Group Managed Service Accounts : GMSAs

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GMSA Advantages:

1. No Password Management
2. Supports to share across multiple hosts
3. Can use to run scheduled tasks (Managed service accounts do not support some scheduled tasks)
4. It is uses Microsoft Key Distribution Service (KDC) to create and manage the passwords for the gMSA.
5. Stores keys in AD, no password stored in registry like normal svc accounts, so more secure.

#Setting Up GMSAs:

#1. Create New Sub-OU for GMSA and GMSA GSG
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "GMSAs" -Path "OU=Service_DROIDS,DC=BattleStars,DC=fleet";

#2. Create GSG to palce users or services in that will be allowed to access the GMSA


New-ADGroup -Name $GMSA_Group -SamAccountName $GMSA_Group `
-GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName $GMSA_Group `
-Path "OU=GMSAs,OU=Service_DROIDS,DC=BattleStars,DC=fleet" `
-Description "GSG with Access to GMSA GMSA_CYLON_USERS";

#3. Add computer accounts to GSG that will make use of GMSA:
Add-ADGroupMember "CN=GMSA_CYLON_USERS,OU=GMSAs,OU=Service_DROIDS,DC=BattleStars,DC=fleet" `
-Members "Mail2019CORE-01$","Galactica$","Twilight1$";

#4. Create KDS root key. From DC with Enterprise;/Domain admin privs.
# With -EffectiveImmediately parameter? Can take up to 10 hours for key to become fully functional.
# So this step should be done the day BEFORE creating a GMSA

#Normal (best practice) can take 10 hours to replicate
#Add-KdsRootKey –EffectiveImmediately;

#FORCE replicaiton immediately (NOT best practice)
Add-KdsRootKey –EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10));

#5. Test KDS Root Key. First, get the KDS root key "KeyID". Then use it with Test cmdlett:
#Return value = "0a7a08a3-d0c7-e221-f486-7a80ab23bb22"
Test-KdsRootKey -KeyId "0a7a08a3-d0c7-e221-f486-7a80ab23bb22";

#6. Create GMSA account (SAM/NAME Must be no more than 15 chars)


$GMSA_Servers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GMSA_Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name;

$GMSA_Server_IDs = $GMSA_Servers | ForEach-Object { Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ };

New-ADServiceAccount -Name $GMSA_Name -Enabled $true -Description “AD Managed Service Account for CYLON Servers” `
-Displayname $GMSA_Name –PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword $GMSA_Server_IDs `

#7. Verify GMSA Account

Get-ADServiceAccount "GMSA_AD_CYLONS";

#8. Install GMSA on computer (Log onto SERVER to be managed and run from there)
# MSAs (not GMSAs) can only be active and linked to a single computer at one time.
# If you attempt to install the same MSA account on another server? It asks for confirmation.
# It will then disable the MSA for the previous server.
# So if you want to use MSAs for multiple servers? You must create an MSA for each one.
# Otherwise, use a GMSA so you can use it with multiple servers by adding them to the GSG associated with it.

#Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell;
#Import-Module ActiveDirectory;

Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity "GMSA_AD_CYLONS";

#9. Test It (Log onto mail1 and run from there)

Test-ADServiceAccount "GMSA_AD_CYLONS";

#10. Removing a GMSA

Remove-ADServiceAccount –identity “GMSA_AD_CYLONS” -Confirm:$false;
Рекомендации по теме

It's 2AM and I'm watching this and I know what I'm doing later today when I go to work... I'm pretty certain I have some services running under my name I forgot to switch over to a regular service account 🤦‍♂️

Oh well, thanks for sharing the information! I never knew I needed to implement this, but now I do!


Thanks for the the very detailed tutorial. this was a great help


Listen if you ever find yourself in Texas - I have you a seat ready at my table for fajitas and Tecate. TY for creating this video and really loved your teaching style



Thanks very much for such an awesome tutorial, great stuff!👍


Thank you, that was very informative and I like your style of presentation. I liked and subscribed.

I am trying to work out how to use these GMSAs to avoid double hop issues with webservers that pull data from multiple DBs. Still not sure if GSMAs replace Service Principle Names (don't think they do!) in that scenario but slowly getting closer to understanding with helpful docs and videos like yours. It takes me a while to get my head round these things!


thank you for the video, it was explained very well :)


Thanks for creating the detailed tutorial. You created a security group for the servers that would use the gMSA. I'm curious why you did so, other than to pull members of that group into an array to add them to the gMSA AT the creation of the gMSA. It suggests that changes to membership of that security group at a later time will update the parameter of the gMSA, but I don't think that's the case. Am I missing something?


Great stuff man! Keep it up! Could you do one on Shadow Accounts/ Groups and how it's used?


Q: Is that a semi-colon at the end of every line of your powershell? Why?


Thank you
Nice video
Where to download Secret Dumper ?


Pls tell how to check service account in Linux system .
