Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Causes, SIgns and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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0:00 Introduction
1:17 Causes of Obsessive–compulsive disorder
1:45 Symptoms of Obsessive–compulsive disorder
3:01 Diagnosis of Obsessive–compulsive disorder
3:28 Treatment of Obsessive–compulsive disorder

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which a person has certain thoughts repeatedly (called "obsessions") or feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly (called "compulsions") to an extent which generates distress or impairs general functioning.[1][2] The person is unable to control either the thoughts or activities for more than a short period of time.[1] Common compulsions include hand washing, counting of things, and checking to see if a door is locked.[1] These activities occur to such a degree that the person's daily life is negatively affected,[1] often taking up more than an hour a day.[2] Most adults realize that the behaviors do not make sense.[1] The condition is associated with tics, anxiety disorder, and an increased risk of suicide.[2][3]

The cause is unknown.[1] There appear to be some genetic components, with both identical twins more often affected than both non-identical twins.[2] Risk factors include a history of child abuse or other stress-inducing event.[2] Some cases have been documented to occur following infections.[2] The diagnosis is based on the symptoms and requires ruling out other drug-related or medical causes.[2] Rating scales such as the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) can be used to assess the severity.[7] Other disorders with similar symptoms include anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, eating disorders, tic disorders, and obsessive–compulsive personality disorder.[2]
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I have had OCD since childhood ... I'm now 22 and it has gotten a little better but it's definitely there... I need to check the oven multiple times... Check the door million times before going to sleep.. Check that all four of my little dogs are there in the house... Count in fives fours twos... Organize everything. It literally kills me how all the members in my family are being super chill and unorganized and I literally can not even rest until I make things sure. Washing my hands billion times and there was a time when I was crying everyday bcz I got this fear of germs on anything. Overcoming the germ fear was the hardest for me. It's not completely gone though. I still need to touch everything in a certain way until it feels right. Look at certain things. My family doesn't understand this. My siblings make fun of it... But it's ok... I'm doing fine and YOU 🌺🌻🌹🌷 yes YOU will be great soon too... Just know that you're definitely not alone. You have a beautiful life ahead... OCD is not your life. You are so much more than this ❤ you are beautiful💖 God bless you🌺🌻🌹🌷


Simply said one type is where you feel strongly that something bad and feared, for example your dog dying, will happen if you don’t make a certain movement, such as twitching or some other movement, and you may know that it won’t happen by eye, but you have a strong feeling that it will happen.


Just started my own channel and its taken a lot of guts as I have suffered all my life with OCD but your site is amazing and really encourages me and others to challenge OCD. thank you so much for spending the time to help people like me.


I'm not sure if its ocd, but a year ago I literally have to repeat my actions like a hundred times. When I touch something, I have to do it again and again until I felt it's ok to stop. There was a time that I felt like crying because I just couldn't stop, it felt like a never ending mission that you must accomplish.

But gladly I'm ok now, I just have to count less than 10 😌.

I'm not sure if I have social anxiety, maybe not, but being self conscious, mindful of what people think, made me stop to do those things because it felt like everyone would think I'm weird


I suffer from ocd. Follow my journey as I get better and offer support to others!


Should i get myself checked.

I dont have such sever symptoms as washing my hands too many times. But i have these:
1. When i use the fridge, I have to make sure it is fully closed, and I would check it around 2 to 3 times. There are days when I am already back in my room, but I'll go down to check on the fridge again;
2. It also happens when I use the toilet. Before I leave, I check the faucet, shower, and bidet twice and put my hand below to make sure it's not leaking
3. I check the doors, even when I know they're closed, because I am scared of the possibility that someone will break in our house.

It does not really get in the way of what I do that much. But there are days when I have to constantly check because I feel uneasy and weird.


great video sir. I have a similar issue.
I have been good in academics from my school days. I am engineering graduate now but a thought keep on haunting me..and i cannot do anything about it. When i was giving my engineering entrance exam, i scored well in it, the result came online and we use to get formal scorecard through post. That score card never came, due to postal issue, while taking admission they considered my online score card and also verified my other credentials and they gave admission, but in my admission slip they wrote that he does not have original score card(that was suppose to come.through post). He also said me whenever it comes submit it in college. That never came and i graduated from that college with good grades. Now i am working in a reputed firm and earning well, but i always fear that what if my college asks about that document, which i cannot produce now since its beyond my control. I have done nothing wrong but still this fear never goes.


I am struggling with OCD, and I feel like my life is ending, I feel like I am dying inside, I can barely even function mentally and go about my day. I am sad because this video makes OCD seem like a little thing, like "Oh he just likes to wash his hands often and be neat no biggie". It's much bigger than this, its life wrecking, it's crippling. and washing hands or checking doors are not the only compulsions.

Edit: just wanted to say my apologies to the maker of this video. When I watched it first I was dealing with some issues internally( including the OCD) and it was very frustrating and painful so when I saw this video I felt a little offended like my situation was not being understood correctly. But I’m back to say, I think this video is actually pretty helpful at explaining just a little bit about what the OCD is and how it affects some people. (And I say a little bit because I believe the OCD symptoms are very diverse and broad) My apologies to the owner of this channel. Also anyone here going through OCD, I am so sorry. I know from experience it is not pleasant. I am currently seeking mental health services. And I will be praying, I pray you guys here get well.


Recently two of my family members died and I have started to use cleaning as a way to distract myself from my thoughts about death. My bedroom used to be completely unorganised but since the start of this year, I have been cleaning it for hours on end to distract myself from my intrusive thoughts. I have used hand washing as another way to stop myself from thoughts cutting myself or causing harm to others. Idk if this is OCD but either way it’s absolute hell to be left alone with my emotions, so I will keep on doing this


ocd has ruined my life for the best time from when i was 17 until me ocd has been so bad it has ruined my whole life i hate it😭💔


Idk if I have OCD, but I do have some symptoms, but I'm not sure.

1. I have to hit my stomach till it feels right.
2. When I type, my fingers have to feel equal, so almost always I end up smacking at the keys till it feels right.
3. I have to make sure the light switch is off almost 3 times. So if it doesn't get enough pressure applied the first time, I have ti keep going back to it.
4. I have a lot of ticks: Physical and verbal. So like making a sound in my throat till it feels right, or putting a lot of pressure on my foot till it feels equal.

I'm not sure if I have OCD or if I should get it checked out. I always feel like if I tell anyone, they won't understand, but after reading what a lot of you had to say, it made me realize I'm not alone :)


When I was around 10 years old, I moved states, this was around the time I started developing "OCD tendancies". It was like I was scared and paranoid in a new place so I created a set of rules to keep myself safe. I couldnt eat an entire piece of food, I always had to save a little piece and set it aside. I couldnt sit in a chair without putting my jacket over it. I couldnt touch things others had recently touched without sanitizing it. My mom recognized this behavior and as a psychologist recognized what may be causing it. She showed me the classic image for OCD, the whole "obsessive thought, compulsion, temporsry relief, back to obsessive thought ect." She made me unlearn a lot through exposure to it over and over and it did get better! I still have the "dont eat the entire piece of food" and "dont touch something someone else previouly touched". But i dont need my jacket to sit in seats, it does bug me if i visually see someone had been sitting there before me or if its warm and ill sit on my jacket then.

I guess beyond that I have some checking stuff. I need to check the date and time of appointments multiple times because im positive im gonna miss it. Like I will check it, be soothed that its not right now, then check it again 2 seconds later because "what if i misread it? What if it changed?" And keep doing so.


I just recently got to know about this OCD disorder I don't know if I have it or not, but here's my problem

It started occuring last year. Like I watch a video and rewind it for re-rewind it like this " 1, 2, 3 AHHH 5, 6 9 10" then stopped . It was the first occurence . Then it started affecting my daily life -
Going through the same path 5-10 times counting even odd, I thought I had become too conscious about things...I tried to resist myself but couldn't . I read a book now and I continuously read and repeat the same line countinuously, (subconsciously counting in my head), when I do excersice I worry about which side to stop, left hand or right hand, when I turn back to see something, I can't resist then to stop Myself unless I reach 5, or 10 or 20 times

So, do I have OCD disorder?


Why everyone is telling about washing hands.. most people are doing mental compulsions like checking in their head or googling or asking reassurece i would say.. it is so annoying i hate it


Thank you for sharing about the OCD :)


This video makes it seem less than, but for me this disorder makes me want to die, because I’m tired of having the same thoughts running through my head everyday, nonstop. I try everything to ignore my obsessive thoughts but it keeps coming back to me, no matter what I do or how I choose to move on, I can’t do anything but suffer


Idk if I have OCD, but there is this thing I do where I have to end thing perfectly.
Like when I move my head I have to keep moving it until it feels perfect and it is so annoying.
The same thing happens when I am typing I have to keep swiping my finger on the key until it feels perfect.
Could you please tell me if this is a sign/symptom or OCD?


My OCD began when my mother died when I was young, and I have had obsessions with composite and even numbers, arranging things to face a certain way and be spaced perfectly apart, and arranging everything alphabetically. It was undiagnosed until relatively recently, and I feel like it’s getting better. Some other obsessions I have or have had are washing my hands before I use some of my devices, always checking items in my house to see if they are “perfect”, and regularly cleaning my house, even if it’s not dirty.


Actually i can feel the pain that you go through and the pain that everybody goes through as i also had OCD  when i was 18 and 19 years old me was struggling with alot of mental illnes and deppresion as well so i feel like ocd comes specially when you are weak and tired from deppresion and you just want to feel safe even for a muinte ofcourse there are other causes like genatics and so on but thats how i see it .but now i can say that i am much better and if i was doing 20 things now i dont do any .and if the voice which now rarely comes i know how to shut it down so that how i did that. First :you have to talk to yourself like( okay now i know that ocd is a diseas right so that diseas causes a random voice that tells me if i didnt do stuff that i should do  something bad is going to happen or whatever thing that you dont want it to happen so by talking to yourself and just thinking out loud you will  conclude that ocd=diseas=not real )

Second: say you have to do 20 things today instead of doing the 20 just do 19 and how u are going to do that is lets say its midnight right and you have to do the last thing before bed skip it and just watch a  movie  to stop u from thinking about the fear and the voice by lisitening to the movie and  just by watching it its going to keep you busy from the negative thoughts and voices and when you wake up in the next morning you will see that nothing bad happend when you didint do the last thing so you will not do it today and so  on minimize the things that you have to do one by one and watch a show or a movie to distract you

Third: i belive that whatever religon u belive in that god is the only one that have the power and control on your life not that random voice in your head  so i said to my self okay if the bad thing that i am afriad of happend then god is the only one that can do this so even if i moved stuff or checked stuff out if god wants to do something he will still do it and in that  time i was not praying so i started to pray and that made me feel much better by knowing that god will stand by myside and i should not be afraid of anything when god is here with us
And thats how i got better and  i think if you did this plus therapy if you can go it will help you alot  because there is medications that can help minmize ocd
I hope that i have helped anyone one  and sorry for my grammer.


I’m not sure if this is OCD but, every night I have to keep checking if my windows are locked and see if the front door is locked multiple times. Even knowing and seeing that it’s clearly locked, I yet still continue to go and make sure I can’t open the door. I always organize my backpack the night before school (take everything out and reorganize and put back to place neatly) and I always do things multiple times until I feel like the time is “right”
