6 Fun Ways To Teach Sight Words To Kids - Perfect For Kindergarten And First Grade

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What’s the best way to teach sight words? Well the answer to that is pretty simple, there’s not one.
As a kindergarten or first grade teacher you need a bunch of different ways to teach sight words. Why? Because not every strategy is going to work with every student.

And some days the same student who was doing great with one strategy starts to learn better using a totally different strategy.

That’s why it’s important to know a bunch of different ways to teach sight words.

Make sure you watch the last two strategies. They are practicing sight words with an independent practice activity that kids love and chants which I think is the secret sauce to teaching just about anything.

But First…

First we will talk about sounding out sight words. You might think you can’t sound out sight words. But you can. Some sight words/high frequency words are easy to sound out and those that don’t follow conventional letter sound rules… well you can still look at the word and know that if it starts with a “c” it’s not going to be making an “m” sound. Right?

Then we will talk about the shape a word makes. Kids need phonics skills, for sure. But sometimes just giving them the practice of “dissecting” the word to notice its shape will help students really attend to the word.

These are the first 2 strategies we will talk about. Each will have a fun little twist to make learning fun.

Again, make sure you watch for the other 4 and make sure to watch the last 2. They are kid favorites and are sure to bring some fun and learning into your classroom.

Use the chapter makers to jump to your favorite strategy.

00:00 Intro
01:42 Sound Out
03:08 Shape Fun
05:08 Write, Write, Read
06:37 Breath Box/ Word Ring Combo
08:35 Independent Guided Practice… Is it Possible??? (Get Your Free Sample)
09:38 Chants - The Most Fun and Learning You’ll Have In 30 Seconds

Thanks to:

Other Resources:

Got Games? 60+ Independent (and fun) learning games for K-1 Students- Print and Play-
The Early Finisher Solution -Games & More Learning System for Busy Teachers:
–(Look for your free sample game by clicking the link)--

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Рекомендации по теме

I also write the words ina sentence using the child’s names on a chart paper then give them wikistix to “underline” the sight word in the sentences. They love it.


Too fun, some great ideas if I ever volunteer as a reading tutor. I wish you lived closer ms Angie! 🎵💜🎵👍


Thank you so much mam it's very nice way to reach


My son sees the word and spells it working on getting him to say it
