Engineer shows how to convert a van in 7 days and a $1000 budget

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I met Mark in Yosemite. He is an engineer from the UK who had built out a van for a 9 month climbing trip. It was cool to meet him because had used my van conversion how-to info to help him with his project.

In this video Mark explains how he converted this van on a tight budget (buddha?!). He tells you about the tools he used and the techniques building the bed, shelving, drawers and kitchen units... also a few other hacks that made his vanlife an enjoyable experience.

I particularly liked how he created his quick-to-use folding bed that created a seat which he could also cook from. His ingenious use of cheaper materials where it doesn't matter - and better ones where it does - ensured he kept his build cost (and time) down.

This van is a great budget road-trip van - it focuses on the main things; storage, sleeping & cooking. It features a great water system and some great carpentry.

It is great meet people from all over the world who have used my guides to do their van conversions and in-turn share their creations with you!

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CEO's of company's trying to do van builds and designing of motorhomes need to absolutely pay attention to this young man and LEARN and LISTEN to what we Nomads are looking for!...well done!!!!


Loving this. Was getting sick of the fancy van life videos I've been watching. This is exactly my approach. Cool guy.


This must be by far my favorite van conversion. I like how simple, practical and on budget it is.


Dude, I was sold on your concept in the first 5 seconds. I've watched hundreds of Van life videos and yours is very impressive.


Now *THIS* is what I’m talking about! No unnecessary drawers or closet, no led lights or anything else extra for aesthetic! Just the basic needs and it looks great! I’m loving the rustic look and wood! 😊❤


His bed design was probably the best I’ve seen. I can’t imagine converting the seating area and table to a bed every day the way most vans are designed. His design was much simpler and smarter, like a futon. Then when you’re sitting up you’re right next to the kitchen area which is perfect. I’m guessing he just uses a gym for bathroom needs. So many people say they have toilets and showers and then don’t even want to use them, it seems like a waste of space, imho. He did a great job!


I've been watching van conversion videos for 7 hours straight. Take my money already.


I normally avoid reading the comments section, because there are too many mentally ill people out there whose only purpose in life is to destroy. It's obvious many other people very much liked your van. I agree, strongly. Please don't let the bad remarks get you upset. This video was unusually enjoyable to watch. By now, you're home in the UK(?) and hopefully had a good time here in the states. Americans can be a handful at times, and it seems we're getting worse. Don't let that be a reflection on you. Your van job was efficient, good looking, interesting and normally creative. Hopefully, I speak for the majority in saying that I wish you a good life and I hope you keep your enthusiasm in things you do. So many critics out there are people with empty lives, lashing out at anyone who succeeds. Ignore them. I, for one, sincerely wish you well. Your efforts have been noted🤗.


this is an honest conversion and well designed, this guy was totally honest about the tinyest detail. it may not be the best camper I have seen on YouTube but its def amongst my top 10 faves and if I was to do a conversion myself this is the guy I would come to for advice.


Hey Nate, here's one I AM SAVING!!! Sending a round of applause and A+ for the absolute simplicity you used in creating a livable space. One that doesn't look like you opened the doors and threw in a sleeping bag and a bunch of stuff, yet has a well thought out arrangement.


I love the sink! All the other van life videos show various drainage, gray water, ect. Then this guy is like, dude I just toss the used water out. You know at most he's just rinsing organic veggies, so its not like the 'gray water' is really that gross/harmful if tossed, and if he really does have something hazardous he can just take that bowl into the proper wash/disposal area. No crazy water dump stations, or complicated hoses/pipes to get clogged. No plumbing videos to figure out, just a man with a bowl. Genius!


I've been looking through hundreds of van videos searching for the nicest
most practical luxury feeling layouts and saw the title of $1000 budget as sort
of a pfft, how good can it be but was thoroughly impressed. This had the
practical aspect to it that so many specially crafted vans lacked.
Great work!


Mark is adorable. Soft and candid approach, yet a perfectly clever builder. Sweet.


You can tell he is soo proud of his work when he smiles a little after he leans back at 1:33 great vid!


I love the simplicity and modest approach he had. I can see hear the engineer within in the way he explains everything


I really appreciate him going all out and taking apart his van for us. I know it wasn’t super easy to place everything back. Sorry haha I Appreciate the small things ;)


This is incredibly impressive! This is the most practical and well-thought-out Van build that I've seen. I really like the design and can't believe everything was able to fit into that van. 7 days and under $1000 is amazing!!!


I loved the window by the sink. I loved how the design was simple but not crude. He is self-contained. Hope it all worked out for him.


I love how simple but practical this build is. I also love how down to earth this guy is.


Great video, I am homeless and wish I had something just like this. Awesome setup, thank you for your video sir. Hope you have a blessed and awesome life!
