Which Paint Sprayer Do You Need?

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Watch as I go through my decision making process, see what I have opted for and paint a fence to test out my new sprayer.

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I bought a sprayer to paint a large trellis fence, which would've been a right royal pain with a brush. My wife followed along on the other side with a large cardboard sheet to catch the overspray. I had approximately a 3:1 ratio of paint on the fence to paint on the wife. Not recommended as a team-building exercise.


Just on filling up the gun, best tool I've found is get either a 2pt or 4pt plastic milk container, keep the lid on. Cut the bottom portion off, and clean out. Then you're left with a soft flexible scoop with a handle on that can be used for easy and quick filling. That's what I've used successfully many times.


funnels are useful inventions for paint pouring


I bought the same sprayer on this review. Thank you. I painted a bedroom in about 35 mins with the wall and ceiling sprayer.


I had several hundred metres to do with one of those sprayers once.

To get around the refilling mess i went to a local home brewing shop, bought a high flow tap and fitted it to an empty 10 litre paint tub i had.

I wasnt sure how it would turn out but it worked bloody brilliantly! Zero mess at all!


I dont know if its because i am becoming old or not but i genuinely love this chap. His videos are brilliant but not sure i will be able to tell any of my friends what i have been watching.


I also find pouring water into the container and spraying that through to clean it much faster and easier


Great video. For filling the reservoir, I used a funnel that comes with a dishwasher to pour in the salt as it has a wide tip


My wife and I love putting your videos on whilst we get frisky in the bedroom. This one was a winner, especially!


I bought the smaller Wagner W100 last year to do fences and sheds. Although it's only got an 800ml capacity, I found that it was fine. I probably only use it once a year so spending a bit more time doesn't really bother me. I'm really messy when waiting with brushes and I found this to be much cleaner and easier.


The reason the stain went on better was because it was thinner. It would have been easier to thin the paint in a separate container and thin pour the mix into the spray pot using a cheap plastic jug.
These are great for fences, etc...but theres a trade off with walls and woodwork, having to thin the paint means more overspray and more coats in some cases, plus the chance of runs and breaking down the binder in the paint

You also have to consider the time it takes to mask and protect other surfaces and the cost of the masking materials

A lot of diyers buy cheap sprayers, mistakenly thinking they are just 'plug n play' they aint


I bought a HVLP from Rutlands ... I also really enjoyed painting my very large fence. I thinned the fence paint in the tub and used a plastic jug to fill up the tank, and to clean the gun after, I put it into a bucket of clean water and ran it for a few minutes to clean its self out .... great video !


Might have already been mentioned, but you can get replacement reservoirs that come with lids. This is helpful if you use the same primer for most projects and saves washing the reservoir. Looking forward to more of these outdoor projects.


I think the trouble at the beginning was the globs of paint you put in. I've never seen paint which globs like that ever on on properly with even a roller or brush. I've used airless sprayers many times and after gun set up, the most important thing is paint consistency. I would definitely recommend using a cordless drill with a mixing attachment, add perhaps thin the paint 5-10% and then strain it through a sieve before using. Also buy yourself 5-10L drum (the type used for water when you go camping and which has the little tap at the bottom) and put your paint into this and use it to top up. I prefer not to let the gun get less than about 1/3 full as I noticed the spray consistency changes beyond that point.


Bought a 500W Guild sprayer with separate power unit from Argos £35 to paint approx 16m of 1.2m fence with trellis top. Did both sides in about 2 hours. Moved on to my 18M x 2 m feather edge fence this afternoon. Did one side in 3 hours. WHAT A BRILLIANT PEICE OF KIT! Best thing I've ever bought. Great finish and no diluting of paint. Used Ronseal Fencelife +.


Hey dude, just watched as a random video. Just wantede to give a tip, mkst pros use a liner in the cartridge like a nappy bag or similar, to save leaving a residue inside from different paints. Cheers dude


I bought a Black and Decker HVLP200 from B&M for £30 just before lockdown, it's electric and my garden fence is 2m high and my garden is 10m long and 6m wide, I used Ronseal red cedar fence paint without diluting it and covered my fence in one day, I also did my shed with a green latex paint the next day and only had to stop to fill the 1200ml reservoir a few times during the process, the finish was excellent considering what I paid for it, I have no plans to use it inside so the finish you get on garden furniture etc is good enough for me, love your videos by the way, keep them coming


I have the same machine, the impetus was that my new build house was sprayed and we wanted to retain the finish as we put colour on the walls. Two things I’ve found which might help. Use trade emulsions they need less thinning compared to diy versions. Most diy paint from manufacturers such as Dulux are designed to not even need stirring let alone thinning. The other thing is to filter the paint. I didn’t have many clogs but cleaning is a pain and since using a filter I’ve not had a single clog and enjoy spraying even more.
Your comment on cleaning time/efforts meaning that you might only reserve the sprayer for larger jobs isn’t my experience. When compared to brushing and rollering where you’re cleaning rather than discarding the brush or roller, I find the sprayer doesn’t take much more time.


I bought the Wagner 690 quite awhile ago just to paint the render on my house, as this was one of the only sprayers that stated it can cope with smooth masonry paint. After setting the wall sprayer up and masking the windows and doors up I painted the whole of the house (Semi Detached) in 1 day. For the cost of the sprayer and abit of labour, beats paying for someone to do the job.


I use a silicon kitchen spatula to scrape unused paint from pots and trays back into the tin. It's quick and effective and cuts down on waste.
