands quest where you have to collect the bones you can find in the level.


To add on to the dragon time idea: I think as you 100% each level in the game it should be unlocked in a separate mode in the home screen. Dragon Time would be exactly as you described, but with the addition of having an optional timer. The Nintendo World Championships game on the switch has really leaned into speedrunning and it would be a really good way to add replayability to an already solid formula


I really dig the last idea. And the speedway editions are nice too, but as a fellow casual player, I love the last idea!


The Sparx levels were actually fun in the original game and had purpose. It was fun seeing Spyro unlock new abilities.


I like your combat idea for the flight levels. I'd imagine you give the player more time than the usual 1-2 minutes, maybe bump it to 3-4 to compensate for more enemies, obstacles etc.
